It’s Really God’s Fault that Palin Hasn’t Decided

Gosh darn it! How long does it take for God to make up his mind whether he wants Sarah to run for President? He’s had plenty of time. Sarah has talked with him often, so he’s had ample opportunity to bring up the subject. What’s wrong with him? Is He scared or intimidated by her? Is he afraid that Todd and his buddies will beat him up?

From the minute the election of 2008 was over, God should have been considering all options. What was he thinking? Tim Pawlenty declared his intention to run in March 2011.That should have been a wake-up call to God, if he wanted Sarah to run. That should have jogged his memory. God knew during the summer that the Undefeated was defeated. Did he speak out then? No! God knew almost one year ago that America by Heart was disappointing. Duh!!! As early as January of this year, God knew that Sarah Palin’s Alaska would not be renewed.  He knew then that her popularity was on the decline, but did we hear a peep out of him? He probably knows that her contract with Fox will not be renewed, so what will she do for money if she doesn’t run?  That’s not like God to leave her hanging!

God must have set-up Sarah Palin for failure when he sent Glen Rice to Alaska.


When he told her to go to the Bar that night that she was dying for a little snort, does anyone think God shouldn’t be held accountable?

When her bus was decorated to be a trademark infringement did God think that He was being subtle?   When God inspired Sarah Palin to re-tell the story of Paul Revere’s historic ride, was he just having a difficult day? What was he thinking?

God must have known that to be seriously considered as a candidate for President of the U.S., that every candidate would be expected to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. It is a requirement, not optional. “Shacke-ly”, “refudiate,” “misunderestimate” and “squirmish” should have each been a red flag that Palin was not a person who would inspire confidence. The Lord said the “the meek shall inherit the earth,” but God knows the difference between “meek” and “ignorant.” Rabbi Akiba said God has a sense of humor, but “President Palin” isn’t funny. Surely God has told Sarah by now that she should not run, but Sarah must think he’ll change his mind. If God was an all-merciful God, he would have put Sarah and the entire country out of our misery long ago.

We have Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry who are all part of “God’s Chosen.” Maybe it’s not so special to be part of the “chosen” if this is the way God treats his favorites. Either God is deceiving us or he has spoken to Sarah Palin and told her she is not equipped to be the President. Either the Holy Spirit has lost his voice trying to send a message to Sarah, or the end is near.

Maybe the signs God has been sending have been messages to the rest of us. Maybe it was a sign from god when Governor Palin quit her job as Governor that she was irresponsible. Perhaps when Sarah said she had been a victim of “Blood Libel” it was a reminder from God that WE had been the victims of Sarah Palin. Maybe when she referred to our “North Korean Allies” it was God’s way of warning us that Sarah Palin was the enemy. When Sarah Palin declared that Ronald Reagan went to college in California, maybe it was God’s way of reminding us that Sarah should go back to school. When she said Trig was born in Anchorage, was it a reminder that God wanted Trig to return to his birth mother. When she wrote on her hand, could that have been a sign from God that we should write her off? When Glenn Beck was fired could that have been a sign that Palin is poison to anyone who associates with her? Palin said when she was tapped by John McCain that it was part of God’s plan. If it was God’s Plan, and McCain lost the election, then God must have been trying to send us a message that we each have to take responsibility for ensuring that our elected officials are the most educated, competent, and capable leaders in the country. Maybe God sent these signs and Sarah is not able to see them. It is our job to make sure that Republicans, Democrats, and Independents see the signs and vote accordingly.

20 thoughts on “It’s Really God’s Fault that Palin Hasn’t Decided

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  1. Commenting on the wife swap party photo is just too easy so I’ll pass but that was ALMOST our Vice President.

    Wonder when she went to the water bra?


  2. Poor God. He doesn’t know which bagger to pick. Of course they all belong in the loonie cell on the fast track to crazy train. Come on people. Years ago these people would have ended up in a mental ward if they said god spoke to them and told them to run. My goodness like Bill Maher said last night even Jesus would have a hard time getting elected in this climate. After all Jesus worried about feeding the poor and we know republicans hate helping the poor. Jesus helps people with help issues and we know the republicans would rather have them die. None of these crazies would get Jesus’ vote either.


  3. How phenominally narcissistic and deranged to believe that God talks to YOU individually. Whether it’s Palin or Bachmann or Perry claiming a direct pipeline to God, it is downright scary.


  4. Malia, a while ago my sister was being questioned about our family going to church and Bristol responded with a comment that must of broke God’s heart.
    Bristol told the world that our family was too busy to go to church.

    Mom had scammed and conned the church to get herself elected mayor and governor and now that mom’s ass got to big for her britches, mom feels she can do it all by herself.

    Money, power and no brains can make a person forget who they really answer to. Someday mom will answer to God.

    I doubt mom gives 10% of what she makes to the church in Wasilla. You are suppose to give to God, but here in the Palin compound mom gets paid first then dad, then the prostitutes, then the cocaine dealers, then the Anchorage Police Dept. That’s why I moved to Los Angeles instead of being home schooled by mom. My brother and sisters always took second place to mom’s ego.


    1. Willow,
      I know the church members must really miss Sarah. Maybe if your mom doesn’t run, but wants some publicity she could go on a witch hunt with Pastor Muthee and could catch a lot of them.I hope you are happy in LA. Be careful about what you call people there because they are a pretty liberal bunch.


    2. I doubt mom gives 10% of what she makes to the church in Wasilla. You are suppose to give to God, but here in the Palin compound mom gets paid first then dad, then the prostitutes, then the cocaine dealers, then the Anchorage Police Dept. ….

      THEN sarah gives her 1% tithe to GOD…thats for helping her BE THE BULLY AND LIAR SHE IS..and prays she can do this for many more years! I pray to our real God she loses every penny and they have to live the life of so many that she could care less about today..those who have lost honest jobs..kinda like yours sarah. But we have no where to run and quickly make another 2 mil a year to talk uneducated on FOX. Some people just have all the luck or right connects. 😉


  5. I’m not a fashion expert, but looking at Palin wearing the black mini skirt I’m wondering should her toe nail polish match her finger nail polish or at least match something on her?

    Sarah looks more like a trailer park hoochie mama looking for a one night stand with a NBA baller than a mother with Christian family values.


      1. Lidia17,
        Yes, I know its photoshopped, but I like it because when I first saw it I thought it was real!


  6. In the 4000 years of history recorded in the Bible, God only spoke to two people directly. Perhaps $arah could claim she is visited by an angel who relays God’s directions for her.

    That worked for others outside the history in the Bible. But isn’t that October rapture deadline happening soon? Maybe that is what she is waiting for.


  7. My 20+ yr old sons think I am nuts and obsessed with you know who.
    So to prove a negative, I emailed them the leather hot pants silk shirt photo.
    Interesting that it’s unbuttoned almost to her navel. I think someone ought to send it to her employer and to Herman Cain.


  8. Yup. You’re right Malia – All that silence coming from heaven doesn’t mean God forgot everyone but sarah. He was just being patient. She put on her “wolf pelt” and went out among all the sheep, she didn’t even recognize herself. She was the real deal “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. God “allowed” her time to be herself. She misread him, as she does not really go to church except for witch doctors to bless her. She didn’t take the time to read that part of her personal non existent bible that would have told her that God was a jealous God and would not be pitted against any old mortal (horrors!) witch doctor! Wow. She really messed up. But God is a patient God. He gave all the rest of us the time to see the “wolf” (not mama grizzly. Wrong animal) among us passing herself off as a sheep. She really misread her God. HE opened that door just a crack and SHOVED her wolf-pelted butt through it. God granted that selfish, spoiled, nagging and whining child her biggest wish(she said prayer): “…just let me plow through that door…”.
    Well, what WAS He to do? Sarah didn’t get it that God is not “partial” when it comes to who worships Him. He HAD to let her know that she was NOT queen Esther. He helped the rest of us in all that silence she has paid no real mind to. God did his part, but sarah seems not to understand that she falls in the “fools, liar and hypocrite” category that God spoke of so clearly. And you reap what you sow. Oh so many lessons for “sister” sarah. Sadly, almost toddler like, she refused to stop repeating, like a stuck record player, “…just let me PLOW through that open door. Ok! says God. “You will be known by your works”. “Plow on daughter!”

    Thank you God for answering prayers. The end.


    1. The only kind of wolf I’d liken her to is a werewolf. I love wolves & know that they’re too honorable to behave like she does. 🙂 Great comment Deennaa!

      Another excellent post Malia! Thanks!


  9. I’ve said it before and I will say it again,God has committed suicide,so you people stop praying,God can’t hear you,start acting on your own!


    1. Malia: I am going to post a small dissertation in response to “Robert”. If I overstep my boundaries in your estimation, I will be quiet evermore and will have deserved your response. This is Your blog and I will always respect that. I hope you can forgive me my inability to NOT respond as I am now going to do. In all the ruinations of religion against true spirituality so prevalent in our times, I cannot be silent when so much disparagement and misrepresentation comes in the faces of us all. I am speaking of the spiritual and not the chaos of religions that engulf most of us. Do I need to do it? Not if what Joe McGinniss believes is true of blogs and bloggers. I just happen to think differently on that and that blogs and bloggers and those who comment DO matter; notwithstanding those who put forth with nonsense with their abusive language and attitude. I know it will be after-the-fact, so I ask in this manner that you forgive me my spiel. If I didn’t believe that we are supposed to learn also from each other, I would remain silent. I know also how it will fall upon jeering and deaf ears. My reply is not for these people. Mainly it is for the mystery person of “Robert”.

      Nobody in human skin will ever be able to tell me to stop praying.

      If you observe closely you might notice that it appears that all humans have an innate inclination to worship something beyond themselves – even if they have to carve it out by their own hands – and they’ve twisted it to suit their thoughts, experiences, and limited beliefs. Didn’t you study history?

      They BEGAN in bowing down to idols of visible materials like stone and wood. Fast forward many millennium to more current human history. Take some examples – start with Papal history if you like, all the Caesar’s of Rome, the kings of Europe, and now the monarch’s, presidents and lower than ever, Celebrities here and everywhere. “Religion-wise”, the modern and dangerous cultists. We humans must have THE VISIBLE to idolize and worship. Something bigger than ourselves. Seemingly bigger. But we HAVE to be able to see them and by sight only, it appears, we live and die. Its that part of our human nature that we apparently NEED something and someone to “worship”. Self-worship and to the extreme.

      As far as I can see (except for the crazed zealot fanatics), whether we are in a state of slavery or democracy (where is that anyway?). each human being has FREE WILL – to choose or not to choose – to believe in God. BTW: human beings in a prison cell still have that INNER freedom to believe or not – to pray or not.

      Humans take away HUMAN RIGHTS. Invisible God just gives you ADVICE. Of course he would know that humans would progress to learning by book. How else to give that advice and moral demands to a total spectrum of human population? We children really really needed that morality advice. Time never changed that. Using my powers of thinking, I can see the realities of amorality. Can’t you?

      And so we did learn by “book” – even before the printing press was invented. Interesting that ALL “religions” have a Book. Again, your choice to take it or not. Being the “clay footed” beings we are/were, misinterpretation settled in from the beginning. For “Christianity”, the “advice” was to “seek, knock, ask and search for “truth”. That wildly interpretable truth. The one that would cover, not just “your” or “my” truth, but the one that would cover every single human being on the planet – throughout time. This was/is not a reasonable edict or piece of advice for “modern” thinkers who revel in self emulation and aggrandizement. No, we must “start acting on our own” and make up whatever the hell we wish and selfishly desire. Key word: for the self. Not for the “others”.

      Not like Jesus. Not at all. Charlatans can perform “magic” and we laud and are mystified, but in our twisted thinking, Jesus was a myth and could not have performed “miracles”. Even though those hypocritical “religious” false religions call Jesus God! Right. I wonder what they thought was going on when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane praying to “abba” THE FATHER? Oh, yeah. Jesus was praying needlessly to himself. The point of this, again, being mankind’s interpretations of what they want to understand. Not of WHAT IS. Jesus could not have been God. That really does not compute.

      Karma is just another way of saying “you reap what you sow. Its elementary and can be visibly corroborated. Taking on “faith” is something everyone does by necessity at all times. As far as that faith goes, its the human beings who wreck that kind of high trust so that it is easy to become “faithless” and make up their own belief system to accommodate their own faithlessness – such as declaring, without an ounce of fact, “God has committed suicide and God can’t hear you”.

      Why would I take that dumb advice to “start acting on my own” when I’ve been given the gift of a brain and given the freedom to already act on my own? Like ALL human beings BORN with a brain.
      The difference is CHOICE. So far, everyone still has that freedom. That reminds me of some words of “advice” in that book so very controversial by human interpretation, that advice to “get knowledge with all your getting…” And again, “shun fools and the stupid lest you be taken down with them…” (paraphrase). Simple but clear advice. Wiser advice still: don’t attack the messenger, but heed the MESSAGE. Clear and wise advice. I made my choice to LISTEN, HEAR, and attempt to discern THE TRUTH.

      I will not tell anyone that God has committed suicide. Evil has been allowed to come in among us all. I am not so arrogant as to believe that underneath all the chaos, violence and gross misinterpretation/misrepresentations, carried out by the human beings who were gifted this beautiful blue ball in space as their home – set just exactly the nth degree from our own planetary sun – that this perfect order of the universe has been desecrated the thinking and actions of cultists, hypocrites, liars, thieves, blasphemer’s and any other clay footed being, imagined or real. There is a God. None of us know this spirit being yet. We only have a visible representation, and from that even we deny. We must have no imagination nor true spirituality. We’ve just got our “religions” that lead us to the conclusions that “God has committed suicide”. I am not surprised that it is ONLY the “human beings” who have put our planet’s destruction square in its target and make life on our “home” now so very fragile in so many many many ways.

      What do you make of a statement that declared “…a thousand years is as a day to God…”? TIME is HIS method of proof for ALL things? And so it is for us – whether we live or die in that time. And we do. Most everything that affects us humans have a denouement or conclusion. A beginning and an ending. Birth and death. Where does that come from? If you can honestly believe you created yourself or humans created themselves, then I say you have a thinking disorder. If you believe that the true order that exists in the universe, air, water and all things needed to support life HERE, and season following season, the variety of all living beings including the myriads of varieties of animals, plants and earth zones – if you believe humans created this and themselves, then I believe you have a serious thinking disorder. God did not commit suicide. Only humans can claim that horrendous act of destruction. You know, we who rule falsely, pray falsely and live falsely.

      If you hadn’t have made such a denigrating, disrespectful and typical comment like “God committed suicide, so you people can stop praying” I wouldn’t have felt the need for this short little dissertation. Watch out what you say. You are not the only human being living here. You did unto me(and loads of others) what I (we) did not do to unto you. Even if I didn’t have a little knowledge of that bible, I could have said the same. Its a proof to me, again, of the Creator’s need to mandate a common human morality. People don’t seem to be naturally nice or inclined to do the right thing. Its seems to be an outgrowth begun at birth and from then on, a stunted human growth pattern.

      BTW: I am not a baptized member of any church, but I am an American Indian (whose history was without that book). We believed in a “Great Spirit”. We loved (do love) the earth and its inhabitants – meant to be here for all. The Great Mystery. We always waited. Observed and took the high moral road of peace. The more we were forced among the greater society of non-Indians, the more we were forced to become wary of that society and its cacophony of beliefs in its growing chaotic system.

      Time is showing the results. THAT time, I am sure, that the God of ALL is allowing, to prove that man cannot live peacefully, safely, intellectually or happily without his spiritual needs being met – that need that drives him to worship that which is neither peaceful, loving, healthy or sane. Why else have “prophecy and prophets from ancient of times? We humans have our “plan B”.

      Prophecy was the Creator’s Plan B. Again, TIME is the crucial ingredient. We know that human’s (especially of the American kind) are not patient nor humble enough to know their own collective behavior. They haven’t “tested any spirits”, but not unlike sarah palin, “plow through any/all doors”, stomping, raving, ranting and bringing down whatever suits them to bring down with no afterthoughts. Just total self-interest and self-justifications.

      Last thought of this overly extended reply to your “God committed suicide” one second sound byte: I can’t see the electricity coursing through its wires of any of my electrical units, but I can see those units operating from that “invisible” electricity. Therefore I have “faith” in that “electrical” ability to operate ALL those units. It only needs MY action to activate its power. MY choice to turn it on. How can God/Creator/Great Spirit HEAR your prayer if YOU aren’t speaking by DELIBERATE choice? FREEDOM OF CHOICE: YOUR special gift. Try not to misuse your special gift by misunderstanding it. Its personal you know…with lasting effects for you, from you, put upon “others”. We Indians believe we are all connected. The circle of life: it extends to, and includes ALL – whether you believe or not. Whether you like it or not. We loved that. It meant peace and harmony for all. We always prayed for “all our relations”. (animals, humans and our mother earth).

      You hurt everyone’s eyes and heart that believes in the spiritual realities of the Great Mystery by that disrespectful dismissing of God and prayer. The Creator does not misrepresent Himself – but humans who claim to represent His Being ARE guilty of doing just that. You may “stumble” many by your public utterance . You who think you are not accountable for this have another thought coming to you. Paramount will be people on both sides of the spectrum from the likes of Sarah Palin to the likes of yourselves who claim “God is dead”. You didn’t start that mantra and you will not end it. But you will, at some point in TIME, be held accountable. Try your freedom of choice to help you out in this.


      1. deennaa,
        I appreciate you time and response. I was out of town this weekend, so it was hard for me to find the time to respond to everyone. I appreciate the help!


  10. The Glenn Rice episode, McGinniss’s book (which is wonderful), losing the election, etc. -Sarah knows that is Beezlebub talking. God loves Sarah Palin. It says so on her screensaver.


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