Bannon Got Burned by the Fire in Palin’s Belly

Sarah Palin spoke about having a “fire in her belly” to run for President. . Palin called upon Rebecca Mansour  to contact Steve Bannon about making a film extolling Palin’s governorship and laying to rest lingering questions about her controversial decision to resign from office with a year-and-a-half left in her first term. It was this abdication, Palin knew, that had made her “damaged goods” in the eyes of some Republicans who once were eager to get behind her potential 2012 presidential campaign.

However with the disaster of her bus tour, the failure of the Undefeated, and yet another member of the Palin family’s inability to remain abstinent before marriage, it appears that the “fire” may have been reduced to warm coals. Steve Bannon, the producer of the Undefeated, seemed to have a fire in his belly to make money off of the popularity of Sarah Palin. He spent $1,000,000.00 making this film,   and untold money was spent advertising it on the internet. Now it appears the movie will be pulled from theaters within a month, and that the total income from the movie, to Bannon will be less than half of his investment. Maybe Bannon learned that the “fire in her belly” was actually a fire to increase her personal wealth, and not to run for the Presidency? While Bannon lost money on the film, Palin’s name recognition was enhanced by the film. Name recognition is important to Palin’s ability to increasing her personal wealth. In light of Bannon’s failure with the Undefeated, he is now trying to recoup his investment by promoting a different film, that he made last year.

“Fire from the Heartland” is the movie Bannon made last year. That film didn’t focus or identify a single candidate, but instead promoted conservative female politicians generally.

It was a documentary style movie about the rise of conservative women in politics. Even though Sarah Palin is the real focus of that movie, and the conservative women are generally referred to as “Mama Grizzley’s”, Bannon has now attempted to promote the film as a documentary about Michele Bachmann. The original graphic for the movie looked like this:

The graphic now looks like this.

The advertisement for the movie is an illuminating example of the way that Steve Bannon is attempting to influence the 2012 election. The funny thing is that he lost all credibility by promoting Sarah Palin in the Undefeated. The Fire in the Heartland went essentially unnoticed when it was released. He understood then that women were taking an increasingly important role in politics. What he didn’t understand was that the majority of women didn’t vote for the ticket with the woman on it, but for the candidate they perceived to be the most capable of governing, regardless of that person’s sex. Even after the failure of Palin in the 2008 race, and the failure of the Undefeated, Bannon still seems to think that women are not smart enough to realize that Michele Bachmann does not represent the majority of women. The majority of women in America are embarrassed by Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. Conservative and liberal women demand a leader who is competent. Both Bachmann and Palin have proved themselves to be unworthy. We can now add Steve Bannon to the list of “Un-worthy.”

ARC Entertainment provided the marketing, retail strategy, physical distribution and sales services for the movie. ARC advertises itself as a “solutions-based” distribution company, with “unparalleled relationships with national retailers, coupled with strong sales and marketing expertise”.. Perhaps it was the “Solutions-based” distribution advice of ARC that the movie be moved out of theaters as soon as possible. Facts are the facts. Numbers don’t lie. Bannon got burned. The Undefeated is a failure. Palin was his choice. She’s a loser. Bachmann is no better.

23 thoughts on “Bannon Got Burned by the Fire in Palin’s Belly

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  1. I am so anxious for the END of SP in the news. But now, MB is filling up the space vacated by SP. She is equally toxic. I hope the publicity about Marcus and the 9 teen suicides in her distric over the past two years will quickly put an end to her chances. She is so despicable for her stance on bullying and gay issues, I hope the voting public ‘gets it.’


    1. tofutti,
      Thanks! I’m glad to be your hero. I hope I have some news soon to post that might be worthy of that title. Malia


  2. Great writing there Malia. To the point and informative as always. You have a real talent for presenting the facts and Bannon has become a joke. If he thought he was going to latch onto the palin bling, he got burned for sure. And he deserves it. That “movie” was undeniably one of the worst ideas she’s come up with and really drove home the absurditiy, silliness and stupidity of this woman. She’s done. If she announced her intent to run, it would be laughable and aside from her flying monkeys, nobody will care. She’s become yesterdays news. Even her hostile shots at the president from her silly Fb don’t get noticed anymore. Keep up the great work. I’ll bet she reads your blog everyday, several times per day and is seething.


    1. shughes2853,
      I don’t know if Palin reads, but I am sure some of her supporters read this blog, as they have repeatedly attacked me in comments on this blog and on conservatives4palin. So far the only thing they can think of to say is to call me a name, and every time they call me a name, I feel victorious. Malia


    1. Mo Inkslinger,
      Thanks, I hadn’t seen this! My favorite is the 30% of American males that are fed up with her.


  3. Sarah Palin says Obama’s ideas ‘are the antithesis’ of the forefathers

    “The White House and many liberals in Congress are so addicted to that OPM, other people’s money, that it’s much easier to spend other people’s money than their own,” Palin said on the Fox Business Network.

    This Idiot/quitter is pocketing/spending her fans $ and she is complaining abt libs!!!! WTF


    1. m, thanks for the link! It’s outrageous when you consider just how Palin is the queen of spending other people’s money, but feels it is appropriate to say that about Obama.


    2. This is RICH coming from a woman who couldn’t even remember the role Paul Revere played in American history after having received a short lesson about him from a tour guide less than a couple hours before she shared her “version” with the public! She is the SAME woman who couldn’t identify her favorite Founding Father on a Fox News program!


    3. Thank you Malia – for all that you do. Thank you, m, for the link to the LA Times article. Once again, I am struck by the infantile way Palin thinks and speaks. Her thoughts and words do not flow with any logical progression, connection and sense. she constantly inserts “the” inappropriately and she conflates ideas that in no way are related by any stretch of the imagination. She is fixated on demeaning President Obama and she is xenophobic to her core. It is completely embarrassing for John McCain that he was forced to choose her as his VP selection by the Neocon monsters (Buchanan, Kristol, the Koch Bros., etc.) back in 2008. She is ignorant, uneducated and unaware. She has no sense of history, of the complexities of government and society (nor do any of the Freshmen Teabagger Congresspersons holding the nation hostage at this moment).

      The greatest insult of all is to hold up conservative women who profess regressive and outlandish ideals and politics (Bachman says she is a servant to her husband) as being as capable of serving in public office the way a true public servant and smart attorney and superb Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is. I have not been impressed with conservative men or women. Something is lacking, some sense of a social conscience, of knowing what the well-being of the whole society means, of appreciating that there are many who are suffering and who need help from the rest.

      How dare this ignorant person from Wasilla assert that President Obama does not understand what the “forefathers” were all about! He is a Constitutional Law Professor. He worked organizing communities in Chicago for the general good, for the well-being and uplifting of those in poverty, the hopeless and the jobless. He was a successful attorney and US Senator. He knows exactly what America is all about. We are so fortunate that he is our president at this critical time. Palin cannot believe her “god” shut the door in her face when she wanted to be president. I intentionally wrote president – because it was clear she had that as her goal. She cannot believe that her “god” opened the door for a “black socialist Nigerian” to become president while she , a “riil amuricun” needs to continue her travelling road show just to make a few million dollars to buy Escalades and baby clothes.

      Please leave the stage Sarah. Soon.


      1. thomas,
        “How dare her” is right. She so offends me that I thought that No One could come close to her. Now I am beginning to believe Michele Bachmann is equally reprehensible. I’m working on a post re Bachmann that will be up later today. Malia


  4. I love your blog..
    I am one of those people who really enjoy the humor in Palin and Bachman..
    The day McCain committed political suicide I told a friend of mine..that woman is going to end up in is only a matter of time..
    You and Regina @palingates are my favorite reading.
    i support Our POTUS and will “kick ass” to protect him from the crazies..LOL
    Keep up the great work I will be watching for you


    1. Janis Garvey Hewes,
      Thanks for you support! I am in good company to be associated with Regina at palingates. I love her blog too! We’ll know soon if Palin is going to run, and I promise you if she does, I will carry on until the election is over. Malia


  5. Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. By now extolling Moron Michele (Bachmann) in place of Simple Sarah (Palin), Bannon has shown that he did not learn anything of value after being burned by his association with Palin. Bachmann is every bit as loony and while she is not a “quitter,” her out-of-touch-with-reality stance on the debt ceiling debate, as well as her glee when Minnesota temporarily shut down, should disqualify her permanently from any elective office.


    1. Anne,
      The really frightening thing is that she is second behind Romney in the polls. If something should happen to Romney, she could be the GOP nominee.


  6. Three thoughts:
    1. Just because Bannon has money to throw at film projects does not make him a filmmaker. It just makes him another right-wing zealot attracted to the “hot” TP women.
    2. I am VERY hopeful that Palin’s string of summer failures, from verbal to tour to movie have made the TP hesitant to let her carry their banner. MB is in a better position to grab their votes right now. I think Palin waiting to see if any other Repugs drop out of the Wannabe Race, but unless she grabs a LOT more money from supporters, she will not be a viable candidate. Candidates like Romney and Huntsman are quietly scooping up lots of GOP $$$$ support already.
    3. I’d like to suggest that your final comment, “Palin was his choice. She’s a loser. Bachmann is no better” should be amended to read “Palin was his choice. She’s a loser. Bachmann is likewise” because “no better” leaves too much wiggle room for MB.


  7. I just found your blog! I absolutely love it. Great writing and a good place for me to come to calm me down regarding this women that I find very threatening to my country. Much appreciation. As to the subject, phew – thank goodness this thing is a big flop, Palin’s “fire” is just so much smelly gas 🙂


    1. Tofetta,
      Welcome to the blog! Many of the people who comment are extremely knowledgeable about Palin, so you will enjoy the comments as much as the posts. Also, be sure to visit which is a site dedicated to actual clips of Palin, and Republicans talking about her. If she should run, you might find this site handy when people ask you why you don’t support her. Thanks for reading, Malia


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