Sarah Palin Has “No Worries”

Sarah Palin isn’t a politician because she quit. She is worth millions of dollars, so she will have financial security for the rest of her life. She hasn’t declared that she is running for President, and she doesn’t have to. She doesn’t have to worry about missing her plane because her plane can’t leave without her. She doesn’t have to worry if her underwear is dirty, because somebody else will wash them. The Anchorage Police and the Alaska Attorney General are at her beck and call. Maybe that is why she says “nothing worries me at this point.”  It must be the rest of us who are worried.

If Sarah was a dedicated mother she might be worried that:1) Trig didn’t get enough attention, 2) Piper had missed so much school that she’d never make it up, 3) that Willow was done with her education as she dropped out of school and nobody was at home to ‘home school” her, 4) that naked pictures of Bristol were circulating, and 5)that Track was now married, with a child, and had no job and no college degree. If she was concerned with the future of the country, she might worry that 1)we are in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930’s, 2) unemployment is at the highest level in decades,  3) Soldiers are dying in Afganistan  4) the National weather service put 18 states on a “heat warning” and people are dying because of the heat, 5) the educational standards in the United States are at an all time low, and there is no end in sight, and 6) the United States is not energy independent.

While the other Presidential candidates are worrying about their campaigns, Sarah Palin is worrying about which hairdo to choose in her new reality show Big Hair.

It is precisely because the priorities of the Empress are not those of America, that she should never hold any position of leadership or authority. When Bobby McFerrin sang his song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” he probably inended to reach people taking advantage of the medicinal benefits of cannabis, but NOT a potential Presidential contender.

9 thoughts on “Sarah Palin Has “No Worries”

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  1. Why worry when you have your own private slush fund, (SarahPAC), that the lunatic fringe keeps nicely topped up when Queen Sarah demands donations?

    Why worry when you and your train wreck of a family can command high prices to appear on “reality” tv shows?

    Why should she care that Willow and Piper are receiving absolutely no education? Look how well Bristol has parlayed getting knocked up into a tidy little fortune any 21 year old in this economy would envy.

    If I didn’t belive in a lawful universe and karma I’d be too dpressed to get out of bed in the morning with the horrific damage Palin and her teabaggers have inflicted on this country.


  2. Oh yeah…I forgot to say I vote for hairdo Number 2, the Bozo look. It suits Sarah’s I.Q. and takes into account her Adderall-induced hair loss.


  3. Malia, something about the way you outlined Sarah’s lack of worries really drove home a point for me. As you’ve described, all evidence indicates that SP is truly not exerting herself to plan, to prepare for her children’s futures.

    Given that, why on earth would anyone trust her with the future of our country, our children?

    (Certainly, I never have! But laying it out like this could really discredit her among any of her fans who aren’t completely delusional…)


    1. NSG,
      That was exactly what motivated me to begin this journey…writing books and doing the blog. I felt that I could never explain to my kids why I didn’t do everything in my power to keep someone so dangerous from running their country. Thanks for understanding!


  4. You are doing a great job Malia..I look forward to you everyday..and it is done with humor not with hate..keep on keeping up !!! ;))


    1. clazyrady,
      Thanks for the vote of confidence. If she declares she is running, we will all need to keep laughing because it will be a painful experience over the next 6 months! Malia


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