Sarah Palin is No Mother Teresa

From the moment Sarah Palin announced she was not going to seek the GOP nomination, one question has haunted me. That question is why write? I could devote every waking hour to uncovering and writing about the corruption of, and danger presented by, Rick Perry. Yet, as horrible as he has been as the Governor of Texas, the danger he poses seems less threatening. It is not that he is less threatening to the future of the country, but he seems less dangerous because people are more likely to identify him as corrupt and unworthy. Reporters have already begun to target Rick Perry. Mr. Perry can’t claim they are being “unfair” or “sexist” or play to the sympathy of the electorate because he is the father to at least two girls. He is already falling in the polls, and people seem to be catching on to the willingness of Rick Perry to use his position and power to the detriment of the America that we love.

So why are people still listening to Sarah Palin?  She is not running for any office.  She is essentially irrelevant, isn’t she?   How could she be dangerous if she is not running for office?  Who cares if she is still being paid huge amounts of money to give speeches?  The answer is that she can still be dangerous as long as she is a celebrity, and people fail to know the truth about her.  When “Robert” from Denmark is concerned about her, maybe there is still a danger.  When famous celebrities like Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger are elected to public office we must realize that it is important to understand why people become famous and distinguish between rising to celebrity status and rising to political power.  If we are to elect people to political office we must educate voters to elect leaders who are intelligent, competent, public servants, instead of another celebrity endorsed by Sarah Palin.  It is important that people understand that they should disregard Palin’s opinion regarding any political candidate, because she is not to be trusted.

Sarah Palin is a mother; maybe not of five kids, but at least she’s a mother to three. The image of “MOM” is more sacred than apple pie. While there are certainly exceptions, “mom” personifies all that is good in life. Who loves you more than your mother? Nobody can provide more comfort when you are sick or injured than “mom”. As an adult, the few times I have been unable to get out of bed due to injury or illness, it was not my husband or children that I wished for. It was mom. Only my mom’s presence could provide the comfort that I sought. Even though mom was no longer a viable option to attend to my needs as an adult, I don’t think we ever grow out of our need for “mom” to make us feel better when we are the most vulnerable. We gave Sister Teresa the title of “Mother” because she was a saint who gave her life to others. Sarah Palin and Mother Teresa should never be known by the same title.

Whenever I speak of my children, my husband tells me that I am a “homer,” reminding me that my children can do no wrong, at least in the context of the rest of the world. The image of the “mama grizzly” defending her cubs is one everyone understands. The mama grizzly would give her life without thought for her cubs. When members of society want to express the most vile of attacks, words such as “Mother F*cker” and “ Son of a Bitch” seem to be some of the most popular insults. A mother is the epitome of all that is good, holy, and revered. No matter your religious affiliation, or country of origin, if you are a “mother” you have a special place in heaven.

I realize that it is because Sarah Palin is a mother, and now a grandmother, that I feel compelled to make sure that people see her for who she really is. When she gives a speech and justifies her decision not to run for President by suggesting that she is thinking of her children, I am offended. After she has spent the last three years using and neglecting her children it is appalling to me that people still believe her when she says:

“The goal for my kids is to allow as much normalcy in their lives as we possibly can,”

“Normalcy” for Palin’s kids is riding on a bus, plastered with your mother’s name, with reporters following behind on your “family vacation”;

dancing with the stars;

staring in television reality shows where camera comes into your home and bedroom;

dropping out of school to be home-schooled without a teacher; being a special needs child whose special needs, if met, are only provided by a babysitter; riding in vehicles unrestrained by seat belts or confined by car seats; and missing so much school due to your travel schedule with mom that it is unclear what grade you are in, who your teacher is, and whether you will ever graduate from high school. “Normalcy” for one of the Palin kids is having books written about your mother, and her sexual exploits and drug usage.

“Normalcy” for Piper and Willow is watching your older sister make a living from writing a book about her sexual adventures as a young teen, and watching as mom helped promote that book by attending book signings. . The irony is that the Palin children will NEVER have a “normal” life because Sarah Palin is their mother. The irony is that while espousing her commitment to “normalcy” and being a good mother in Virginia, Sarah Palin was thousands of miles away from her children.

Perhaps her political career is over. She quit her job as Oil & Gas Commissioner and quit her job as Governor. She quit her job as a candidate for President. Long ago she quit her job as a mother but she is still pretending to be a dedicated mother. Sarah Palin has repeatedly established her inability to do what is best for her children. Those who support Sarah Palin might suggest that it is inappropriate for any one to comment on another mother’s approach to mothering. However most mothers who have abandoned, used, and abused their children don’t travel around the country giving speeches about the sacrifices they have made for their kids. It is the audacity of promoting herself as a great mother that compels me to call her out. It is shameful for Sarah Palin to be allowed to continue to promote herself as the embodiment of motherhood. She is a fraud in so many ways, and promoting herself as a mother, concerned about her children, is an offense that remains intolerable.

47 thoughts on “Sarah Palin is No Mother Teresa

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  1. A female bear (of any species), especially one that has had cubs is properly referred to as a “Sow”. Therefore “mamma grizzly” = “sow”.

    I, for one, have always thought of Sarah Palin as a sow.


  2. The only thing Palin hasn’t quit is being a narcissist. I am speculating on three ways she can satisfy her insatiable hunger for adulation:
    1. Get money to endorse a leading GOP candidate and thus do stump speeches that shine the spotlight on her.
    2. Write a book on how “crony capitalism” kept her out of the presidential race and how that makes her a victim of the GOP establishment, D.C. and all the media (including Fox now).
    3. Firm up her residence in AZ so she can run for Sen. Kyl’s seat. After all, if Arizonans elected him, they’d elect anybody…so she’d have a really good shot at getting into the Senate and messing things up within that institution.


    1. BW,
      I know a lot of people have talked about her running in Arizona, but I bet she never runs for political office as it is too difficult, requires a lot of work, and she wouldn’t make enough money at it. Malia


      1. I doubt she will run for Kyl’s seat. The skeletons are still there and despite what people think about AZ, we are not all rednecks. AZ has has it’s share of charlatans in the political arena (name one Governor in the past 30 years that hasn’t had a problem). She’d be put through the ringer if she ran for anything here.

        I’m convinced that at this point she’ll move on to do God’s work through Samaritan’s Purse. Big bucks, luxury travel and attention….that’s what the mama grizzly craves.



      2. Sheesh,
        I agree! I think it would be too boring and not enough money or publicity to be a Senator from Arizona.


      3. I strongly agree with Sheesh. (Although until Nov. 6th, 2012 rolls around I still do not discount the possibility that Granny will dip her toe in the political water every 4 years.) I think she has been “courting” Franklin Graham for some time. A private jet at her disposal, a generous salary, lots of photo-ops. SarahPAC on the side. An occasional book or speech.

        That sounds like a pretty sweet lifestyle for not much work.


    2. The Senate seat requires too much work, knowledge and she’d be a “freshman” Senator and that means that no matter how much Sarah may think she is better than everyone else, the voters do know better. I just saw a poll that talks about what Sarah’s endorsement of a candidate is worth, 71% said it means nothing, 21% says it means a little and 9% have no opinion. Palin is finished although she refuses to believe it or she’s going to ride this out to the bitter end gathering as much $$$ as she can in the meantime.


      1. akrnc,
        That poll should have had another category. They should have asked how many people would view a Palin endorsement as a negative?


  3. Mother Teresa wasn’t all that great of a person either. Read up on how badly she treated her own order’s sisters and the untold misery her church’s policies (which she followed to the letter) unleashed upon the poor she claimed to want to help. Yeah her and Palin can share the same boat. They both did what they did for selfish reasons. Palin’s for glory on earth and MT for glory in heaven.


    1. That’s a wee bit harsh on Mother Teresa. Even Dr. Colette Livermore, who left the Missionaries of Charity after 11 years and wrote critically about the unbending rules and practices of the order, describes Mother Teresa as a woman of integrity. Livermore said Mother Teresa was earnestly following the map she believed God gave her; Livermore came to believe it was the wrong map.

      Palin is a different animal entirely. If she has a God at all, it’s Mammon.


    2. my thoughts exactly – ‘Mother Teresa’ flew in private jets and collected millions that went into her private accounts. The reality is Agnes was a sadist the enjoyed prolonging the suffering of the poor. She adored the rich – she kissed the feet of Duvalier and didn’t mind taking $$ from Charles Keating.

      They are two of a kind – only difference is Agnes is not special needs.


  4. Palin is standing in front of 10.000 women and is outright lying to them.Maybe I’m a little harsh,but if 10.000 women think Palin is a good mother,I would not wan’t any of them to be my mother.”The goal for my kids is to allow as much normalcy in their lives as we possibly can” The words-as we possibly can-tells the hole story,if this is what is possible for Palin she’s not capable of much.She is an insult to my intelligence.


    1. Robert,
      Thanks for your comment. It is frightening to think that she could possible be an inspiration to anybody!


    1. Norma Jean,
      The middle three, Track may be Curtis Menards’ son, and Trig…well Trig…we know the many many questions about his mother and father!


  5. She’s spent a lot longer than three years neglecting and exploiting those children. She is obviously a person who never should have had children. She’s incapable of putting anyone’s needs before her own and that is an absolute requirement for the job of being a Mom.

    I pity all of those kids, even Brisket, her mini-me. Something tells me Piper and a ghostwriter will be writing an Alaskan version of “Mommy Dearest” 15 to 20 years from now.


    1. Barbara,
      Or perhaps sooner than that as it seems there is a possibility of demise much sooner if drugs and mental health are what we believe them to be.


  6. “And yes, you can see Russia from Alaska,” Palin insisted to the crowd at Liberty University. “You really can.”>/i>

    “This country was founded on Biblical principles …” she said. Lynchburg, VA.


  7. Malia, I have never commented here but wanted to express thanks for the words of wisdom and intelligent discourse on very dangerous, fraudulent candidates (even fake wannabe candidates) I find here. The work you do to research your positions is refreshing (so is the logic!). I am so glad your blog proves that not all Texans are rabid, right wing! I have lived in Texas many times over the years (San Antonia, El Paso, and Houston) as an Air Force Brat as well as an adult and I can attest there are quite a few moderate and liberal Texans we just never hear about. I also have a daughter who lives not far from Dallas, married to a Texan – and while she holds to her liberal ideals, at times, being surrounded/immersed in a very Conservative, religious culture creeps into our conversations – it worries me. What encourages me, though, is when I talk about the danger Palin and her ilk represent – she says Palin AND Perry are jokes. Better yet – good things are happening in Austin!


    1. Marleycat,
      Thanks for letting me know you are reading. Rick Perry is extremely corrupt. I have been doing research for some time and I am just working on the first of several posts to disclose the horrible corruption of his administration. I am hopeful that the media will continue to investigate him. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for your support! Malia


      1. Malia – Many thanks from a fellow Texan for all that you are doing to expose Perry’s corruption. There’s an ugly connection between Palin and Mother Teresa through Ana Mendez ( Ferrell) . Ms. Mendez tried to claim something like credit for the deaths of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa. Ms. Mendez is a leader in the New Apostolic Reformation and Third Wave churches. Here’s a link to an excellent article including a video entitled ” Palin, Muthee and Killing Mother Teresa”
        These are very scary people !


  8. While visiting the pee pond, it is amazing how many people say that she isn’t running because her family is being attacked, etc. They were lamenting the fact that we don’t know any of the names of spouses or children of any candidates (not just the ones running now). Why oh why are they picking on her & her family and not other candidates families.

    For some reason they don’t connect the reason that we know all about SP’s family is because SHE put them in the limelight (well used them). She held up Trig and brought him everywhere during the election. Not because she wanted to be near him but because she was exploiting him for votes. Piper was visible all the time too even signing autographs. She used them as a public shield so that people couldn’t pick on her. Who would ask a mother standing there with her kids if she really did a, b, c?

    I will NEVER get rid of the image of Piper (you know on the big bus tour this summer) with the reporter’s hands in front of her, holding her back, so that they could ask S questions. If anyone had done that to my child I would have smacked them down so fast. She was oblivious because it is all about her, not her family.

    The title should be “Sarah Palin is No Mother” 😉


    1. DebinOH,
      That is exactly why it is so hard for me to understand the people who defend her. Regardless of political party and regardless of whether you are republican or democrat, it seems to me that this should be obvious to any parent. ??!!!!!


  9. I suspect Perry may be unelectable,Malia.He has been dropping like a rock in the polls,Unfortunately everyone of the republicans is crazy.Jon Huntsman is the only one that makes any sense and he doesn’t even register on any of the polls.We gotta fight these bastards because if any of them get elected I fear it will be the end of the U.S.


    1. MO Inkslinger,
      I keep thinking that I’ll stop writing about her, and then she does or says something that just requires a response.


      1. I think iwith her failure to run, some of friends may start to let the skeletons out of the closet. I don’t want her to raise her ugly head in a couple of years and try to run.


      2. I think that’s what she is hoping for Malia. Now that she isn’t running, the blogosphere will shut down about her and she can lay low to figure out her next grifting scheme.

        I would caution against that. She isn’t sitting down and shutting up. If Fox renews her contract, we should hold her to the fire just as we have been. She does damage every time she opens her mouth. If the MSM stops reporting on her now, that will be a step in the right direction. Her speech gigs have died down tremendously and I suspect, now that she stated for sure she isn’t running, they will continue to do so.

        To me, that scares me because Sarah is all about the money. What will she dream up next to make sure it still comes in? She’s made a career of being a half-assed politician and now that that’s gone, what will she be able to do? Will Todd go back to work on the slope and she back to the homestead to do some mothering? No, we all know THAT will never happen, so what will she do?


      3. m10690,
        I predict she has a plan and just hasn’t disclosed it yet. Maybe she’s waiting to see if Fox News renews her contract. We’ll find out soon I think


  10. Please, Malia, do not stop writing about Sarah Palin! While many of the other Republicans seeking the presidential nomination also need to have the many onion layers peeled away so we can see who they really are, Sarah Palin is still going to be around causing as much mayhem as she can.

    You are so right that she is, at best, a very poor mother figure. If i had been a governor, with troubled teenagers and a newborn with a serious disability, there is no way that I would have accepted a nomination to run for national public office. A real mother would have said “Thanks but no thanks.”


    1. Beaglemom,
      I agree 100% and it seems that people believe anything she says without looking for the truth. In her own book, America by Heart, it seems the ghost writer agreed and wrote that there is no substitute for quantity of time! I don’t think she read her own book.


  11. Wonderful wonderful wonderful post Malia!! Thank you for calling out Sarah for the fraud that she is, “Sarah Palin was thousands of miles away from her children.” She’s only with her children if they are written into the script and the camera are rolling. She could easily have hired some actors to play the parts of her kids at this point.


  12. Malia, I hope to provide a bit of new life into our community of Palin truth searchers. I’ve joined the ranks of bloggers searching for the truth about Trig, and Tripp and everything that means. Maybe my posts will provide a slightly different approach that might inspire this community of thinkers to continue to share ideas and continue the quest for truth.

    When I read Deer in the Headlights, I became convinced Bristol had Tripp in November 2008. My reasons are enumerated in my first post. My second is devoted to the secret call Sarah made to Levi only a few months ago, something mentioned very stealthily by Levi near the end of his book.

    Please allow me to share the link to The Palin Place blogspot:

    Thanks for all you do.


  13. Her reason for not running is the same as why she quit the Alaska governor job. As a gift to the Republican Party and to America. She would take away cash and credential from a Republican candidate, so she’s bowing out. It just wouldn’t be fair…she’s heroic. : )

    She confirmed this on the Mark Levin Show:
    “I would assume that a third party would just guarantee Obama’s reelection, and that’s the last thing the Republican party can afford. So the consideration for a third party is not there.”

    She’ll be in a better position for “…calling out the wrongheadedness of our leaders leading us down this path,” she added.
    “In the coming weeks,” she wrote, “I will help coordinate strategies to assist in replacing the president, retaking the Senate and maintaining the House.”

    …blah blah blah…


  14. Well, I understand how you feel Malia, because it’s going to take a lot of digesting. And a lot of cleanup from the storm. And I appreciate all the work of the bloggers. I imagine you’ll all be on task to make sure her legacy is one which accurately reflects her as a person, and not one of her own design.

    I have the same feeling you do with the current crop, Perry and the others. They have no power. No real political power, nor charisma, no rock star ability to draw a crowd the way Palin used to. I suppose they’ll eventually have to choose a nominee, they can’t sit out the election. It will likely be Romney. But what’s dangerous, is the power behind these fools. The behind-the-scenes meddling with our lives and our democracy. The battle is not over, it’s just begun. Sarah Palin was very useful to them in the propaganda war, and perhaps in the future she’ll have a role, we’ll see. So don’t “bury your swords” just yet. Or else, like Xena, you’ll only have to dig them back up again, to fight the good fight, sometimes against old foes.


    1. Samantha,
      The republican field is so lame, that I think it will be hard for them to pick a strong contender. I wonder about the future of the ‘GOP with people like Perry, Bachmann and Palin being such visible representatives. Even if I were conservative, I would be embarrassed to have any one of them associated with my party.


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