Sarah Palin is Focused on Her Future, Not the Country’s

Make no mistake. The vote on raising the debt ceiling was all about politics and had nothing to do with solving the debt crisis. After all the votes were counted the politicians agreed that we could not afford to default on our obligations, but virtually no progress was made in addressing the national debt.  Politicians were not willing to make the hard decisions that would move us toward solving the ever-expanding unsustainable debt. Republicans were committed to not increasing taxes. They recognized that higher taxes would increase revenue and help reduce the deficit, but their financial supporters would be the ones affected, and thus would likely not support their re-election. Democrats were committed to ensuring that no cuts were made to Social Security and Medicaid. While they recognized that these types of cuts would decrease spending and help reduce the deficit, supporters of Democratic candidates would be directly affected, and thus would likely not turn out to vote in the next election. President Obama was focused on the potential devastating effect of a default so he was in favor of the proposal that had the fewest conditions and would simply allow the government to meet it’s existing obligations.

This “deal” only results in cuts to the budget of $21 Billion which is less than 1% of the $3.7 trillion federal budget. Most of the cuts don’t start to apply until after the next election, more than one year from now.

The bulk of the projected $2.1 trillion or more of cuts does not start kicking in until after the next election when a future Congress and president could choose to rewrite the plan.

Thus the politicians have protected themselves once again from the potential wrath of voters, unhappy about having to pay more in tax, and those who would be affected by cuts to their social security and Medicaid. It appears that graduate students who rely on student loans are the only ones truly affected, and the cuts to their aid will not go to reduce the deficit, but instead the money generated by cuts to their support will cover a $17 Billion increase in student loan programs for undergraduates.

At a time when unemployment is soaring, we are devoting more resources to educating more students in psychology, philosophy, sociology, and political science, at the undergraduate level instead of allowing graduate students to finish their degrees which might allow them to become job creators, or world class scientists.  How can the United States regain its position as a leader in the world if we are no longer educating graduate students in areas of science and technology?  Does anyone think that the leaders of the future will have bachelors degrees in political science?   At a time when unemployment is at a record high, for us to cut any funding for student loans, graduate or undergraduate, seems likely to be the one area that should not be touched. However graduate students are a relatively small part of the population as compared to those who would pay higher taxes or be affected by cuts to social security or Medicaid. Thus politicians have compromised. Neither Republicans or Democrats have done the necessary to plan for future solutions, but instead are focused on what they perceive to be in their best interest through the next election cycle.

Sarah Palin did yet another interview with Greta Van Sustern on Fox News last night. Sarah Palin is the celebrity who was NOT in favor of raising the debt ceiling. However when the vote was taken and Congress approved an increase to the debt ceiling, Palin declared this a “victory”.

It was like declaring yourself “undefeated” when you were defeated. It was like saying you were “vindicated” when an ethics committee found you to have acted unethically.

In the relatively short interview Sarah Palin and Greta Van Sustern used the name “Tea Pary” or “Tea Party Patriots” at least 10 times. It seems obvious that Palin is focused on her campaign as a Tea Party candidate and little else. She failed to present any ideas about solving the debt crisis, but instead focused on the Tea Party. She failed to mention any politician who had worked to solve this potential threat through negotiation and compromise. While the nation is consumed with concern for our economic future viability, Sarah Palin is consumed with concern for her future political viability.

19 thoughts on “Sarah Palin is Focused on Her Future, Not the Country’s

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  1. Thank you for bringing up these clips. I did watch the latest interview with Greta, albeit painfully, and it seemed as though she is trying to morph herself into a Bachmann-lookalike? This woman is still spouting the same crap in the same way as she has been doing for two years now, and sounding like a broken record. It feels like she is even boring herself as she speaks. Please, please, let her go away in September.


    1. Murky Waters
      I am not sure who she thinks she looks like. That appears to be her mindset…look more like a President, and maybe she’ll get elected? I see a post coming on Presidential appearances.


  2. There is a positive aspect to this setup. Gryphen’s Immoral Minority recently posted info on a new “Babygate” book that will be out in September. If Palin is hooked up to the Tea Party by then, it will cripple both the candidate and this leaderless party. This new book is not just about Palin. The author is attacking the laziness, gullibility, and timidity of the media.

    With Murdoch on the run, and reporters feeling less threatened, this may be ideal timing. It may get us back to real political investigation and reporting, not just stories about bugs in buffet restaurants and drunk rich kids.


  3. This morning Fox was showing Reid’s comments before the vote, in which he expressed concern about the Tea Party’s interference in the talks. The Fox host (I refuse to watch enough to call them by name!) said he found it interesting that a man who ‘barely won’ in November against a Tea Party candidate could stand there and criticize the Tea Party. Hmmm, a 7% gap in vote totals is pretty definitive, I’d say. But hey, until Murdoch is locked up, Fox will continue to state “facts” that suit their agenda. Just like Sarah. She lies. They lie. The entire GOP is delusional or just pathological.


    1. Sarah Palin has a serpent’s heart,
      BUSTED!!! I think it was closer to 2:10 but I listened to it twice and think you are exactly right! How embarrassing for her.


  4. Don’t you love the idea of Palin running as a TP candidate and splitting the GOP vote? Have at it, sister. Can’t wait to see you lose.

    Of course the down side of her doing that is the increasing divisiveness she will cause inside of Amerikuh.


  5. Palin truly is a “joke.” A hate-filled (especially towards our President Obama) woman that lacks intelligence, dignity and class, and doesn’t have a clue as to what it would take to create jobs and get our economy going again. She relies on immature, mean school girl attacks on anyone that dares to oppose her.

    For intelligent people out in America, they realize that this type of “politician” would only go on to DC and create chaos and division, and so go on to destroy our great country from within. We have already seen way too much of this from the Tea Party for the last couple of months, as we have seen that they are willing to even take our great country down, while stubbornly getting out there and trying to promote their own selfish, ignorant agenda, and trying to “bully” their agenda across by being hateful, loud, totally obnoxious and despicable.

    Is there still anyone out in America today that actually thinks this woman, with all her baggage, would make a good POTUS?!?


    1. A lot of people I talk to are ANGRY, concerned grandma, and I totally agree with you. As for $P, I can no longer bear to watch her; the channel is switched immediately. She has nothing of value to say or offer, and gaffe after gaffe she doesn’t get how ill-equipped she is. President? I’ve said on another blog, if that’s the best “they” have to offer then “they” might as well run Larry The Cable Guy.


  6. First, she was reading off a teleprompter which should make the tea bags proud.

    As you noted she did not, nor does she ever produce an alternative plan. She never does. And while campaigning, she will strike out at others without saying what she will do.

    The tea party was suckered just like everyone else. Palin included. Palin and her nemesis Bachmann both wanted default. Would I elect them? No


    1. Shiva,
      i think America is catching on and the american people, …I hope…would never elect her…or go to her movie.


  7. Once again she looks and sounds like she’s under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs in this clip. Her family really needs to plan an intervention before she strips off her clothing and runs out of her studio with her hair on fire whilst greta interviews her. I read somewhere she won’t appear on Billo’s show anymore. No surprise he loves to smirk as he toys with the 1/2 wit. It’s like shootin’ fish in a barrel to get the airhead all flustered by asking her those got cha questions. Good news, I just returned from western NY visiting the hard core republican in-laws. They now just roll their eyes at the mention of palin. Keep in my mind these folks made a half assed attempt to defend Carl Palladino, the Buffalo thug running for gov of NY. When my in-laws throw palin under the bus, kick her scrawny ass to the curb she is officially done for. Bye bye sarah, never forget you reap what you sow you hateful bitch.


    1. jcinco,
      My mom falls into the same category as your in-laws.. Even my mom who didn’t understand why I was so passionate about making sure Palin never got to the White House, now has lost all respect for her.


  8. On Hannity, Palin Holy shit, she brought up Ayers. She was not happy with poor old Romney.
    AND she licked her fingers TWICE and held it up in the air.
    Not Presidential AT ALL! So Jersey shore.
    For sure i can bet my $ she is not running for any office, she is going to rally for her twin sis Bachmann!!!
    And her hair gosh! Beehive salon pl. help her!


  9. “If we were really domestic terrorists, shoot, President Obama would be wanting to pal around with us wouldn’t he? I mean he didn’t have a problem with paling around with Bill Ayers back in the day when he kicked off his political career in Bill Ayers apartment, and shaking hands with Chavez and saying he doesn’t need any preconditions with meeting dictators or wanting to read US Miranda rights to alleged suspected foreign terrorists. No if we were real domestic terrorists I think President Obama wouldn’t have a problem with us.”

    – Sarah Palin


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