The Outrageously Expensive “Average Family” Vacation

When Palin was first introduced to the American public she characterized her family as an “average American Middle Class Family.” The image of the “average” American family has been promoted by Palin herself suggesting that she and her family have been targeted by the “elites” and the “blue bloods”. You might think that Sarah Palin would be embarrassed now to criticize the “elites” given her insistence upon flying in private planes, chauffeur driven black limos, and her extravagant second home in Arizona.

Palin defined an “elite” to be a person who thinks they are better than others and the opposite of the hard-working middle class.

When a non-elitist goes on a “family vacation” and they take a RV, we might imagine the rental of something like this:

We don’t think of this:

Here is what we know about the “average” American family vacation.

1. The bus used by the “family” was most likely a Prevost H-3-45. 

2. There are only a couple of dealers in customized motor coaches of this type. Rob Russell of the Russell Coach Co. is of the few dealers in the Prevost customized motor coaches. I talked with him yesterday.  He provided the following information:

a. Most coaches like the one featured in Sarah Palin’s Alaska and used by Palin on her Bus Tour, are customized buses. The customers specify what type of accommodations might be necessary and the coaches can be finished out to meet a customer’s specifications.

b. The purchase price of such a coach can vary depending on the finish out and would likely range from $450,000.00 to $1,300,000,00. When you see the potential finish out for a Prevost customized motor coach the image of an “average family vacation” would never enter your mind.

c. The cost of the “bus wrap” for Sarah Palin’s bus taken on her recent tour will cost a total of about $35,000.00.

d. It is most likely that Palin leased the motor coach at an estimated cost of $1500.00 to $2000.00 per day. This price includes a driver and does not include the expense of hotels for the driver. Thus lease cost of the bus alone could easily have exceeded $40,000.00 for just 20 days of bus rental which might be a conservative estimate of the time required for the bus rental as there would be time required before and after the trip to wrap the bus, unwrap the bus, and travel to and from the location of the trip.

The FEC filings for the SarahPAC are difficult to understand in part because the “Itemized Disbursements” may provide general descriptions like “logistical consulting” and “merchant fees.” However it is clear that the cost of this “family vacation” far exceeded the cost of an “average” family’s budget for an entire year. This “family vacation” cost at least:

1. $14,000 for the “bus wrap”

2. $10,000 on “logistical trip consulting,”

3. $3,600 to the bus driver

4. $7,000 on lodging.

However many other charges to the PAC were likely related to the family vacation. Thousands of dollars were reflected as “air travel,” even though it is not specified who traveled or the reason for the trip. These charges have dates within 30 days of the bus tour, which began over  Memorial Day Weekend.  Each individual airfare charge is not sufficiently large to expect that they reflect first class travel for Palin or rental of a private plane. In addition there are likely many bills that came in after the June 30 deadline for filing a statement of disbursements for the quarter.

Nothing about the Palin family is “average”. Nothing about this family vacation is “typical.” The only thing about the event that is “average” or “typical” is that when Sarah Palin is involved there will be an extravagant waste of PAC funds. The only thing predictable about the event is that Palin spends money in such a way that it is clear that she is a member of the elite.

12 thoughts on “The Outrageously Expensive “Average Family” Vacation

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  1. I find it criminally hypocritical that she uses the “one nation” splashed all over that monstrosity. She is instrumental in DIVIDING this country, what with her idiotic gun references and discouraging word she uses to describe exactly what she, herself is.

    Correction: “nouveau riche” doesn’t quite do it. To my mind, Molly Brown (of Titanic fame) is the epitome of that.
    “Beverly Hillbillies” comes close, but the BH were harmless, except to their banker.

    It has struck me that Palin is looking for a sinecure. Somewhere where she can rake in the bucks, and not do anything. Seems she found it, at the expense of people who can least afford it, but I see it this way, if they are comfortable watching their hard earned dollars go up in flames with every over-the-top purchase she makes, why should I complain? They certainly aren’t.

    A latest statistic: 30% of those who consider themselves “conservative” support her.
    only 25% of the populace are even comfortable calling themselves Republican.
    That is a minority. A very small one.
    She does, however, have 95% name recognition, but how that name recognition is viewed is another matter. More than half think negatively about her, so she may find having a sinecure is untenable when her rabid minions finally run out of money and abandon her, realizing they are in the poorhouse with nothing to show for it.

    I’m not sure about “elite,” Malia. Maybe “poseur” would be more appropriate.


    1. gokemidoro, You are right …people recognize the name Hitler, but somehow I don’t think Americans would vote for him.


  2. Malia,
    I think this might be the same bus she had for the book tour (wrapped w/SARAPAC) and the same one Toad drove all the way down to LA for DWTS and used in Sarah Palins Ak & this most recent “Vacay” (wrapped) She could be leasing it…but I’m willing to bet one of her shell companies plunked down some cold ca$h for it.


  3. And, speaking of her extravagent second home in Arizona — I’ll say!!!!! Just found this article:

    If their facts are correct, Sarah paid about TWICE what it sold for only a year earlier. Who does that? It must have had some amazing upgrades made in that year to warrant a doubling in value when most houses are going down in value. Or, am I wrong? Is Arizona experiencing a boom in real estate while the rest of the country declines?

    Also, as I recall, this house turned out to have title problems because an earlier transaction (the one a year ago??) was subject to funny business at the mortgage bank and so title is not clear.

    Also, too, wasn’t this house purchased by some company rather than directly by Palin? If so, who is in charge at that company? They don’t seem to be looking out for Sarah’s best interests — not checking title issues, paying twice as much as this house brought a year earlier in a down economy like we have now. Or, maybe there is some trick to it all that is just over my head. Maybe she is making out like gang busters in this transaction??


    1. Hudson Elizabeth
      You obviously know more than I do about this house, but Palin has a history of making really bad financial judgments.


    2. I believe that the ‘company’ that bought the AZ house is simply an LLC of the Palin clan designed to protect the identity of the buyers. Use of such a ‘company’ is often used in instances when the price might go higher if the sellers knew the identity of a celeb. That’s reasonably typical amongst millionaires, but nevertheless puts a new spin on Palin’s claim of being a “typical family.” (BTW, don’t you hope that they are NOT typical?)


  4. Malia, I waited through the sewer of SarahPac disbursements yesterday. Appears they have rental for storage units in Palmer and Anchorage. What do you think they are storing in these units? Gifts? Tax records? Extra babies? Sarah’s inflatable bras? Todd’s new place to play with prostitutes?


  5. Malia,
    The article posted above has the pricing information — what was paid by her and the previous owner a year earler.

    The article posted below is where I read about the title problems and that it was a company who bought it — a company she is a part of, but it would seem to belong to that company and not her unless there is some arrangement in the deal.

    OK, here is another article about the purchase and it talks about the company that made the purchase, Safari Investments, which was formed in Delaware the day before the purchase. This hi finance is above me — meaning I haven’t a clue how it works or what it means in this case. But, it does raise questions.


  6. Malia ~
    No one seems to be examining SP’s motive for moving to AZ. They are focused on the house, the cost, the unseemly amenities for a “typical family”, but I’m more interested in motivation. WHY the move to AZ and how to explain her departure from the home of the mama grizzly to the home of mama western diamondback rattler, which is her true nature???

    Four possibilities come to mind:
    1. AK doesn’t want SP an more. Her popularity has sunk to an all-time low and there’s no reason why it should rebound in her home state. With her stooge, Parnell at the wheel, AK has moved on and too many people there are familiar with her REAL half-governance so she wants to move far from her “haters.”
    2. Given Todd’s recent bad-boy behavior, it’s time to get out of AK and the facts of the massageuse case or risk running for prez as a divorcee.
    3. The move is a ‘Plan B’ for getting into federal politics as a senator because McCain is not likely to run again…and she can claim to be his ‘heir’. Or what about the open seat left by the unethical Kyl? (Wouldn’t it be a scream to see a debate between Palin and Engle?)
    4. Her new home has a security system and is built far from the plot line so Joe McGinniss cannot rent next door and be a predator of her children.
    5. Add your own theory….

    In any event, her new venue lets her run for prez, write another tale of victimhood about how she was robbed of the presidency by evil forces in D.C. and then run for senator to ‘clean up’ D.C. That’s silly, but silly enough to be true.


    1. Actually no, she won’t run or get Kyl’s seat, or McCains (if you think she’s waiting for 5 years for that). AZ has politicians just like all states. We are conservative and we have our share of nutjobs. But she isn’t one of them. She isn’t living here (yet) and Bristle is selling (haha) her house in Maricopa or trying to rent it at this point (which will take her forever in that location).

      The house is thought to have a non-clear title. And she paid about $800,000 too much. Then again she was never really bright about anything.


  7. I just saw some funny remarks on the ADN site that I thought I’d share. One poster referred to “us up here in Alaskazona” and someone else called her the “Unagrifter”!


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