The Undefeated is Gone; It’s Over; the End is Here.

THERE ARE NO MOVIE TIMES AVAILABLE ANYWHERE FOR THE UNDEFEATED!  No AMC theater ANYWHERE is showing the film.  Like the Governor in 2009, the movie has gone missing.  It took Sarah Palin a couple of years to resign but her movie only lasted a couple of weeks.

As of this today, July 30, 2011, the movie the Undefeated is over, done, annihilated, beaten, destroyed, embarrassed,  shellacked, trashed, trounced, vanquished;  it has been decimated.  It  was a huge failure.  Victory Film Group is not victorious, and will never be.  Even with DVD sales, we can now predict that they will lose over half-a-million dollars on this project.  Sarah Palin has lost face.

AMC has a web site to assist customers who want to find a movie that might be difficult to locate. Sarah Palin’s movie, the Undefeated, isn’t just hard to find.  It’s totally gone, absent, unavailable.  It’s not available in ANY AMC theater! Here is the web site. There is a tab for movies “now playing” which explains that “If it’s playing at an AMC theatre, you’ll find it here.”  On page 6 you can click on Sarah Palin’s movie and this is what is reported in bright red letters:



The Undefeated: Sarah Palin Documentary

on Saturday, July 30th …”

In the space of two weeks the Undefeated has been DEFEATED. If she can’t make it in the theater longer than two weeks, she probably can’t make it on the campaign trail any longer. Especially because the 10 markets were specifically chosen to appeal to her fans, the failure of the movie is a powerful sign that she is a failure. The defeat is palpable. HURRAY!


UPDATE: aT 12:49 Central Time

In response to this article, I received this information:


According to the movie’s own website it’s only being shown in FOUR theaters:

Looks like all the original theaters wanted their screens back so that they could offer more showtimes for “Smurfs.”

I have followed up to try to confirm that the movies are really showing at these 4 theaters.  I have twice called the AMC hotline for the corporate office, and left my name and number and have not had my calls returned.  I have called the individual 4 theaters to find out what their ticket sales have been.  I was unable to get any information from two of the 4 theaters.  I did get the following information:

1.  Will from the N. Woods Stadium 13 in North Charleston confirmed the Undefeated opened in their theater yesterday.  He was unable to provide any information regarding ticket sales yesterday.  Today as of 12:19  Central Time they had sold 6 tickets.

2.  Doug from the Newport theater in Kentucky confirmed that they sold a total of 44 tickets yesterday on the opening day which were spread out between 6 shows, so they sold an average of 7 tickets per show on the opening day.  Today they had sold 21 tickets for two shows, or an average of 10 per show.



UPDTE as of 1:10 Central Time

Ryan from the corporate office of AMC returned my call and confirmed that the Undefeated is playing in two AMC theaters this weekend.  They have only agreed to feature the movie through Thurs., August 4th.  The movie is in an AMC  theater in New Port Kentucky and in Columbus Ohio.  He confirmed that AMC no longer has an exclusivity agreement in place so if the movie was showing in other theaters he would not have that information.  He was unwilling to share any information about ticket sales in the two AMC theatres.

From this we can conclude that the movie has been pulled from the original 10 theaters, and that the 4 theaters where it opened yesterday have had a pathetic response.  However I stand corrected.  It is evidently still in 4 theaters nation-wide.

51 thoughts on “The Undefeated is Gone; It’s Over; the End is Here.

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  1. There are still quite a few morons out there that believe palin is the bomb.But hopefully this is the beginning of the end for this horrid woman who I still think should be charged with treason.She’s most certainly as unAmerican as I’ve seen in my 62 years on this earth.


  2. inmylife 2 minutes ago
    O/T – Could someone please let Malia Litman know that The Undefeated is still playing? Preferably by DM. She just put up a new post saying it’s gone and I’m unable to comment for some reason. I don’t want the bots to pounce!

    Posting this for inmylife


    1. juicyfruityy,
      I was careful to report what I did and the basis of my information. I have posted two updates to confirm the additional information I have gotten. If I were a bot I wouldn’t be too proud of the sales at the other four theaters and it sounds like it will be out of those theaters by this Thurs. Malia


      1. juicyfruityy was posting for me because I had no comment box at the time. I know you are careful with facts and am thrilled you got such pathetic new information!


      2. inmylife,
        Thanks for the information! I try hard to be accurate, and that is the reason I posted the updates, so that everyone knows what I know. Thanks, Malia


  3. Ding Dong the witch is gone, the witch is done, the witch is done. Ding Dong the wicked witch is gone.

    Too bad she can’t take MB down with her even though MB is her own worst enemy as well. Do you think the bots will support her now that their witch is done?

    Is it really wrong that this makes me beyond happy? To see her actually fall from grace is just soooooo sooooooo wonderful;) I still can’t figure out why it took everyone so long to figure out she was not worthy of any office.


  4. Bhahaha! *Happy Dance*

    I sat through this continuous stream of bullsh*t movie and my impression is that it was her 2012 “campaign”. That’s why she is not bothering with hiring a staff, talking with Tparty/Libertarian committees, etc.

    Her bots could pull in the suckers for some heavy-handed propaganda, and Her Heinous could stay at home, and watch the money roll in for her “stump speech”. The laziest, greediest campaign strategy ever.

    (I don’t believe for a moment that all her efforts to trademark her name and image don’t result in some kind of financial kickback from this film – if it makes any profit! = Laugh of pure enjoyment = Thank you America, for not supporting this ignorant harpy.)

    The three main points of the film are 1. How very honest and ethical SP is, and 2. what an executive whiz she is – creating jobs and prosperity. Of course point 3. is that bad people are mean to her because they can’t stand her awesome goodness.


  5. Malia,

    I live in Cincinnati, and Newport, Ky, is just a few miles across the Ohio River. This theater has 20 theaters and is located in a huge center (don’t know what else to call it) with excellent restaurants, an aquarium, Barnes and Noble, etc., and it’s right on the river. Although Newport is a small town, this place draws people from Cincinnati. Cincinnati is very conservative 😦 so I’d be very interested to see how ticket sales do there. I’m betting on it bombing, because there are 19 other theaters showing popular movies.


    1. GG from Cincy,’
      If I get any information I’ll pass it on. I have tried today, but so far no luck. Malia


    2. GG, I am in northeast OH and am shocked at how conservative Cincinnati is. I think your town is what gave us our miserable jerk of a governor:)

      Every time I see the wonderful Boehner I just can’t believe he is from OH either. It makes me ill that our wonderful state put this pompous ass anywhere near the white house. I guess every state has some idiot that they are not proud of.


      1. Deb, I completely agree! Our new governor who was elected last year is even worse than Boehner.


      2. GG, one day on the way to work they were talking about Trump & asked the question, “Who would you fire?” 80% of the callers said they would fire our governor and the other 20% went to ……… Lebron & Palin. I think that Palin was fired more than Lebron & you know how much Lebron is loved in NE Ohio;)


    1. hippasttimes,
      She’s probably preoccupied talking to God finding out what her next move should be….or maybe she’s working to re-ignite that fire in her belly that keeps going out


  6. I’d like to know more about AMC theaters. What chuckleheads (or partisans?) thought Palin’s pseudo-documentary would play well with a large enough audience to be worthwhile giving up seats for sure-fire summer movie-goers…unless they were paid extra to do so?


    1. BW,
      I haven’t a clue, but there must have been some reason that AMC would do this since only 10 theaters were involved


    1. No, you’re missing the point. The reason it’s failing to generate full houses is because there’s no advertising, and because Obama put a curse on it. Plus the big bad media refuses to jump on her bandwagon regarding this propaganda piece. So it is not her fault. It is not her ‘bots fault, as they send her all their spare change and a mortgage payment every other month. It is the fault of the elites, the liberals, the Muslims, the haters short, anyone with brains enough to stop shelling out money every time she licks her lips and begs.


  7. Surprising that one of the spots is in Columbus. Columbus is much more liberal than a lot of places you would have thought they would have played it. Weird.

    Good to see that they aren’t selling many tickets. Not surprised about that!


  8. At C$P the bots are aquiver about Palin’s Sept 3rd keynote address at the Tea party rally in Iowa. And they think Mario Rubio will be a great VP choice for her. Also that the President (the actual one, not their “shadow president” Sarah) must be sooo upset that she told him to “woman up” in one of her inane tweets. (As if he knows, or cares.) I really must stop going over there to visit; it’s making me physically ill.


    1. I meant to add that at least the bots aren’t boasting of what a howling success “The UnDead” is anymore. Kind of quiet about that now..heh heh.


    2. Tea Party “rallys” are all they have now as their last two annual conventions have gone bust and been cancelled due to lack of ticket sales. The latest rally they had only netted 75 participants. Doesn’t seem like Palin has hitched her wagon to the winning team, but that alone will provide us with endless amusement, at her expense.


  9. We can only hope and pray that this is the beginning of the end for palin. It can’t come soon enough for me. We have been through hell and back with her lies, her idiot family, her greediness, her ignorance etc. for the last 3 years. That’s enough to last for a lifetime. Time to close the book on her!


  10. Using AMC’s theater guide, I input the zip codes for the four theaters that are on The Undefeated’s Home page and the only two theaters that came up as showing the movie were the second and third, listed as Columbus, OH & Cincinnatti, OH but shows as Newport, KY when you input the zip code. Malia, you were correct in saying it is only in two theaters, NOT four.

    No matter what the ‘bots say, this cannot be spun as anything but a huge failure for Bannon & Palin. Look at the bots trying to get their friends and family to buy tickets without any luck. I think this might be its last weekend in any theater.


  11. I can just imagine Sarah’s screeching fits going on. You know, being irrelevant is probably one of her biggest fears. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving creature; I refuse to call this person a lady.


  12. But you have to admit no matter how few theaters are still showing this (or not), it’s worth it’s weight in gold for entertainment value…probably not in the way the bots hoped, however.


    1. Lynne,
      We are laughing, but I’m sure they are trying to figure out how the lame-stream media successfully convinced everyone that this was a horrible movie. Malia


  13. I’m another Cincinnati resident and I can tell you that The Thrice-Defeated is doing very poorly at the Newport on the Levy AMC theater. I can also tell you that on the website for the Cincinnati Enquirer there were twenty-four comments left about the movie, twenty-three of them were negative anti-Scarah comments.

    While Cincinnati is conservative it’s more rock-ribbed Republicans, not teabaggers. One local teabagger rally was cancelled for lack of interest.

    And as for Cincinnati being responsible for Kasich?

    Northeast Ohio Mayors and Elected Officials Endorse John Kasich and Mary Taylor

    43 Officeholders from Summit, Medina, Portage and Stark Counties Throw Their Support behind New Vision in Ohio
    New Report Says Ohio Ranks 42nd in Our Economic Outlook

    Cuyahoga Falls – Today, more than forty elected officials from Summit, Medina, Portage and Stark Counties announced their endorsement of John Kasich and Mary Taylor in their campaign for governor and lieutenant governor. A list of these officials endorsing the Kasich/Taylor ticket is attached.


  14. (OT = I appologize for my comment on another thread. And I will refrain from my ‘fisherman mouth’. My sister said that it isn’t a excuse, the fisherman mouth thingy. She is correct and you are correct in making my comment go away. Again, my sincere appologizes.)


  15. Love the site, and I appreciate your diligence and honesty in your updates and corrections (and your general adherence to good taste.) This degree of journalistic integrity, I just realized, is indeed a rarity.


  16. So, Palin is a dimwit and her (Not really hers) movie tanked.
    Heroes of this site probably adore Mr Gore. His movie made a lot of money but it was full of lies and in the UK could only be shown with a list of falsehoods upfront.


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