What’s Wrong With These Pictures?

I love the notion articulated by United States Supreme Court Justice Stewart in the case of Jacobellis v. Ohio that “I KNOW IT WHEN I SEE IT.”  That was a case involving obscenity and the Justice was explaining that it was difficult or impossible to articulate a definition for obscenity. Justice Stewart was praised for his “candor” and his “realistic and gallant” admission that there are just some things that we know when we see them, that they are very wrong. It may be hard to find words that sufficiently describe the visceral reaction people might have to a photograph or film.

Make no mistake, I am not suggesting or even implying that pictures of Michele and Marcus Bachmann from the Iowa state fair this weekend are obscene. They are NOT obscene. Yet, the reaction you may have to them may be similar to the notion that when you see them you know something is wrong.   Something is terribly wrong with a candidate for President who appears at a highly publicized event, with 800 reporters, knowing that her every move will be photographed, and puts herself in a position to have these types of photographs taken of her.

After all the publicity associated with Marcus, his sexual preferences, and his pray-away the gay clinic, why would Michelle and Marcus make a public spectacle of themselves with corny dogs?

Does anyone think this is an accident?  If you do remember Michele Bachmann’s reference to mud wrestling between Sarah Palin and herself? Remember when she said:

” They want to see two girls come together and have a mud wrestling fight, and I am not going to give that to them,”  when asked by a voter who asked about her relationship with the former Alaska Governor.

 Something is terribly wrong with the image of the President and the First Dude of the United States looking like this.

41 thoughts on “What’s Wrong With These Pictures?

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  1. Malia, there’s a fantastic photo from the debate that adds another dimension (pun intended) to the Bachmann campaign. It is all of the candidates standing in a semi circle, no lecterns, before the debate. Bachmann is wearing major high heels, but she still looks like a little kid who wandered on the set. If you look at that photo, then the photo of her behind the lectern, it’s clear she is standing on a box to appear as tall as the others. I’m surprised her colonies (as in bats) haven’t torn into the debate photographer for that shorty photo. It’s probably why she avoids Palin who is quite a bit taller.


  2. You didn’t unravel the mystery one bit Malia and I can’t either. It’s probably going to take a professional shrink to do that. I would like to know though if it was the Bachman’s own idea or was it their handlers’ idea.

    My best guess is that it represents in some way their repressed sexuality in public and they are demonstrating, or trying to demonstrate that they are sexually liberated in private. So even though the religious right won’t let it be known that they are for sexual liberation, they are as much as anyone. Perhaps even moreso and this is an attempt to display that in public. I think it will play very well for their audience.

    Now don’t get me wrong on the sexual habits of the Bachmans. I would imagine they have a circle of friends that take part in bisexual orgies and two on ones. Like, Michele being the one with Marcus looking on from the sidelines as he’s getting an oil change from another man.

    Why? Because when one of the religious right is outed, as so many of them have been, we don’t see normal or should I say one on one straight dalliances from their marriages. We see demonstrations of the sort that Haggart put on for our entertainment or we hear of Mark Foley type deviations.

    Could this be to deliberately pique our imaginations so we start imagining what the Bachmans are doing in private? Or at least as private as their sex lives get? I mean, how private can a group be?

    So now what are you further views on this display? You can’t leave us high and dry wondering what you are thinking. Good topic!


    1. Michael,
      I don’t pretend to know what all of this means, and I don’t want to know, and I surely don’t want to write about it. The only thing I will say is that I predict that Michele Bachmann PLANNED to pose for these pictures. She didn’t buy a corny dog at the fair just because she liked corny dogs. I think that the pictures of she and Marcus with Corny dogs at the fair, and Marcus giving some random woman a long wet one, was purposeful. Most politicians would be afraid to eat anything for fear of dropping mustard or ketchup on their clothes. There is no mystery about the image of someone eating a corny dog. In fact, I can’t think of anything more commonly associated with oral sex than eating a corn dog. There is a good reason that we have never seen a picture of Monica Lewinsky eating a corny dog …and I don’t think it is because she just doesn’t like fried food.


      1. Malia,

        That picture of Marcus “assaulting” the woman, trying to show his “manhood” is one of the grossest things I’ve ever seen. It’s beyond obscene in my opinion. Even if he IS hetero (Ha!) to do something like that is so wildly inappropriate I don’t have words for it. Yuck!


    2. Does anyone remember that creepy interview that Ted Haggard gave where he extolled the torrid, piping hot sex lives of evangelistidiotics? Not sure if it was before or after his awakening but what I most recall is the glazing over of his eyes and the saliva gathering in the sides of his mouth. It’s an ewww moment but I’m sure someone around here might recall it as well.


  3. I just found it disgusting. As I do her. And Marcus. And anyone claiming to be Christian while demonizing the poor, gutting education for all, and against the very-Christian idea of a healthy country. Disgusting. Lying. Hypocrites.


  4. Malia, I think it’s adorable that you call them corny dogs. ^_^ It’s so much more fun than just the usual ‘corn dog’.


  5. You forgot to include the photo of Michele Bachmann mouth-kissing President George Bush at the State of the Union speech (where he tried to get away from her, and she kept persisting, showing a degree of physical display that was overtly sexual, not merely innocent and friendly).


  6. The picture of Mr. B kissing that woman (who seemed to enjoy it considering she was embracing his head) was so vile I was at a loss for words. Is this part of the Republican Family Values, making everyone part of their sexual family? This wasn’t a “friendly kiss.” If my husband kissed another woman like that, I’d kick him in the balls. These two people are really mis-using their 22 minutes of fame.


    1. Murky – That picture is disgusting on sooooo many levels. I can’t even imagine ANYONE doing that to a stranger – YUCK!


  7. I have never heard them called “corny” dogs ever! How funny is that?

    I have no words for the photos. These two are just so odd. I think (no, I know) I dislike them as much as I dislike S & T Palin. The only difference is that one of the men is praying away the gay and the other is trying to get people fired. They are a group of bizarre people that is for sure.


  8. the Bachmanns have a very strange relationship – I can’t tell you how many pictures there are of her sitting on his lap. Google Bachmann family. Who does that? Is he really her daddy?


    1. DisGusted,
      I have seen those pictures, and thought they were creepy, but was hesitant to say anything. When I saw these today, it was sooo obvious, that I couldn’t stay quiet! Malia


  9. “Something is terribly wrong with a candidate for President who appears at a highly publicized event, with 800 reporters, knowing that her every move will be photographed, and puts herself in a position to have these types of photographs taken of her.”

    YOU BET something is terribly wrong here. She has taken to $P attention tricks, knowing full well that being photographed eating and holding something that looks like a phallus is going to draw all sorts of negative comments and attention. She is a radical crazy woman who needs heavy-duty therapy. Instead, she is running a presidential campaign and being photographed at a state fair appearing as a fellatrix (of corn dogs).

    It is disgusting and nauseating. Her husband is a total creep to the zillionth power. She is an idiot, and if questioned about these various photos (if anyone dares) she will either skip over the question and talk about something else or act innocent and play the victim. (More $P techniques)

    What the rethugs have sunk to!.


  10. Malia –
    Couple of things –
    Have you seen the video of Sean Hannity asking people at the fair the other day if they wanted Palin to run? He did not get the response he expected.
    Also – Karl Rove is cautioning the TP’ers and Repubs not to go too far to the right – on HP. I think it is a bit late, Karl.
    Hi MurkyWaters


  11. On top of the sheer stupidity of getting withiin 100 yards of any phallus-shaped food, much less deep-throating it, Bachmann is surely violating health codes by putting her already-been-chewed dog under the mustard pump for another dollop. Ewwwww!


  12. michele bachmann is being brought forward so rick perry looks good by comparison – it’s called “the contrast effect.”


    1. mistah charley, ph.d.,
      The only problem may be that if Bachmann and Perry appear together, Rick and Marcus might get to know each other a little better, and that could be a problem for both Perry and Bachmann. There might be a question about whether they were each praying hard enough.


      1. Naughty, naughty Malia. You’re suggesting that Marcus is a ******** and he would try to get into Perry’s pants. You really are getting a little risque now!


      2. Michael,
        I certainly don’t have personal knowledge of the sexual preferences of either, but they both have suggested that homosexuals can simply pray away characteristics they were born with, and I know what Jon Stewart thinks of Marcus Bachmann, and I know there have been rumors in Texas about Perry paying off his wife to be quiet, and I know that someone on Perry’s staff, or Perry him self went to the La Te Da cabaret in Florida and claimed it as a business expense (don’t worry I’ll be doing a post about this story). I love the movie the Birdcage, but I don’t think Perry admits to loving the movie.


    1. Star,
      Yes, just imagine the comments that would be made if it was Michelle Obama doing any of the things Bachmann or Palin have done…or if Sacha or Malia had done ANY of the things Palin’s kids have done.


  13. great story Malia, thank you for your time and devotion to outing the absurd,
    fascists in our midst, and those running for high office


  14. Oh balls, she pulled a boner. I know some would say she can’t cut the mustard, but frankly I think they are nuts as the bigger question is did she swallow?

    Either way, she’s got my vote.


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