CNN STILL Thinks Sarah May Capture the Women’s Vote

Really! After 35,600,000 women voted for the African-American male candidate in 2008, somebody still thinks Sarah Palin will attract the women’s vote. After President Obama’s first piece of legislation was the Lilly Ledbetter Act, requiring equal pay for women, somebody thinks we will forget that Sarah Palin opposed it. I bet the two women Barack Obama appointed to the US Supreme Court could name a few more  Supreme Court cases besides Roe v. Wade. For Sarah Palin “sexism” is just another excuse for the many foolish things she has done or said.

Who can forget the memorable joke made by Sarah Palin at the RNC about lipstick? Only a woman could make that joke because she needed to gesture, pointing out her lipstick. Have you ever seen a male politician parade his special needs baby before the attendees at any type of political convention? Who can forget the report of Palin saying that she would prepare for a city council meeting by putting on her push-up bra so she could get what she wanted.  Sarah Palin wasn’t photographed by a pesky reporter who snuck up and surprised her when her sexy image was captured and used on the cover of Newsweek.

However when that edition appeared on the shelf of our local grocery store, Palin took to Facebook to slam the cover. She claimed that the photo selection was sexist and was engineered by the liberal media to distract attention from the release of her memoir Going Rogue.. Contrast that photo to the one that recently appeared on the cover of Newsweek.

This recent photo of Palin that appeared on the cover of Newsweek was described as  “danged good.” A reporter described the photo by saying, “She can’t possibly be taken seriously as a presidential contender dressed like that, especially since this is the second time she has graced Newsweek in a less-than-presidential pose.” If I were to describe this photograph adjectives that come to mind might be suggestive, voluptuous, sexy, enticing, revealing, busty, well-endowed, or hot. It would not occur to me to suggest that this photo might create the image of a woman who was professional, presidential, or inspiring confidence. I would be more likely to imagine that woman pole dancing, rather than dancing at her inaugural ball. From tight fitting t-shirts,

to leopard skin shoes,

Sarah Palin has repeatedly made a conscious decision to portray herself more as a vixen than a professional; more as an enchantress than nobility; more as an exotic dancer than as the leader of the free world.

The number of times Sarah Palin has blamed criticism on “sexism” is embarrassing. We didn’t criticize Palin for her endorsement of Sharon Angle because we were being sexist, we just didn’t appreciate her lemonade remark. It wasn’t sexism that generated laughter when Palin endorsed Christine O’Donnell. It was O’Donnell’s history with witchcraft, her position on masturbation, and the mice she knew with human brains that made Palin’s endorsement so unbelievable.  Imagine the horror of Angle amd O’Donnell being appointed to the Supreme Court by President Palin.

Whether winking,

flicking her tongue,

blowing kisses,

or making penis jokes,  Sarah Palin has used her sexuality when she perceives it is to her advantage, and plays the victim when she is criticized. When the taxpayers of Alaska objected to paying for her children to stay in expensive hotel rooms in New York when attending a political conference with Sarah, people weren’t being sexist.  We were demanding that she act ethically. When Sarah allowed her husband to issue orders from the Governor’s office, Alaskans didn’t object because they were sexist, but because it was inappropriate for anyone but the Governor to fill that role. When she spent over $50,000 to re-decorated the Mayor’s office in Wasilla, people didn’t object because the furnishings were too feminine. They objected because they were too extravagant for a “fiscal conservative.”

Even Republican women like Barbara Bush object to Sarah Palin.  To say that any significant number of liberal women would support Sarah Palin because she is a woman is insulting. CNN should be ashamed to have its name associated with such a misleading and baseless piece of drivel.

50 thoughts on “CNN STILL Thinks Sarah May Capture the Women’s Vote

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  1. Gross! Are they insane? I was a Hillary supporter who had not yet warmed up to Barack Obama. I was seriously considering voting for McCain (no, I can’t believe it now either). I remember when Palin was announced as his VP pick…I was in Arkansas at the home of some Republican family members. They were being very smug about McCain’s “brilliant” choice of a woman because it would lure away all the Hillary supporters from Obama. Then the RNC happened. Her speech was insulting and condescending. Soon, we all found out that she is a moron. The worst for me was when she said that the media’s criticism of her was violating her First Amendment rights (!). Sarah Palin forced me to run, screaming, to support Barack Obama. I donated to his campaign. I truly think that most women can see right through her. She is the opposite of presidential.


    1. Pretty much the same story here – Hilary supporter who leaned towards McInsane (!) before he chose her, and then full-fledged Obama supporter!


    2. I usually vote for democrats, but I have voted for moderate republicans in the past. I had considered voting for McCain—until he chose Palin as his running mate. I’m an older black female, I didn’t even know who Barack Obama was until late in the 2008 presidential campaign, but when Palin showed up and began using divisive campaign tactics, I knew she didn’t deserve to be VP and MCain didn’t deserve to be POTUS. I had thought all along that McCain was a moderate republican–until I witnessed the depths to which he was willing to descend in order to become POTUS. I wish republicans would return to their moderate roots. IMO, it would make them more competitive in political contests, provide more sane ideas that could be used to solve our nation’s problems, and help America regain its prominent position in the world in other areas besides military might. Extremism in any political party is a major turn off for me, and I can imagine that it is the same for millions of other Americans, too. We just want good governance from politicians in ether political party, and Palin isn’t an example of good governance at any level of government.


      1. majii,
        I too wish there was a stronger Republican party, as it would be good for the country. Unfortunately between Palin, Bachmann, and Perry, we may see the end of the GOP in our life times.


      2. Ms. Litman, Democrats have been predicting the end of the GOP since 1856. They are still here. Of course Republicans have also predicted the end of the Democrats and they are still here too. Perhaps we need to just bear down and replace all of them with folk who give a damn about their country.


  2. CNN is simply repeating the mistake of John McCain and the RNC in their cynical choice of Palin to capture the women’s vote in ’08. She WILL “rile” the anti-abortion vote into action, but women generally don’t admire or respect her.


  3. That was a very disturbing article. To promote women for office – virtually any woman – just because they are women is ridiculous. To bunch Clinton in the same group as Bachman and Palin is insulting. Palin and Bachman will be rejected, not because of their sex, but because they are ignorant, divisive, lying hypocrits.


  4. CNN is out of its collective mind.

    And about that redecorating job of the Mayor’s office in Wasilla; there was one additional objection voiced by Nick Carney (a former mentor): “It looked like a bordello.” (red velvet and animal pelts. Lovely)

    I googled “Wasilla bordello” and that popped right up!

    Many thanks for the wonderful posts. May they be read far and wide!



  5. Malia, Of course she wasn’t aware of the red shirt running picture on Newsweek. I know this because she forgot the boobies;)

    OMG, I have no idea where these people come up with this stuff. LESS women would vote for her now than they did in ’08. My god when she can’t even get people out to the theaters to watch her in all her glory why would they think she is even relevant at this point?


  6. good grief. McCain gambled on her and lost. Isn’t this enough? Her constant pose is “seductive allure” a phrase used in the ad for the Oft-defeated. I can see and have seen pictures of older men eyeing her in that way…..but women? Her behavior is disgusting.


  7. She actually re-decorated her office in Wasilla twice during her tenure which ended up costing over 100k. When people started referring to her first attempt at decorating as looking like a whorehouse, she had it re-done again. To put that in perspective of what it cost that village of roughly 8,000 people at the time, if the Mayor of New York City had spent the same money per capita it would total over 200 million dollars. How do you think that would go over in NYC?

    There was also the “Mayor Mobile” a 50k white Suburban she stuck the taxpayers of Wasilla for. She was the first and only Mayor to ever have a car bought for them by the citizens of Wasilla


  8. I’ve never met a woman who had anything more favorable to say than “she’s an idiot”. Come to think of it, I don’t know of any men who would vote for her either. But then, I live in New England, not the rill amurika.


  9. If she took a moment to study how past Presidents have aged while in office, I
    bet she’d change her mind about having the job for real. For a woman who trades on her ‘looks’ to the degree that Mrs P does, I doubt she could handle it.

    I’ve seen photos of her without makeup and she’s in trouble already. An Earl Scheib paintjob can only do so much for an old Buick.


  10. Malia – I have absolutely no confidence in CNN any longer. The quality of their reporting, their professionalism has fallen below acceptable levels of professional journalism. Rupert and James Murdoch are now testifying before Parliament. Murdoch senior is profusely apologizing for his employees who have, as he said, “let me down.” He said the behavior (of hacking the phones of crime victims and other offenses) “is worng…is wrong.” He said there are “no excuses.”

    CNN is following FoxNewsChannel and other Murdoch enterprises over the cliff into shoddy reporting using incompetent and ignorant analysts with little knowledge of history and context. The newsreaders and on-air models read scripts (even MSNBC has one who is an uneducated nutcase, in my view – Alex Witt) they do not understand. The analysis has been getting worse over the past few years. I no longer watch CNN.

    Continue the good work, Malia.


    1. thomas,
      I have gone from watching CNN all the time to Never! WE have not one news personality that I feel we can trust to be objective….except Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert


      1. How bout Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O’Donnell, Keith Olbermann, Cenk (Young Turks), Ed Schultz, etc.?


  11. What has happened to CNN and Newsweek? I wonder if they know that featuring her draws viewers so they pander and keep putting out this crap because it gets clicks? It would be interesting to see whether the people who click or watch this crap are palinista’s or people who are trying to keep current because the last person they want on the GOP side is Sara? I’ve stopped reading or watching anything I know is part of the propaganda to promote her. In fact if the promotion of SP by the media ceased she’s be nothing in a matter of days. At the risk of offending I’m pretty sure they are chasing her breasts and sexual innuendo’s more than they look at her policy ideas – which we know are non-existent


    1. curious,
      No offense taken, and it seems the media is surely chasing her breasts as there is an absence of anything else worthy of attention. Malai


  12. I want to add that this nonsense about women voting for any woman – no matter her ideology or professionals and no matter if she is an uneducated and stupid person like Sarah Palin or if she is a brilliant attorney and former First Lady like Hillary Clinton – is foolish and not based in reality. When I first heard about Palin it was in the context of the MSM professing that women would flock to her as a competent Governor/CEO of a state and “Energy Expert.” I thought to myself, this is total and complete BS. They expressed the view that McCain made a good/smart decision in choosing Palin because women would now vote for her. Hahahahahahaha. That was very dumb and ridiculous. That meme was not factual as we saw.

    No – CNN


    1. That clearly showed the Republican viewpoint about women in general. Not persons to be taken seriously, just slobbered over, used & tossed. In Palin’s case, they’re not even chasing real boobs.


  13. She never had my vote and never will! I despised her from the minute I first saw/heard her at the RNC….my disgust has just been increasing from that moment. What idiot thought that Hillary supporters would automatically support palin? $carah never will appeal to women….and hopefully men will start thinking with their other head!!!


    1. Kallie,
      Me too! Robin Williams said that the problem with men is that God gave them a brain and a penis, but only enough blood to operate one at a time. I think John McCain is anemic!


  14. Besides the fact that she is an amoral,nasty bitch,who is a disgusting excuse as a mother and human being,there is one other major thing that makes me despise her.Watching my mother and other women fight so hard for equality and the rights of all females as I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s,it made me proud to be be female.The belief that BOTH my mother and father instilled in me,my sister and my brothers that women can do anything is the same tenet my brother,sister and myself have raised our children with,That disgusting excuse of spittle named Sarah Palin is everything that can be wrong with a person-the spite,the overt sexuality(while claiming others are sexist for recognizing her for using it),the lies,the ignorance.Be they male or female,that type of person is less than human in my book.The fact that she is female makes me doubly ashamed for me and the millions of others like me born with a vagina.Any female with two working brain cells recognizes her for what she is and is not-and we loath her.I support sending her as far away from earth,cameras,the internet,etc. as we can get her.Go away Sarah-and stay away!!


    1. Anne, Well said, and I fought with you for equal rights, but not on the street corner, but in the court room. I still volunteer to help young female attorneys but it is so hard to remain positive when we have people like Palin and Bachmann to contend with. Malia


      1. I too get sad,when I listen to some of the females in their 20’s,30’s (and even those like me,in their 40’s) that seem to not have a clue of the gains my mother and countless others fought so diligently for.But-I also hear many of other younger women that are politically aware,that pay close attention,research and seek out the facts.The ones that get up off their butts and vote,the ones who band together and make informed choices and make sure their voices are heard.I talk to my sons(who believe in strong women,and have respect for them-and disdain for the Palin/Bachmanns of our country).And that gives me both pride and great hope in our future.For those voices and wonderful minds ARE our future-the ones who are color blind,the ones who don’t take what the read and hear at face value.They will be the shining stars of our politics and policies-and I look forward to them and what they will do for our world.The sooner they become our present,the better all our lives will be.


  15. Have you noticed how much Hilary has aged the past couple of months dealing with the problems in the mid-east? Too me, it’s her badge of courage as she has not quit on us, but has kept her nose to the grindstone hours on end. Her black circles under her eyes is NOT smeared mascara, but not getting any sleep. I really do admire her! I feel so relieved that she can discuss the problems with her “first dude” and get some very good points from Bill!

    I think stress shows more on a woman than a man. The men get gray headed and lose a few pounds, but a clean white shirt and a tie freshly tied and nicely pressed suit they look great! Hilary doesn’t have time to sit and be pampered and hair and make-up done between conferences with the leaders of the world! She doesn’t wince, wink or stick out her tongue to get sympathy.

    I kind of think she may make a few of those macho guys cringe when she walks into the room and holds them to their words! I doubt they think of her as a woman they can pick on! Just hope she doesn’t burn out and she may step up to the podium and run for President in 16. She has certainly earned her stripes, if anyone questions if she is qualified to run. I doubt God has whispered in her ear either!


  16. Oh gag, CNN is SO wrong about this! Do you think they’re trying to get her to run? so they’d have all the controversy and crazy to cover? so that President Obama would be re-elected?


  17. CNN must be out of their collective minds to think that after nearly 3 years of being subjected to Palin’s block-headed stupidity women would be inclined to vote for her. If we didn’t vote for her in 2008 (and we didn’t!!), what on earth would make them think we would be any more likely after she has constantly exposed herself as :



    1. Anne,
      I’m with you! Don’t they see that women were smart enough to vote, not based on gender, even if some were stupid enough to select a running mate based upon gender. Soooo offensive. Malia


  18. CNN will tank. It’s ratings have fallen steadily for a while, now.

    I notice Candy Crowley can’t hide her right-wing leanings on Sundays. She grilles liberals and progressives, and softballs right-wingers, just like Fox. At least David Gregory at MSNBC is an equal opportunity moderator – he’ll give them enough rope to hang themselves, Democrat or Republican.
    He’s not as nice as Tim Russert was, either.
    CNN’s going the way of Newsweek. It won’t be much longer. Palin’s “reverse Midas touch” will just help it along.


  19. Absurd!! She certainly will not get my vote, and I know other women who would never vote for anyone like her either. It is disgusting that she tries to come across as this Christian family woman with very high morals. Has anyone heard how little Trig is doing lately?


    1. concerned grandma,
      The author of this article for CNN failed to do their homework or cite any type of survey. Outrageous!

      Anyone reading who knows about Trig would surely know more than Sarah knows about him.


  20. Now they’re resorting to Dancing With the Stars strategies.

    They’re soliciting internet VOTES for “Undefeated.”

    Cinedigm Digital Cinema Corporation issued a press release:
    “Following Limited Opening Engagement, “The Undefeated” Goes Nationwide; Vote Online to Be Sure Your Neighborhood Theater Doesn’t Miss Out”

    Yeah, don’t miss out. I suggest we all vote for the location of our choice. Will they screen it in Siberia, given enough votes? Or how about this – they get soooo much interest that they book the film _everywhere_. With empty seats. Or they’ll hit up the local church to pay for the screening.

    In Alaska, maybe Jerry Prevo will buy out the theater.


    1. alaskan,
      I also noted that conservatives4palin was also promoting the movie with links to the tickets through their site. malia


  21. her latest cover page with the “come _uck me look” should banish any doubts whatsoever of her ability to lead. NO woman with any sense or self respect would allow herself to be sexualized in this manner while trying to convince people that she’s presidential material!! Please, make it stop!! Ugh. And this also seriously points to the reasons why her daughter had plastic surgery to correct a face that wasn’t quite …what? …(sexy)…enough??? Great example of a mother. And what about the God thing – isn’t her daughter flipping off the great Creator by undoing his work? Just saying…..


    1. shughes2853,
      I now that we know Track’s wife is expecting soon, we have to wonder why he didn’t learn from Bristol’s mistake?


  22. Thanks to ‘Nan (aka roswellborn)’ above, I googled Palin’s Wasilla mayor’s “bordello office”. Here we find the origin of SP’s infamous comment (see the second to last paragraph):
    + + + + + + +

    According to Carney (former mentor), Palin’s office makeover included flocked, red wallpaper. “It looked like a bordello.”

    Although Carney says he no longer has documentation of the expenditures, in his recollection Palin paid for the office face-lift with money from a city highway fund that was used to plow snow, grade roads and fill potholes — essential municipal services, particularly in weather-battered Alaska.

    Carney confronted Mayor Palin at a City Council hearing, and was shocked by her response.

    “I braced her about it,” he said. “I told her it was against the law to make such a large expenditure without the council taking a vote. She said, ‘I’m the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can’t.'”

    “I’ll never forget it — it’s one of the few times in my life I’ve been speechless,” Carney added. “It would have been easier for her to finesse it. She had the votes on the council by then, she controlled it. But she just pushed forward. That’s Sarah. She just has no respect for rules and regulations.”
    + + + + + + +

    My opinion about CNN’s absurd stance? They should be considered “FOX Lite”. Simply pathetic that three years later, they haven’t figured out that the very reason McCain lost was SARAH PALIN!


    1. Heidi 3 ,
      That’s information I did not have, and although I knew Palin thought that way, this is an example of her defiance of the rules the rest of us live by! This is so offensive! Malia


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