Glenn Beck Imparts His Wisdom to Sarah Palin

Glenn Beck has insight and wisdom that most of us don’t appreciate. Beck said that “Hurricane Irene is a blessing” and that it is God’s way of telling you “you are not in control.”  Most people would think that the loss of power in over a million homes would not be ideal. They don’t realize that this is a way to save energy. Children were killed from falling trees in North Carolina.. While that might seem tragic to you and me, Beck realizes what we hadn’t thought about. The parents of those children will be able to avoid the painful expense of college tuition that is the natural consequence of the loss of their children.

Sarah Palin could learn valuable lessons from her friend Glenn Beck, the one she wrote about in Time Magazine. Remember, Glenn Beck is the one Palin so aptly described as “America’s professor of common sense” and an “inspiring patriot.” If Palin took time out of her busy tour of Iowa to listen to Beck she could improve her world view. She might not need to talk to God so much, as Glenn Beck already has the wisdom to see that:


1. It is really a good thing that Bristol had a child out of wedlock. Because of the notoriety of Bristol as a teenage mother she has become a dancing phenomenon, has a new elongated chin, and she doesn’t have to become a professional camper.

2. It is really a good thing that Sarah and John lost the election of 2008, because now Sarah can run for President, and if John had won he’d be running for re-election, and she’d have to wait another 4 years.

3. It’s really a good thing that Sarah confused American history by saying that Paul Revere warned the British that the Americans were coming, because it improved Sarah’s chance of meeting Margaret Thatcher.

4. Hurricane Katrina was really a blessing for many Americans as they got a break from their routines, they got extra time off from their jobs, and they were able to vacation to new destinations at the expense of the government.

5.  People think that Joplin Missouri suffered a catastrophe when 116 people were killed by the deadliest tornado to ever hit American soil since the National Weather Service began keeping records 61 years ago.  It was a blessing in disguise because it helped the unemployment rate in Joplin by both creating new jobs, and eliminating people who were unemployed.

6. Children learn by example. It was fortunate that Diana took her child with her while burglarizing a house. Diana’s little girl didn’t know what she wanted to do for a living until she went with her mother to work for career day.

7. Kids learn by doing. When Willow vandalized a house, and avoided being charged with any crime, she learned a valuable lesson. Willow learned which members of the Anchorage Police Department she can count on.

8. It was actually a good thing that Sarah Palin violated the trademark law by using the name “One Nation” on her bus tour, as she wanted to get a new bus wrap anyway.

9. It was actually a good thing that Sarah looked horrible at the motorcycle rally, as it helped the image of Palin as a “real person.” Real people don’t wear hair pieces under their motorcycle helmets.

10. Most people think that the entry of Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann in the Presidential race would be a bad thing for Sarah Palin. However it was actually a blessing because it helped people realize that Sarah Palin is not the only ignorant and corrupt politician running for the highest office in the country.

11. When the National Enquirer broke the story of Todd Palin hanging out with prostitutes, it was actually a good thing for Sarah Palin, because it was God’s way of telling her “you are not in control.”

12. When Trig’s babysitter quit, it was actually a blessing in disguise. It forced Trig to realize that dependency should never be a way of life.

13. As Sarah Palin plans to announce her candidacy for President, she is having to face the reality that she will suffer a temporary loss of income from Fox. The blessing in disguise is that this way she will not be fired from Fox for saying such stupid things.

14. If Sarah should run for President and lose the election, the blessing is that when one door closes, another opens. Sarah Palin has made some valuable allies in North Korea, and she might be able to run for President there.







9 thoughts on “Glenn Beck Imparts His Wisdom to Sarah Palin

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    1. WakeUp America,
      No I just made that up, but to make a point ….Trig knows his babysitter better than his own mom…whoever that may be.


  1. I’m happy that the hurricane did not hit as hard in many areas therefore causing less damage — yet it’s doing damage in areas I don’t believe they expected it to.

    BUT I just have to say that if I hear one more media hack and actually some of the people on the streets they speak to – say that the people are out walking around ‘because they are ‘stir crazy and the kids have to get out’ – I’m going to blow a gasket. It speaks to their parenting skills – the lack thereof – in that they can’t remain in their homes for under 24 hours without unleashing their rugrats into a potential hazard – wires down, trees down, etc.. That parents show their lack of ability to engage kids for less than 24 hours. It’s been since maybe Saturday afternoon to evening from reports I’ve watched and within that timeframe, it was night time and the kids sleep. That adults have no ability to engage themselves inside for under 24 hours. Holy crap. We really do have a lot of IMO stupidity and bad parenting on full display.

    The media hacks of course most have ‘nannies’ and speaks to how they probably should never have had kids in that most of them work, travel and don’t necessarily engage with their kids as much as they let on they do. For them to be saying ‘as parents, you get stir crazy & kids have to go out’. Unfreakinbelievable. The arrogance of the privileged.

    Soap box returned to it’s storage area!!


  2. Hard to believe that there are such ignorant people out there like Beck and Palin! Even harder to believe is that there are some people in America that actually listen to them, and believe what they spew out!

    As 2012 approaches, how critical it is that people in all 50 states really get informed and involved in what is going on throughout America. They need to thoroughly research all facts from CREDIBLE sources, and then vote intelligently. They shouldn’t allow themselves to be manipulated by all this crazy spin that people such as Beck and Palin put out there.


  3. Hurricane Irene is a reminder that science helps us avoid risks, by warning us that the Hurricane is coming. If we accept the belief that we have no control over our lives, there is no point in living. In which case Beck should stop trying so hard and go home and sit on his couch and shut up.


  4. In the end of the matter, Beck should just shut up period. Go away. Let everyone else get a breath of fresh air and a return to sanity. Yeah, what has this country come to: the airwaves full of an insane crybaby and a vicious crybaby pretending to a throne of importance. Both Lunatics. The rest of their cadre of lunatics the same. We DO need to keep this in front row center. Thanks again Malia.


    1. deennaa,
      Thanks for following along on this Sunday evening. I know everyone has a lot to do besides read blogs. Malia


  5. Malia, your have a superb wit, I really appreciate what sometimes is my only sense of relief from the absurdity and at the same deeply troubling state of our current politics…laughter. 2012 could make or break us, I hope we all do our utmost to defy this trend of no nothing bafoons, and self-serving, power obsessed, partisan politicians.



    1. Sue,
      I share your disdain for our entire political system, and find that the only way I can tolerate the craziness is to laugh. Of course the laughter is short-lived and we have to get back to reality but at least laughter provides momentary relief. Thanks for laughing with me! Malia


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