What is Sarah Palin?

Certainly there has been much speculation about whether Palin is a celebrity or a politician, Trig’s mother or Grandmother, and whether she has a servant’s heart or a serpent’s lower intestine. The answer to these questions may relate to your willingness to believe everything you hear, or your quest for the truth. The question all of us can agree on is “To which political party does Sarah Palin belong?” She has been a registered Republican since 1982. She ran as a Republican in the Mayor’s race and the Governor’s race. She ran with John McCain on the Republican Party ticket in 2008. A common perception is that Palin is a Republican.

As early as February of 2010, Palin was chosen as a leader of the Tea Party movement, and gave the keynote speech at the Tea Party National Convention. One-and-a-half years later she is giving the keynote speech at the Tea Party rally in Waukee Iowa, this Saturday, Sept 3rd. Many speculate that she will use this appearance, and the media attention associated with this event, to make her announcement regarding the 2012 race. So what does it mean if Sarah Palin “announces” her bid for the Presidency? Does this mean she is going to participate in the Republican primary? The answer seems to be “unequivocally maybe.” It appears that she may announce that she is going to run, but she may not declare which party she intends to represent. Is the Tea Party a separate political party, or simply part of the Republican Party?  That is a $100 dollar question.  Logically, Palin  won’t win the Republican nomination. All of the polls show her trailing far behind other Republican candidates. Karl Rove, George Bush and even Barbara Bush have openly demonstrated their disdain for the Empress.  John McCain has been asked repeatedly if he would endorse her, and he has declined. Palin has not participated in the Republican debate, or the Iowa Straw Poll.

However it may not matter to Sarah Palin that she wouldn’t be able to secure the Republican nomination.  Looking back over the last two years, all signs would point to a lack of devotion to the best interests in the GOP. Palin endorsed Sharon Angle of Nevada during the primary race for the GOP senate seat. Sue Lowden was Angle’s opponent in the Republican Primary. Sue had been the Chairwoman of the Nevada Republican Party, and was a Republican state Senator in Nevada.

By endorsing Sharon Angle, the Tea Party candidate, instead of Sue Lowden, Palin prevented Sue Lowden from winning the primary, and paved the way for the victory of Harry Reid in the general election.

Again in Alaska, Palin endorsed Joe Miller instead of the Republican incumbent, Lisa Murkowski. Obviously Palin was not committed to helping the Republican Party, or she would not have endorsed any candidate other than the Republican favorite Lisa Murkowski.

Palin has been quoted many times saying that “contested primaries are good for America’s political process.”  Palin threatened Tea Party candidates when she said “P.S. Everyone I talk to still believes in contested primaries.”

This threat was in direct opposition to the House Republican leader’s efforts to reach a compromise and prevent the disaster that would inevitably follow the failure of Congress to raise the debt ceiling. Laura Ingraham, a conservative, commented:

“But in the end, does it actually advance your cause? And does it advance the cause of fiscal restraint, which I think we all have?”

For the last six months we have wondered if Palin would run for President. Perhaps we should have been asking what is her political party, and whether she would run as the GOP nominee, or the Tea Party candidate? Because she could run as a Tea Party candidate, separate and apart from the Republican candidate, Palin may be a threat even if she fails to win the Republican nomination. History shows that Palin is not adverse to splitting the party as she did in the senate races in Alaska and Nevada. We would be the fools to expect anything different in the 2012 Presidential race.

In support of this theory that Palin will ultimately run as the Tea Party candidate, conservatives4palin has predicted this outcome saying:

“Many prominent political analysts and Republican operatives have expressed skepticism that Palin is seriously considering a presidential bid, since she has not taken many of the steps that candidates traditionally take before jumping into the race, such as signing early-state consultants, contacting key powerbrokers and boosting their travel schedules.

But Palin has a long history of shunning the Republican Party machinery and taking an unconventional approach to campaigns — a mind-set that appears to have been in play throughout the past several months.”

Perhaps it is the GOP that should be most concerned about Palin’s intentions to run in 2012.  Either they don’t know her as well as we do, or they are afraid to admit it.

35 thoughts on “What is Sarah Palin?

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  1. I don’t think the GOP establishment is afraid of Sarah. They have a whole dossier on her that will bring her down as soon as she announces. Plus, she will have to show her financial records, her PAC will have to follow FEC guidelines, and she will have to allow herself to be interviewed everywhere but Fox…no pre-questions. She will also have to debate…this woman cannot sincerely expect to be swept into the White House by bypassing all the hurdles other candidates have to maneuver. I don’t care of she creates her own party; she has to be held accountable at last for her treasonous rants.


    1. Sally,
      You are right of course, but I don’t think she will care if she doesn’t prevail in 2012. She’ll just play the victim again, and she’ll have another year of fame. Think of the money to be made in the next year!


      1. Malia that is what the quitter is all about. She’ll run because she is a celib and it will get her through the next 4 yrs until she finally runs out of people to snucker. If she wins the nomination well that will be good but that really isn’t her point. With the quitter its all about the money. She really isn’t interested in governoring.


      2. AFM,
        I agree and that’s why I think she’ll run as the Tea Party candidate, so that she won’t win. The amazing thing is that the GOP doesn’t seem to get it. She’ll split the conservative vote and do more damage to the GOP than the Democrats could ever do.


    2. Sally –
      I know you are right about the GOP having all of the info on Palin. Just as that fool McCain did in 2008. I hope you are right about using it against her. But – they need to do it real soon. (And – as I have said before – the work has already been done for them by the bloggers.)
      As those of you who follow Grypen on IM know – a book should be coming out soon about the “Trig conspiracy”. If that does not get attention – then people are dumber than I realized.
      She has to be stopped now – not next week or next month.
      She will continue to do her damage until she is exposed.
      I think she could easily go into being a televangalist (sp?) or any other title her idiot followers may choose to call her – but she needs to be diminished and invalidated as much possible.
      If there are mispelled words – sorry – Homework for the grandchildren and dinner are happening now – need to get on with it.
      See you all tomorrow.
      Thank you – Malia – as always for giving us a forum and a safe place to be.


      1. Pat,
        It’s my pleasure! Hey question for everyone. Somebody has asked if I would like to syndicate by blog. Nothing would change and you would be able to read just like always. the only difference is that they would help publicize the articles and the information. I am hoping someone reading will know something about this and give me your advice. The name of the company is Newstex. Anyone know anything about them? Thanks, Malia


  2. I think SP will be a thorn in the side of the Republican party for many years to come.

    Every four years she will pop up with her SarahPAC (if we are to believe AnonAnon she uses at least some of this money for living expenses – shelter, food and child care) saying brightly “Remember Me? Former VP candidate!”


    1. Miss Sunshine,
      The GOP should start their campaign to discredit her, or you are right…she’ll resurface every 4 years.


      1. I disagree with the 4 years. As long as a republican or TP is having an election, she will be there in the front row making waves. Congress has different times that offices expire. There are elections for Congress every 2 years and if someone quits, is removed from office or passes away, there are ‘special’ elections. She will hang onto that Pac forever as a way to support herself, her family and friends.


  3. Palin is neither a Republican nor a Tea Partian, she is an Opportunist. It’s all about HER. $arah would never win in a contested primary, no matter which party she ran with. And by the way, who above the age of 14 adds a “P.S.” to their official correspondence?


    1. karenw729,
      I think you are exactly right. She doesn’t care if she wins, and I think in fact she doesn’t want to win. I think she is only doing this to remain relevant and get more reality shows.


  4. Malia – She is a nothing, a zero and when we all turn our backs on her we will be better off as a nation. The whole GOP – reflects poorly on the American people – with idiotic, Koch-backed governors like Scott Walker of WI and Rick Scott of FL who worship at the altar of money/greed/no taxes/no effective government serving the people, as well as politicians like Gingrich, Bachman, Cantor and Ryan – the US seems to be having a psychotic breakdown of some sort. It is astonishing!

    Vote the GOP out of office whenever and wherever possible and as soon as possible.

    You are doing good work, Malia. I honor you for your integrity, perserverance and dedication to the truth about the Palins.


    1. thomas,
      As always I am glad to hear from you. I feel as if we are about to embark upon a new time in our evolution as we work to make people aware of just who Palin really is, as I fully expect her to announce this weekend. Malia


  5. Malia – The more I think about it, the plutocracy controlling the US wants another George W. Bush, a stupid puppet, only this time they want Xtreme right wing ideology in the package (Bachman, Perry). I think they have had their fling with Mrs. Palin, they used her for her celebrity factor and they have discarded her. Listen to what Karl Rove is saying about her. But the deluded Tea Party extremists are now aligned with the corporatists and they are a force that is difficult to control. Money.Is.Power in the USA. The power/influence/money of men like the Koch brothers and the Club for Growth (“pro-growth”),pro free market, pro freedom (for corporate greed and unrestrained capitalism) cannot be overestimated. Cantor, Ryan and their corporate ass-kissing buddies in Congress are bought and paid for shills. We all know that. Dick Cheney was the prototype for these corporatists. Remember the secret “energy” meetings he held at the beginning of the Bush the Lesser admin. in our White House? If ever there was a vile,secret agenda being plotted against the US middle and working classes that was it, and it was all done right under our very noses at the center of our political institutions in Washington D.C

    My disgust for these people grows to ever increasing heights as time passes. Our only hope is that they will eat their own (see the current Cheney v. Powell/Rice book controversy & the ongoing Rove v Palin feuding). And the Kochs and Dick Armey aligned with Cantor & Ryan and the other “Know-nothings” in Washington – it is – a match made in hell. The American people be damned.


  6. She’s up at the Alaska State Fair, Malia. Hangin’ out in front of the “media center” hoping for recognition and interviews, clutching three phones just in case she gets that call that she’s been tapped for the presidency by the GOP.
    And the fairgrounds are juuuusst nooot big enough to avoid Mercede Johnston coming down the path from the other direction. That’s weird, she looks nothing like in the Playboy photo shoot. Hm.

    But hey, somewhere in Alaska it’s hunting season! Time to load up the kids and the rifles and head for Deadhorse. Um, Glenallen? Oh wait, Paxson. Em, no, Dillingham! Oh no, shucks, the RV/bus is parked in Ohio. I guess we can’t fill the freezer this year…

    I gotta move to another state. Or another country.


    1. guest,
      Just don’t move before the election of 2012. We need as many people from Alaska as possible keeping tabs on Palin


  7. Sadly, what she seems to really be all about is milking it for all it’s worth. She would be an absolute disaster as POTUS. She is ignorant, lacks any dignity or class, and seems to keep trying to cash in on her “rock star” status and looks, which continue to fade. She doesn’t have a clue as to how to solve America’s problems and get people back to work, which is what we REALLY need to get our economy moving forward. She has no real empathy or compassion for the middle class Americans on down. Her family is extremely dysfunctional. While she continues to string her very devoted fans along and keep them contributing to her PAC, we see these people trying to believe in her with all their hearts. Very sad, and cruel, to see. Will she finally come out and have the decency to announce her “decision” about whether or not she will run as POTUS on September 3? We’ll see.


  8. She said if she was going to announce it would be on the Bob and Mark radio show.That’s one of those awful morning shows with the whole shock jock thing except the two assholes that run it are rednecks and palin panty sniffers.They’ve had Piper and Bristol and maybe more from that wretched clan.So unless she doesn’t honor her promises which wouldn’t be a big shock she isn’t announcing anything.I personally don’t believe she will because it would mean she’d have to give up her Fox job which is pretty lucrative for a few hours a month to sit there and screech pot shots at our president.Plus her stupid speaking tours with Glen Beck and just generally fleecing any fool that comes along and wants to waste money on her half baked opinions.Anyway just my take on things.


    1. Neil,
      I know she said that about the Bob and Mark show, but we have seen her lie before. I bet she’ll just give them an interview after she announces. We’ll see this weekend.


  9. Her next big appearance (after sept. 3 tea party event) is with Glenn Beck. After that, her next published appearance is in October – a religious speech that will be broadcast to 1000 evangelical churches nationwide.
    I truly believe that all of this is just a method to sustain her celebrity – she can go the route of another reality show or preacher, and both avenues will bring millions.
    There is no need for her to keep peddling her hate and ignorance in the political arena – but she seems to enjoy riling up the ignorant and creating more division in our Country. She will be remembered in history books as WORSE than Joe McCarthy.


  10. Do you think she will announce as a teabaggot candidate and then subtly (well as subtle as she can be) suggest to the GOP powers that be that for a sizeable compensation package (private jet, yacht, elegant McMansion somewhere that’s all elite-y, and a life time supply of bendy straws: all of them perks, Katie) she’ll withdraw from the campaign on the grounds that Trig is getting death threats from all us liberals who wanted her to abort him (even though few of us living in our fool’s paradise back then knew who she was)?

    Oh no! I just tried to read what I wrote above. I’ve caught the Palin inarticulate germ! I’m beyond all help. Is there a death panel for this to put me out of my misery?


    1. AKinPA,
      Don’t worry its just Palin Derangement Syndrome kicking in…and it happens to all of us at some time. Laughter is the best medicine. Good Luck! Malia


  11. Hello Malia! The answer to your question is “a brainless zero”! However, correct me if I am wrong, but was the location of $arah’s boring diatribe moved from Waukee to Indianola, at the hot air balloon grounds? Supposedly officials decided to change venues due to possible safety and traffic concerns. If this is the case, it would be very apropos for $arah.


  12. If the American taxpayers are willing to pay mom $1 million a year for a couple hours of work per month plus Air Force One and all the bells whistles that comes with the job then my mom would happily accept the position of POTUS.

    I’m not saying that I would hire her, but that is what it would take America to get mom into the oval office.


    1. Willow,
      She is making a lot more than that right now, so I think we’d have to pay her a lot more than that to have the privilege of spending tax payer money to wash her panties. Maybe if we pay her enough she could get them washed every other day?


  13. Malia – PoliticusUsa is reporting on a new CNN poll: 90% (ninety percent!) of Republicans would NOT support a Palin candidacy. That’s very encouraging news, but the next huge worry is Perry. Keep up the great work exposing that weasel!



    1. Heidi3,
      I guess one step at a time. We have to be glad that people are finally seeing Palin for the person she is, but Perry’s numbers indicate we have a lot of education to do about him. We’ll focus on him as soon as we know Palin is not going to run.


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