Defeat in Dallas for the Undefeated

As advertised the Undefeated made its debut on Friday, July 15th.  The movie premiered in 10 cities targeted for their conservative audiences.  Dallas is one of the cities where the film was shown.  It was featured at one theater only, the Grapevine Mills Theatre in Grapevine Texas.  This theater is located half way between Dallas and Ft. Worth, making it available to the entire Metroplex.  The population of the metroplex is over 6,700,000.

I spoke with Sarah, the weekend manager of the theater in Grapevine to determine the number of tickets sold thus far.  The report she gave me was accurate as of 6:40 pm, Sunday the 17th.  She reported to me the following sales:

Friday 15th – 106 tickets

Sat. 16th – 143 tickets

Sunday 17th – 159 tickets

The movie has been available at 5 different times each day.  Thus the total ticket sales for this opening weekend would be 408 for 13 shows.  That would mean an average of 31 people per show, and .000006% of potential customers wanted to see the show in the Dallas Ft. Worth Metroplex.  Maybe everyone went to rotten tomatoes and read the critics reviews which were uniformly horrible, giving the movie a 0%.  Maybe it was articles like this one that summarized movie critics comments describing the film as an  infomercial of almost comical omissions.  Or maybe what kept people away was the “audience” comments from rotten tomatoes that so offended the potential audience that nobody wanted to waste their time at this movie.

Bob said:

“She’s a blithering idiot, and I challenge anyone to debate that fact with me.”

Emmett said:
     ” I, as a middle aged man, did in fact attend the premier. I masturbated for about 15 minutes, and then left.

63 thoughts on “Defeat in Dallas for the Undefeated

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    1. Cheryl,
      Thanks for the link! This is great news! If that’s all it made on the opening weekend, theaters should be embarrassed to have this movie on their billboards. Malia


    2. If I read the article correctly, I think the 28K was for Friday’s premier night, because the article was posted on Saturday. The last paragraph says it was for Friday and that “special” night only garnered about 50 people per theater (I didn’t see if it was shown multiple times on Friday or not).

      However, that kind of debut night still qualifies the movie as a “stinker.”

      Who knew Palinbots had common sense deep down —- or perhaps the number of die-hard Palin fans is much less now than we feared.


      1. ks sunflower,
        It was one theatre, 5 shows per day, and a total of 408 people for the first 13 shows, so that would be 31 people per show? Right?


      2. ks,
        You may be right but when you compare it to the millions other films made this weekend, it should be embarrassing!


  1. And yet, Bannon sees it as a big success, and will know tomorrow what the nationwide distribution looks like. He plans to inflict this tragicomedy on as many cities as possible. She can be defeated nationwide…again!


    1. Sally,
      We’ll see the reality when we see how many theaters pick it up. If it did this poorly in Dallas, I can’t imagine that it will be picked up by any other theaters Malia.


      1. I’m only a couple of blocks from Dallas in Garland, and I don’t know anyone who likes Palin or talks about her. My Kroger carried her book and Frank Bailey’s and his book sold out but her book didn’t. (People turn her book over, too.) I am sure there are some who like her but I don’t them and I am glad.

        (I think Rick Perry wants to run for Pres and will, but I also think he is being positioned by the Repubs and himself as a tool to knock Palin out of the race.)


      2. sallyngarland,tx,
        I am thrilled to hear about the grocery store in Garland. Keep us posted on the book sales there, and I am afraid that Perry IS going to run, and there won’t be time in my day to address all the things that people need to know about both of them. Malia


  2. Thank you! Attendance numbers is exactly what we need, compared to available showings and population. Bannon sent out a press release today attempting to claim the movie did well, while showing some dubious figures about $ per screen, which tells us nothing.


    1. SLQ,
      I also understand it did poorly in Orange County. Since Bannon has his own money invested in this he HAS to promote the movie or it costs him!


  3. It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. Palin has ignored all of the polls, members of her own political party, and recent reactions people have had to her appearances in different areas of the country (I’m thinking of the sign taped to her vacation bus.) Maybe these poor ticket sales will finally awaken her to the fact that the majority of us are tired of hearing about her ignorant, grifting behind, and it’s time for her to exit the national stage.


    1. majii,
      you would think that this would send a strong message, but I’m not at all sure, since I don’t think she really wants to win, but instead wants to remain relevant.


      1. Amazingly bad numbers. I knew it would bomb but only 408 tickets in the entire hugely conservative DFW area? That’s beyond bad! That’s embarrassing! The message is there but I doubt she and her most ardent supporters will pay attention. I still think she’s going to throw her hat into the ring despite the rapidly declining numbers and even if Rick Perry joins the pack.


      2. Sheesh,
        I agree! I don’t think she’ll run because she expects to win, but to gain more publicity. Malia


  4. That seems about average for an average movie in it’s third or fourth week, where I live which is a rural area.


    1. Laura,
      The funny thing is this is the ONLY theater in the Metroplex showing the film, and of course this was the opening weekend. I’m sure they need a bigger response than this to add more theaters around the country.


  5. Thanks so much for doing this homework on “The D” movie. I am honestly surprised these attendance numbers are so low. I attended the first showing on Friday, and endured this blaring hymnal just so I could write an informed review, and check out the theater and crowd.

    The screening room was one of the smaller ones (the Harry Potter movie which I also attended, and can recommend as an excellent movie, was shown in a 400+seat screening room). “The Oft-Defeated” had about 92 seats total. 64 seats were the regular stadium style, with 28 on the ground level, right in front of the screen, for those who did not want to walk up the steps. The first show (including me) was around 30 people. When the the showing was over, 15 of the thirty left the theater, milled around a few minutes, and went right back in the theater for the next showing.

    = It just suddenly occurred to me that they did not buy additional tickets for the next showing. = How perfect. Even SP’s minions are cheaters. They just wanted to make sure the room had SOME people in it. These are the 15 DeeTex saw. I stuck around, seated outside the door, and 12 more people straggled in.

    I would have been very curious to see how many people actually showed up for the one “sold out” showing at 7:15. I know TeamSarah has been pushing each member to buy $40 worth of tickets each, and hand them out for free to friends and family. (The evening tickets were $7.50 per seat.) 18 people at $40 each could have easily bought out one showing.

    So on to my review. From first to last the heavy, pounding soundtrack does not let up a moment. Each image lasts 3 seconds or less before the next one appears. The audience is beaten into submission.. Sarah is good.. Sarah is good.. Sarah is good.. Not a moment of humor or silence. The facts never speak for themselves, the soundtrack booms ominously, or reaches an awed cresendo to “cue” the response of the viewers. Do not recommend at all.


    1. Miss sunshine,
      The amazing thing is that probably half the people who attended were anti-Palin and were like you, just going to document just how bad it was. Malia


  6. I was at the Grapevine theater on Friday, there were about 30 folks in for the 11:10 show & then about 25 (including me) at the 2nd show. The trick was that about 15 fans from the 1st showing milled around out front & then marched back in for an encore performance at 1:50pm. I had to leave early for an appt., but what has been seen can never be unseen. Pass the brain bleach please.


    1. dee,
      You are braver than I. Torie, my assistant, went for me, but I couldn’t bring myself to attend. Malia


  7. Like the palinbots at the C4P, I’m wondering when the heck is $P gonna declare? What’s with the big wait, Grisly Ma? Either she’s stringing her minions along til she can milk all the dough she can out of them, or…No, I think that’s it. I really wish she would declare so every shady underhanded thing she’s done will come to light. “The Undefeated”? Please…


    1. A little “dithering” is OK when it comes to Miss $arah, but let anyone else try and she’ll talk about your dithering on FOX! She can decide to run or not but without her, the race will not be as nasty as it would be with her. Even though I know her nomination is a win for President Obama, I hate to think of her vicious rhetoric being heard again and again throughout the campaign. She’s a hateful bitch!


      1. Kate,
        I don’t know from personal knowledge, but I understand that there is not a single interview in the Undefeated with a Republican Politician who has anything positive to say about her.


  8. I’m looking at the list and there are several duplicate listings. The most interesting is:

    Anonymous Anonymous
    Arlington, Virginia 22207 n/a 04/18/2011 2.00
    “Anonymous Anonymous” from Arlington, Virginia had a couple of donations, with the aggregate over $1000.00. How can someone give money anonymously? I do all my donations through ActBlue and I have to sign up the wazoo, correct name, occupation, etc. Who are these – or this – “anonymous anonymous”?


  9. If they are so desperate that they are sneaking back into the theater to watch it again, just so there are bodies in the theater, that is pathetic…aside from the fact that actual attendance will be based on ticket sales (i.e., the theater will care about income vs. using that theater room for another more popular film).


  10. There are at least three separate donations listed by “anonymous anonymous”. HHuuum…

    Also, Mrs Sharon Kuhn, a clerk at Gettysburg College, must be sending all her grocery money into SarahPac. She’s made some pretty hefty donations, at least three, maybe more.



  11. Two hours is far too long for a biopic about almost anyone other than Churchill, FDR, Lincoln or other a handful of other really great people. Two hours? — I’d be checking my watch at the 45-minute mark. What is there to say?
    Besides, most of her demographic would have to get up halfway through to use the restrooms.
    And, if her supporters are often retired or unemployed, theater tickets would eat into their monthly income.
    The entire project is so craven, I would feel sorry for those who ended up wasting their time and money, but I can’t stretch my compassion that far when so much is at stake.


    1. Felix,
      I keep thinking of going to see the movie, but not only do I now want to support the film financially, it would be hard to sit among the Palinbots and not say something.


    1. charles,
      I would love to see her at the Oscars next year, maybe selling drinks, and Todd could be doing what he does with all those rich celebrities.


  12. I wish I knew Miss Sunshine was there. I was terrified that someone I knew would see me and think I was simpatico. I walked by Miss Sunshine sitting outside the theater–I wish I had been toting my Mudflats bag or carrying my $P toilet paper (xmas gift from my kids) but it would have outed me as a foe right away. I am not confrontational by nature, but $P’s bs has me all hackled up.
    Those of us in the field need a sign so we can recognize fellow travelers…
    BTW–my lunatic neighbor did walk into the 1:50 showing–I slumped down in my seat and fished my sunglasses out of my purse.


    1. Dee Tex,
      I know exactly how you feel. When I went to the book signing in Anchorage I imagined people protesting my book. However to my welcome surprise there were none, and I think there are fewer Palin “fans” than we think. It’s just that those who still support her can’t be reasoned with.


  13. Great Job, Malia. A couple of years ago those auditoriums would have been full; but things have changed. Most realize she’s mean, vapid and has mental issues that should be addressed. Her followers are more like a rigid cult, strongly influenced by the Evangelical wing and Dominionism. She began doing really bizarre and illogical things starting with the Blood Libel Speech, and everything since then has been irrational, nonsensical – you name it.

    Why would anyone want to go hear a boring documentary about what happened 2-4 years ago? Plus it’s ridiculous propaganda. If she’s testing the waters; she sunk!


  14. I think the theater owners will be demanding reimbursement from the palin propaganda machine for the lost revenue of not having another theater for showing the highly profitable Harry Potter film.

    Look for legal filllings early this week.


    1. bushworstnightmare,
      I don’t know if we will see that, but if Bannon tells people that the movie was a success, and it was not, and if other theaters pay to feature it, they may have a fraudulent misrepresentation claim. That would be quite funny, as they would do the investigation we can’t.


  15. Malia,

    I agree on the ‘Undefeated’, I have a side topic I am curious about..has anyone to your knowledge gone after the truth about James O’Keefe…he seems to be a nasty piece…there must be more to him than meets the eye?


  16. yeah, but…

    Wait until you hear the palein bots spin…

    Friday 15th – 106 Billion Tickets sold.

    Sat.16th – 143 Billion

    Sunday 17th – 159 Trillion Reel Merican patriots bought tickets and watched this classic. (slightly more than expected)

    Go Grifter Go !


  17. Sarah Palin has once again been proven innocent of these malicious and false claims. I have kept track of these past ethics charges and researched the evidence. They are all without merit. Sarah Palin has been unjustly targeted by a minority of malevolent, sordid groups that have consistently filed false accusations against her. More curious is the fact that not one single individual who hates her can provide a logical reason (supported with evidence) to support their hatred. It is apparent that the individuals who filed these false accusations suffer from some sort of emotional instability. I salute you Sarah and congratulations on your victory over the evil-doers!

    Read more:


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