McCain Avoids a Palin Endorsement…Again

As early as December of 2008, McCain was asked whether he would endorse Sarah Palin for President in 2012. At that time, while the wounds were still open and painful, MccCain said he would not necessarily support his former running mate if she chose to run for president.  He specifically stated when asked if Palin could count on his support :

“I can’t say something like that. We’ve got some great other young governors.”

In March 20098 McCain was asked again if he would support Palin in 2012. At that time he said:

“Let’s wait and see.

By February 2011, McCain announced he was not going to endorse anyone for President in the 2012 election.

Just yesterday McCain appeared on “Face the Nation”and was asked once again if he would endorse Sarah Palin. Instead of answering the question, McCain described her as being “formidable.” He also gratuitously mentioned that Rudy Giulani might also run and that he too would be a “formidable” candidate.

By refusing once again to endorse Sarah Palin, it is clear that the leader of the Republican Party who knows her best has refused to endorse her. This is particularly revealing because by refusing to endorse her, McCain is admitting that he made a mistake in 2008. Obviously he doesn’t want the GOP to make the same mistake again.

20 thoughts on “McCain Avoids a Palin Endorsement…Again

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  1. McCain will not endorse his vp pick, Palin, for president.

    Even though Palin endorsed Joe Miller of Alaska for senator, when Joe Miller was asked is Sarah Palin qualified to be President he said, ” I DON’T KNOW IF SHE IS.” and that pissed Tawd off.

    How come people who worked with or know Sarah won’t endorse her?

    I wonder if Track Palin would endorse that woman, Sarah Palin, for president?


  2. I wouldn’t call that an “admittance” of his colossal mistake with the worse decision made within his whole political career.
    Let’s face facts here. Within days to the first few weeks of his announcement of her as his choice of running mate for VP, that many within & without of the GOP were calling for him to remove & replace her because 1- she wasn’t up to snuff [which Alaskans knew but Bill Kristol & Fred Barnes didn’t know & let their penis speak for them.] And 2- she was poision for the Nation.
    So If he truly wanted to ever redeem himself politically wise to every American citizen for he massive error-in-judgement, then he would just own it for once.
    Let him truly put his cards on the table. John should just confess since it may be good for his soul as the old adage goes.
    Seriously, if John finally did man-up and admit that she just doesn’t have “it” then so be it. Put it out there and let’s be done with her.
    But if he ever did, we all know PAYme PAYlin would be crying the dry-eyed perpetual victim cry.


    1. GypsyGirl,
      I’m sure that she would try to play the victim. McCain is old enough that he will probably not live through his term in the Senate. He owes it to the country, and to his party, to endorse the candidate that he thinks would best serve the country, and you can bet it won’t be Palin


  3. I don’t know…calling her ‘formidable’ is pretty high praise from McCain. Of course, he put her in the same category as noun/verb/9/11, so maybe it was damning praise. Who knows what goes through McCain’s withering brain any more. He needs to retire.


  4. Faux “war hero” McCain (he knew damn well he couldn’t come home early– his daddy would have beat him worse than the VC) was

    1) too cowardly to stand up to the far right of his party and pick Lieberman like he wanted
    2) too wimpy to rein in his rogue running mate and her fomenting of racial hatred
    3) too pouty to try and help Obama bring the country together after the election

    No surprise that, three years later, he’s still too weak and pathetic to apologize to America for unleashing that nuclear nincompoop on our political stage.

    Vain, spineless and useless– John McCain.


  5. What I think of John McCain is inappropriate to be shared in polite company. In light of the major transition currently underway in Libya, McCain continues to serve up his duplicitous and bitter commentary….what a remarkably sore loser, such a rancorous petty man.


  6. Too bad he doesn’t have the ‘balls’ to admit and apologize for unleashing her on the citizens of the U.S. — on the world.

    He once had the respect of many.

    Now – Zip – Nada – Crickets. Deservedly so.


  7. Mccain needs to manup, admit he SCREWED up when he let himself get talked into including paylin on the ticket. He needs to APOLOGIZE to the nation, not that it would reverse the holy hell he and his ~advisors~ unleashed on us, the very least he could do would be to finally be apologetic and contrite.

    He’s not got the backbone or the cajones to admit such gross error in judgement, which then implies that he has probably outlived his ability to represent anyone in any competent way.

    Term limits, as has been mentioned are a good idea.


  8. I will never forgive him for foisting that inarticulate hate-mongerer on my country. On another topic has anyone else been able to go to politicusUSA lately? I can’t link it here nor by typing it in or even get to it through google.
    Just keep getting a message “appears this link is broken”….


  9. O/T – In case you’ve missed this, here is a video of bumbling Rick Perry on the subject of abstinence.

    I have no words. I sat dumbfounded listening to this. Seriously, I have no words. I have to leave the ‘words’ to the ‘Wordsmith’ Malia on this one!!!

    I also suggest that you close your eyes for a few seconds to just listen — Who do you hear?

    Oh yea!! IMO — Looks too!! Oh please – go away – far, far, away!!!

    Found words — Dumber than a Rock!! LOL


    1. de,
      Thanks for the link. I just posted it with an article. You can tell I was tired and needed a good laugh tonight. Perry looks so foolish, its hard to imagine he and Palin in a debate. It might be hard to tell the difference between a SNL skit, and the actual debate! Thanks for sending this. Malia


  10. …”McCain is admitting that he made a mistake in 2008. Obviously he doesn’t want the GOP to make the same mistake again.”

    Maybe, but inserting Guiliani into the mix is no less egregious on McCain’s part. Rudy has NO claim to fame other than being in a hot spot that everyone remembers. He did NOTHING during the 9/11 crisis to commend him as a presidential candidate so McCain’s mention of him is both gratuitous and deflecting, but demonstrates that McCain would name ANYONE in order to duck on the question of Palin.


    1. BW,
      I think you are right. I also wonder if he purposefully put her in the same category as Guiliani on purpose as he knew Guiliani would never get elected.


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