Michele and Marcus Bachmann are Worse than Child Molesters – Part I

What is worse than a child-molester? As a parent I can think of only one thing. That is someone who causes the death of a child. This is the first in a three-part series on the criminal behavior of Michele and Marcus Bachmann that has resulted in the deaths of nine  teenage homosexuals in their district.

Have we forgotten the suicide of Tyler Clement, the Rutger’s student who took his life after being the victim of an outrageous violation of his privacy?  He didn’t kill himself because he was filmed having heterosexual intercourse, but because he was filmed having a homosexual relationship. Did our society learn nothing from his death? What about the three other suicides that occurred within the same month, which  all related to teenage bullying based on gender issues? . Even if you believe God doesn’t love homosexual people, surely you don’t believe in a God that encourages the death of those people. Michele and Marcus Bachmann do. Marcus Bachmann, the husband of Michele Bachmann, runs a “clinic” in Minnesota where he counsels homosexuals regarding their sexual orientation, suggesting that prayer is the solution to their “problem.” He is the poster child for the notion that people should “Pray Away the Gay.”

Michele and Marcus Bachmann have been described as engaged in a “war” on LGBT people. Marcus Bachmann has declared that Gay people are “barbarians”. Michele Bachmann told Minnesota educators that if teachers who are openly gay are permitted in the classrooms, that they could end up recruiting 8 year-old boys to their “way of life.”

Unable to separate her religious beliefs and her obligations as a Congresswoman, Michele Bachmann told the Minnesota state legislature that passing an anti-bullying law would be a “waste of time.” Her rationale was that there will always be bullies.   If this type of argument was persuasive, then we could also say that there will always be murders or drunk drivers, so why pass a law?

Over the past two years, a total of nine teenagers have committed suicide in a Minnesota school district represented by Rep. Michele Bachmann—the latest in May—and many more students have attempted to take their lives. State public health officials have labeled the area a “suicide contagion area” because of the unusually high death rate.  Michele Bachmann has remained silent  in spite of request for comments.

The U.S. Department of Justice and Department of Education has launched a federal investigation into these suicides.   Although Michele Bachmann and her husband have denied that the clinic they own has used religion or prayer in their clinic to “cure” homosexuality, actual video footage demonstrated that the opposite is true.   ABC News revealed a compelling story and video taken of these counseling sessions that proves the use of religion and prayer in an attempt to “cure” homosexuality.  The American Psychiatric Association has been outspoken in their criticism of these Christian “clinics” explaining that their message is “ineffective” and “harmful.”

The conduct of Michele and Marcus Bachmann is reprehensible.

1. Whether a person is heterosexual or homosexual is the result of  biological factors, much like the color of a person’s hair, eyes, height, or gender.

2. To suggest that homosexuality is something that needs to be “cured” is like comparing homosexuality to a disease.

3. To suggest that a person can stop being homosexual through prayer, suggests that if you are homosexual, you must be an evil person, because if you were holy you would be free from this evil.

4. Failing to address the crisis of teen suicide due to lack of acceptance of sexual orientation is a dominant factor in each of the nine teen suicides in Michele Bachman’s district.

Michele Bachmann has refused to “waste her time” in the past to address this intolerable situation. The nine teenagers who have taken their own lives, did so because of bullying which Michele Bachmann indicated was a waste of time to address. She didn’t make a video tape of a teen involved in an act of homosexuality, but by her refusal to take affirmative action against such brutality,  Michele Bachmann is complicit in the deaths of each of the teens, and those who will die in the future.  The image of homosexuals as “barbarians” who are in need of “education” and “discipline,”is sick.  As  a politician in Minnesota, she is in a position of authority and respect. Because Marcus Bachmann is a PhD. and a counselor, he is in a position of trust. Both have dedicated themselves to making young homosexual people in their community to feel that a characteristic with which they were born makes them in need of a cure. At least with child molesters the children can be saved and the molesters go to jail. In the case of Michele and Marcus Bachmann, the children can’t be brought back to life, Michele and Marcus won’t go to jail, and instead think they belong in the White House.

Edmund Burke said:

“‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

Please join with me to make people aware of the tragedy in Minnesota.

36 thoughts on “Michele and Marcus Bachmann are Worse than Child Molesters – Part I

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  1. Marcus Bachmann’s educational credentials are so phony — a Master’s in something or other from CBN ( Christian Broadcasting Network) University and a “Ph.D.” from some phony on-line place in Ohio.
    He’s not qualified to be called a doctor for two reasons: 1) real Ph.D.s know you don’t call yourself a “doctor” unless you’re a physician; and 2) his Ph.D. is just a piece of paper, not a real degree.
    Reporters must guard against giving honorary or professional titles to people who haven’t earned them. Pity the poor people who go to “Dr. Bachmann’s”
    clinic thinking they’ll be treated by a person trained to help. He’s perpetrating a fraud in order to get insurance and government dollars.


    1. Felix,
      Funny that you mention that, as I have been working on confirming that information today. I’ll let you know what I find about Michele and Marcus.


  2. Well, since I am the mother of a gay son it breaks my heart that there are people out there who open their mouths about a subject that they clearly know nothing about. It is disgusting that these people believe that they can “pray away the gay.” Maybe I should just click my heels together and say three times, “I want a straight son, I want a straight son, I want a straight son.” Is it going to work? Nope, no more than praying about it. Not that I would change him for ANYTHING in the world. It is just like having a son who is left handed. He is who he is. The only thing about that is that I do fear for his safety as well as his career.

    Of course, this idiot is as bad as Dr. Dobson of the ever famous Focus on the Family. I didn’t read his book about raising a son to NOT be gay. If only I had known;) Not only that but when I was in the born-again world people actually believed that kids just did this to be cool (swear to god) or that they were rebelling against their parents or god. Yeah, I always thought I could piss my parents off by sleeping with a girl. Makes perfect sense to me.

    Even though I no longer believe there is a god, part of me hopes that there is just so these monsters could be punished for their lies and in helping promote that gayness can be cured. Also, for spreading the hatred for their brothers & sisters who they don’t think are “normal.” There should be a special place for them.

    I would also like to point out that the people who raise the most fuss about gay people are gay themselves. They just refuse to deal with it. That is their own problem. I really think they wish they could be “out” and are jealous of the brave people who refuse to be something they are not.

    End of rant;)


    1. Oops, and for all these nitwits – I have TWO sons. One gay and one NOT! Blows a lot of their stinkin’ theories out the window.


      1. debinOH,
        My daughter went to high school with triplets, one boy and two girls. All three were incredibly smart and went to ivy league schools. All three were the nicest kids. The girls were heterosexual and the boy was homosexual. It was obvious from the time he was little. It broke my heart to see kids treat him badly. He is very happy with his life now, but only because he found a group of people who were supportive of him. Growing up is hard enough without kids making it harder. It so offends me to see a man like Bachmann condemn people who are homosexual. Even if he is not, he should understand the importance of standing up to bullies, as I am sure people said bad things about him as he was growing up.


    2. debinOH,
      I do believe in God, but not the one that talks to Palin and Bachmann. I think heaven is a place where only minorities and people who love them are allowed. How could God tolerate bigotry?


  3. Thanks, Malia. I see you’ve been working overtime. This is scary, but thanks for exposing the realities of the candidates’ lives that sometimes go unnoticed.


    1. Kallie
      Thanks for reading along. I try to limit my focus to Palin, but sometimes I am so offended by some politicians, that I just can’t help myself.


  4. Malia,

    Thank you so much for bringing this to light!

    “…but by her refusal to take affirmative action against such brutality, Michele Bachmann is complicit in the deaths of each of the teens…” She didn’t just refuse to take affirmative action…she actively fought against groups who were trying to do something about it!!!

    Bullying is a subject that brings me to tears when I read about it. My parents were not religious at all, but they were very ethical. The “Golden Rule” is what they believed in, and that’s how they taught us to behave. Be fair, treat people the way I want to be treated; if I can’t say something good about somebody, don’t say anything at all. (I’m pretty sure this did not apply to politicians! :-))

    My youngest child was being bullied in her senior year of high school, eleven years ago. To this day, I do not know the exact nature of what was being said or done to her. She is heterosexual, very attractive, and very kind. She was always a good student, and loved her classes. She became depressed and anxious, but refused to tell me details of what was going on. She knew if she named names that I would probably do something illegal and land in jail. She almost stopped going to school. We lived in NJ and I was working in a hospital in Manhattan at the time, so I bought her a car to make her a little more independent so she could get home without depending on anyone for a ride. The day I brought the car home, she told me, “Mom, a car can’t make me go to school.” I understood. I got it. Her car was vandalized while she was at school, TWICE, and once outside our home. Half way through the year, she told me she couldn’t go back to school, and she wanted to be home schooled. I had no clue how to do that, and the principal of the school told me it wouldn’t fly. So we went to her counselor and officially withdrew her from school. He was very positive, and told her she could get her GED even sooner than her class could graduate, and then go to a community college. That’s what she did. After two years at a community college, she transferred to a regular college and graduated. Then she went to graduate school for a Masters in Psychology. A few weeks ago this subject came up between me and my sister, and she told me she did not agree with the way I handled the situation. I said nothing, but I wondered if she would have felt differently if I were to somehow have been able to force my daughter to stay in school, then have a tragic outcome. I am very, very thankful that I made a decision based on my instinct rather than a stubborn attitude that my daughter should suck it up and obey her parents.

    Forty years ago, I moved to a VERY small town with my newly graduated veterinarian husband, and so did a friend with her newly graduated lawyer husband. She had twins, and by three years of age it was clear that one of the boys was very effeminate. She went to her pediatrician and did everything she could to try to figure out what was causing the ‘problem.’ Obviously, nothing could be done to change his homosexuality. Today, he is a successful, openly gay lawyer. He moved to a larger city so he wouldn’t “embarrass” his parents, but he is happy and comfortable in his own skin.

    I think the Bachmanns are typical of bible-thumping hypocrites who want to punish all who do not believe in their bible. I can’t understand how she was elected to congress, and I’m happy that a lot more scrutiny will be upon her now that she wants to become president. This all seems like a bad dream!

    BTW, according to page 1 of the Mother Jones article, only 4 of those 9 kids were confirmed to be homosexual.

    I apologize if I rambled…this is sooooo long!


    1. GG from Cincy,
      Thanks for sharing the story of the twins. The twin study I linked to is very compelling and you might consider asking the friend to talk to her boys about volunteering for additional research. I think the twin studies are quite compelling and helpful in establishing that there is a biological characteristic involved. There was a great study on homosexuality on twin studies on the Discovery Channel, and I think it helps the GLBT community.


  5. The fact this cluster of deaths is being investigated by the FBI is a good sign.
    What is very telling in your article is the fact Bachman is staying mum on the situation.


    1. Pat,
      It reminds me of Palin saying nothing for a week after the article in the NE regarding Todd and prostitutes.


  6. It’s clear to everyone that Marcus is so deep in the closet and all of this crap comes from his fear of acknowledging his own sexual orientation.

    I do think he has blood on his hands from that ridiculous “therapy” he has engaged in, charges should be brought. And he should refund every single Medicaire dollar he took under false pretences.


  7. Great post, Malia. Isn’t it conventional wisdom that what you hate the most in others is that which you yourself possess, either consciously or unconsciously? I think Mr. B has gay leanings himself, which he is trying to exorcise by attacking those same traits in others. And of course, Mrs. B is standing by him. What a despicable pair. Thank you for doing the research to expose this!


    1. Murky Waters,
      They are a despicable pair. It like the lecturers for Weight Watchers, who do the teaching as much for themselves as for the people in the class. Some of the most messed up people I know are therapists. they got into being a therapist BECAUSE of their challenges, and their effort to deal with them.


    2. This is from a work of fiction (“By Schism Rent Asunder” by David Weber), but I think it’s apropos. The speaker is a cleric, talking about another, more powerful, one:
      “I think he’s one of those people who believes the ferocity with which he forces other people to behave buys him a degree of license. The ‘good’ he does so hugely outweighs his own sins that God will overlook them.”


      1. Ted,

        If he believes that then he is sick, and given the fact that Michele believes she should be subservient to her husband, we might have a very sick person running the country.


  8. Malia, while I happen to agree with you about the Bachmanns’ sick attitude with regards to sexual orientation, and MB’s reprehensible lack of intelligent leadership on the issue of bullying and teen suicides, you walk a mighty fine line when you announce that their position(s) are “worse than child molesters.” Your arguments are logical and well thought out, but overheated rhetoric or overstating the case can cause blowback. I think we’ll be hearing a great deal more in the weeks to come about the Bachmanns and this issue–it will be mighty interesting to see how the story plays out


    1. Mara,
      I know that the words”child molesters” conjures up so many emotions, but because Palin herself has used the term so freely, and these teens are dead, and Bachmann seems to feel no remorse, I am equally offended as I would be to a child molester. I am reacting as a mother, and I can’t imagine my horror if I lived in Minnesota, and had a child who was homosexual!


  9. Very interesting comments, all.
    One of two possible outcomes–either Mr B has indeed somehow managed to pray away his own gay, and fathered five children, and lives a straight life, OR we’ll be hearing from the skeletons in his closet. I’m betting on the latter.
    Note to Felix–I teach at a University, and you’d better believe the professors with PhDs call themselves “Doctor” and expect students to do likewise. (I’m an adjunct instructor with a Master’s.) However, their doctorates are from accredited schools with actual ivy covered halls, not online or strip mall campuses.


  10. Our Minnesota household also finds it extremely odd that all 23 of their foster children have been girls. It certainly raises questions in our minds, and we definitely consider it unusual.

    For the record, I believe Marcus Bachmann is gay. I find his ignorant and intolerant attitudes towards gays offensive, and even more so because these people use Christianity to defend their intorerance. Self acceptance and self respect are the foundation of personal growth and self actualization. It saddens me to think of those who for whatever reason feel they cannot be honest, open and accepting of such a vital aspect of their being.

    I do laugh, my brother always chided me for being obsessed about Palin. Well enter Bachmann into the realm of potential Presidential candidates and he has landed squarely into my camp. Now he knows first hand what I have had consternation about for far to long. I wish we could make them both go away.


    1. Sue,
      our country deserves so much better than Palin and Bachmann. There are many Republicans that would make competent Presidents, but Palin and Bachmann are not on that list. Malia


    2. Sue in Minnesota,

      Re: 23 foster children, all girls. I believe I have read in more than one place that many, if not most, of the “foster children” were pregnant teens needing a place to live for a short time. And, that the foster children lived with the Bachman’s for only weeks, perhaps, and were not young children that they took in for long periods at all. So, if this is the case, it could explain the “all female” and it also means that they did not, in fact, RAISE 23 foster children as they seem to claim, I wish someone in MSM would probe on that point.


      1. HudsonElizabeth,
        As she becomes a more serious contender, I bet we will get more details. It would certainly be consistent with what we know which is tha t Bachmann is concerned about the babies while in utero, but not after they are born. Malia


    1. Sarah Palin has a serpent’s heart,
      You are welcome. When I learned of this I was appalled and disgusted that this would happen to the husband of a potential candidate for the Presidency. Malia


  11. Here comes the devil’s advocate, again. We have to be very careful about attacking the Bachmanns’ foster parenting of pregnant young women (if that is in fact what they did.) I’ve often ranted about the anti-choice crowd, “Where are they when a girl gets into trouble? How many open up their homes to the forlorn or desperate?” My suspicion is that the Bachmanns were in it mainly for the money, and that Michele exaggerates their contribution for the record (which of course most if not all politicians do,) but it was a good thing they did, not a bad thing. Let’s not bark up the wrong tree, and let’s don’t give the other side a stick to hit us with. If there was something fishy about their foster parenting, my guess is that at some point one of those young women just might speak up. Until then, we need to proceed with caution.


    1. Mara,
      I agree, but consider the possibility that the Bachmanns did this just to make sure the girls wouldn’t have the abortion, and then as soon as they gave birth, they turned them out on the street.??? Just asking what happened to the girls and their babies after the birth?


      1. Maybe one of them will step forward?
        Here again, if someone opens up their home to an unmarried pregnant woman, and gives them a safe haven until their baby is born, that’s good; there is no attached responsibility to continue to provide them a home for who-knows-how long afterwards. Sometimes people do the right thing for the wrong reasons, and I suspect that would be the Bachmanns’ case. I’m just saying we should tread lightly.
        Bachmann is unfit for high office for many many reasons. Her foster parenting probably isn’t one of them.
        Sorry I got so off topic. I hope the authorities investigate “Doc” Marcus and his phony clinic, and I hope Michele’s failure to attempt to stop bullying will alert voters to her mindset. Which is creepy and just plain rotten.


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