The “Hibernating Grizzly” Appears Poised to Rise Up

The question asked in every interview, appearance, and article of and about Sarah Palin is “Are you running in 2012?”  With the debut of her film the “Undefeated” we may have the answer.  While the movie has been hyped as a film made without Palin’s  money or input, the truth is the opposite.  The film was Palin’s idea and she did participate in the making of the film. Lucky for Sarah Palin that she is no longer the Governor, so she has plenty of time to devote her attention to making this “documentary.”  Lucky for Sarah Palin that she has plenty of money now to pay for a full time nanny for Trig so she can devote herself to riding motorcycles and reading Bristol’s book.

Given the decision to have the premier of the Undefeated  in Iowa, it seems inevitable that an announcement of her candidacy will be forthcoming in the next few days.

Hang a lantern.  Warn every American you know…”Sarah Palin is coming.”  Tell them to visit

19 thoughts on “The “Hibernating Grizzly” Appears Poised to Rise Up

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  1. Bring on the Grizzly Mama! I wanna see the Bachmann/Palin catfight commence! Good summertime entertainment. Just tell me when and I’ll have the margaritas ready


    1. Susan yee,
      I have been working on it to try to create one place people could go to see and hear the unbelievable things Palin has said and Republicans have said about her…in case people forget. I hope we would never have to use it…like a fallout shelter, but if you need it there is not time to create on at the time. If Palin announces, we will all have to work together to make sure people see these clips and the documentation of Palin by the numbers. Thanks for your help! Malia


      1. Once again, Ms. Sarah can’t get the temperature/dressing thing together. A black, 3/4 sleeve , fitted shirt in Iowa in the summer?

        It’s petty of me, but to me it just shows her vanity and her cluelessness.

        Now if we can find someone as equally committed as you to gather the Bachman lies (260,000 in farm subsidies anyone?) as well. . .


      2. Maureen M,
        I assure you if Bachmann becomes the GOP nominee that I will focus on her. If Palin announces, I predict that she and Palin will split the far right wing Republicans and the GOP will pick Romney or someone else and hopefully we will be rid of both. What I anticipate is that Palin will run as an independent or tea party candidate, as the leaders of the GOP won’t get behind her. I think we will know in the next week or so. Malia


      3. I hope you’re making one for Bachmann too. She’s even scarier because people think she’s “serious”. I’ve not met a person yet (here in blue New England) who does anything but snicker at SP.


      4. lazergrl,
        I haven’t decided what I will do over the next year, but Bachmann is almost as offensive as Palin. I may have to split my time on Palin, Perry, and Bachmann, but we shall see.


      5. Don’t forget crackpot Cain, unethical Pawlenty and other unknowns who want the farthest RIght vote too. Cain has already made comments about how he is as appealing to the TP as Bachmann so the civil war is already well underway within the GOP, regardless of their “big tent” claim.


    1. Xenon,
      I think she knows that it will make history, regardless of whether she wins or not, because she would be one of the first women (along with Bachmann) to run for Pres from the GOP…or whatever party she chooses.


    1. MM,
      Thanks for the link. The post I’m doing this am is about this, so I’ll be able to use the link to document the actual interview of Palin. Thanks, Malia


    1. Wakeupamerica, Maybe on the 5th, because she’ll tell us she was so inspired by the patriotism that she experienced on the 4th, and when she was watching the fireworks she heard God telling her to “run”…when in reality it was Todd yelling at Trig to get out of the way of some firecrackers. I don’t think she’ll announce on the weekend, because that would be a slow news day. Malia


  2. You folks in Iowa, let us know if you see Don King or Vince McMahon roaming around. What????! You were expecting an unscripted, two woman debate at Columbia University. No way, Palin and the RAMinator will open with verbal soup cans.

    How does the Empress think she can compete with Michelle Bachmann? You have education, experience, completed terms in office all in Bachmann’s favor. The Empress must think it’s a beauty contest and she”ll pick up points for being a couple inches taller. Fashion wise, Bachmann will make the Empress look like a drunk in a drag show wardrobe closet. The Fox must be in a quandary because their “hot chick” candidate has glasses. When pursuing the testosterone vote, the “hot chick” without fake glasses always wins.


  3. I was a little concerned she was going to announce last night in Iowa…what with President Obama and candidate Bachmann there I bet she was itching to upstage them. I do think she wants to run–badly–but she’s a bit nervous about some secrets coming out and being held accountable. If Rick Perry doesn’t run I think she definitely will run as 3rd party candidate. Perry is probably the only candidate she will support because those two were separated at birth, i think. My prediction for the GOP is a Perry/Bachmann ticket. And while I don’t like either one of them, they will be a considerable challenge for Obama.


  4. The only good news in Bristol’s announcement that her mother has decided about whether to run is that the manufactured “suspense” will soon be over regarding whether she plans to run on the GOP ticket, run as a third party or drop out and sell her services to the highest bidder.

    My personal bet is still on the last option because (1) it’s “all about the money” with SP — though she’ll be out of luck getting fees from Romney who will keep his distance from her; (2) she has gone as far as she can as a non-candidate in padding her PAC for her personal piggybank and (3) Palin doesn’t want to DO the work. It would take less than her half-governance period before she’d be declaring that “I hate this damn job.”


  5. Just looked at the photos of Palin & Co at the theater. I’m still laughing over this commentary from Breibart: “Pella Opera House crowd applauds many Xs when fmr Gov @SarahPalinUSA takes on Big Oil & corrupt Alaska GOP.”

    How convenient of him and the audience too that they forget she is now on the ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) side of big Oil, drilling in the wilderness and lower taxes for corporations!!! The irony of this is exquisite.

    And there’s this nugget: “Tons of audience members are now saying they support Sarah Palin for President when yesterday they didn’t.”

    Tons? Really? Tons? Is that a description of the average weight of attendees or an inflated view of the number of people who attended (not all of whom were fans, folks)?

    I don not intend to see the movie, but am not surprised that it opens with the “victim card” — her favorite card in the deck after the Winkin’/Blinkin’ Card and the Red Hot Momma Card:


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