Palin Family Positioned for a 2012 Run

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to assess the likelihood that Sarah Palin intends to run for President in 2012. Her bus tour, her new movie “The Undefeated”, and her appearance in Iowa would each be enough to indicate her intentions. However even more telling would be consideration of what is happening with each member of her family. This is especially significant, as Palin has previously determined that such a decision to run would be a “family decision.” 

Todd doesn’t seem to care and has deferred to Sarah.

Track has recently married, in a rather unconventional ceremony, and with virtually no one in attendance.  If his new wife should have a child in less than 9 months after the wedding, who would notice?

Bristol says that her mom has made a decision, and even though she was unwilling to say what the decision was, she seemed very happy about it. First thing she said, with a smile on her face, is that she definitely thinks her mother should run. She confirmed that she knows the plans of her mother. Finally she said that “some things just need to stay in the family.” Remember this was a media interview that was scheduled. It’s not as if Bristol was caught on the street corner by an aggressive reporter who caught her off guard. It is not the first time that Bristol has announced to the press that she thinks her mom should run and that she would be an “awesome” President. Obviously Bristol had planned this response with the help of her mother. If Sarah Palin had decided not to run, Bristol wouldn’t be so happy and smiling when she said that her mother had decided.

Willow, the real potential trouble maker is the one who has been reported to have a drinking and drug problem. Willow has now been pulled out of school, so it will be harder for her to interfere with any aspirations of her mother.

Piper is the one who would likely attend campaign rallies with her mother, and she has developed the tough skin necessary for dealing with reporters.

Trig is the only member of the family who hasn’t been seen lately, but that may be an indication of Trig’s role in the 2012 campaign…absent.

Thus all indications would point to an announcement from Sarah Palin in the near future that she IS running in 2012. The fact that Bristol knows the decision and is happy about it, would be an indication that a big announcement is coming. Brace Yourself!

There is just one question I need to ask…If elected, could Sarah Palin pardon her sister-in-law if she commits another burglary?

35 thoughts on “Palin Family Positioned for a 2012 Run

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  1. Expect to see Palin on the campaign trail (hers or whoever bought her ‘support’) with Piper only. Piper helps Palin to look younger than the mother of a married son and grandmother that she really is. And of course Trig is a non-starter because he isn’t cute. He may be handy at a special educatuon conference or two to pick up speaking $$$; otherwise he is in the care of a nanny somewhere. He sure didn’t go on that “family vacation” with the very bored Piper.


  2. Then again, Bristol may have been happy because the question was asked (yes! they are still fascinated!) and it gave her the opportunity to further mama’s campaign cock-tease for a while longer. Who knows with this nutball family?


    1. I think they are hiding Trig prop #2 (or #3) and not posting any current pics of them so they can wheel out Trig prop #3 (or #4) when she announces. They will scout all the #GOP slave houses for the calmest, most well behaved “Trig” that will travel for the campaign.

      I think “Trig” is Sarah’s Jerry Mahoney! Pull out whichever puppet fits the needs of that day and time. There are multiple “Trigs”.


  3. My former neighbor in Juneau is (when I last inquired a couple of months ago) Trigg’s attendant. She moved out of our condo building with impressive work conducted by a local moving company. When I moved out a few weeks later and hired the same company, I got shoddy service and lots of broken household items. One of the workers didn’t do much work; I consistently found him behind the truck playing around with his cell phone.


  4. “some things just need to stay in the family.”

    Nothing has stayed in the family, they’ve published their business – shoved it down our throats for the last two years even. Are we to believe that they would keep anything (with the exception of Trig’s birth-mother and date) to themselves? They can’t wait to Facebook post, tweet, interview and write a memoir about it.

    Levi trashes them day in and day out? Who has the megaphone in this scenario? Talk about a mouse that roars against the Palin Machine.


  5. Some things should stay in the family? Like telling the world how you lost your virginity? What a trashy, nasty family. I for one, could give a rats ass about the baby-maker’s sex life. I still wonder what happened to the baby she was pregnant with on DWTS. She was obviously pregnant and then disappeared for awhile and “Viola”, no baby, new face and chin.


  6. ‘Some things just need to stay in the family.”
    Well, isn’t that special.
    This is the same girl that describes how her virginity was ‘stolen’ yet some ‘things’ need to stay in the family?
    Sex is for public consumption, but politics is in house.
    What a weird family.


    1. mgardener,
      Yes, some things need to stay in the family….like whether you are running for the Presidency, but imagine making your sex life public knowledge because obviously that doesn’t need to stay in the family!


  7. You can really tell how much Trig looks like Levi in that reagon ranch photo. At first glance, I was taken by surprise with that picture. Amazing how much he looks like Levi. This pic appears to be the REAL Trig.


  8. Thumbs Down For Martin Bashir’s Scathing Preview Of Sarah Palin’s Documentary

    “[This movie is] apparently an attempt to promote Sarah Palin’s values. But I have to ask, what are those values? Walk out of public office halfway through your allocated term. Have a child who becomes pregnant as an eighteen-year-old. And then use every possible opportunity to make money out of your celebrity. Those are her values aren’t they?”



  9. I worry Trig is surrounded by candles and a whole lot of Prayer Warriors trying to pray the extra gene away.

    Where ever he is – I hope he is loved & being well cared for.


  10. National Enguirer brings up Bristols drinking and partying, and shacking up while drunk. Evidently the leopard hasn’t changed her spots. Same behavior, hasn’t learned a thing.

    The opposite of her “Stolen Virginity” memoirs.

    the Globe brings up the Trig pregnancy and rumors that Bristol was pregnant prior to the Tripp pregnancy.


  11. I really don’t think she is running. That is my own personal opinion. There is too much negative that will be coming out . I can’t see her dealing with it.
    I don’t think Bristol would necessarily act differently if she isn’t running. Maybe
    she is happy about that but doesn’t admit it…
    We shall see. Right?


    1. Oh yeah Lisabeth…she will run…She’s been chosen by god…Our work is cut out for us..Let’s just keep our fingers crossed that she screws up real good..


  12. The reason we don’t see Trig is that he looks too much like Levi now. Google images for Trig. Photo with mom holding the 1773 sign is very Levi-like to me. Head shape or an attitude, something…


  13. If there are no secrets within their family, why did she lie about seeing Levi, why did she not tell about her second engagement until magazine story came out. Why did $P keep pregnancy secret even from her parents and children, she told the same story about her VP selection. Now they share all with each other??????


  14. Bristol Palin had to publish her “memoir” because elective facial reconstructive surgery is extremely expensive! I know she claimed her surgery was necessary due to a pre existing medical condition, however, improper jaw alignment is not a life threatening medical condition and it’s not covered by medical insurance. These two grifters desperately need each other to make money right now and they both know it! Bristol needs her mom to sell books and Sarah needs her daughter to “tease” the public about her political aspirations. The Palin family is not stupid, they are uneducated and ignorant, but they are not stupid. Bristol totally understands this better than anyone now that she has become a full fledged grifter just like her mom! They want a huge paycheck but they don’t want a job that requires work.


    1. Pete,
      You are very insightful! I agree 100%. I have a friend whose daughter has just this week had jaw surgery due to an old gymnastics accident. First of all you could tell before the surgery that the child’s jaw was not aligned. Secondly the surgery itself was extremely invasive and painful. the recovery period will be the rest of the summer. Finally the child’s chin isn’t longer and her face doesn’t have a different shape, it’s just that her jaw is now aligned. For Bristol to characterize this change as a “medically necessary procedure” is just one more lie. Malia


  15. It seems from the links in your post, she’s serious about not repeating the mistakes she made in the past, or at least is doing her best to mititgate the potential damages, especially telling, is the treatment of Willow.
    Willow has the cajones to stand up to Palin, possibly blackmailing her to get her share of earthly goods. She’s the number one threat from within the Palin compound, and Sarah better watch her step.
    After Bristol went “heels to Jesus” and got pregnant with Tripp, she’s gotten rewarded royally with cosmetic surgery, a book and tv deal, and Sarah’s praise and adulation. Willow’s going to be the one this time to embarrass Sarah. I for one can’t wait.


    1. Mac,
      I think there is the potential for several people to “out” Sarah, and if she declares she is running, I predict the media will be overwhelmed with stories about her. Malia


  16. I look at the family that currently occupies the White House, and I am impressed with their class, dignity, and their obvious love for each other. By contrast, the Palin family consists of a bunch of ill-educated, publicity-hungry yokels who think the world is as eager to learn all their business as they are to impose it on the rest of us. There would be unending family drama, which would detract from the ability to run the country effectively, which is far from the only reason Palin should never even be considered for president. But it’s up to those of us who don’t want that to happen to get out and vote when it counts.


    1. Anne, Yes its up to us to make our voices heard and protect the country by making sure that educated people vote. Malia


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