Bristol Claims Her Virginity was “Stolen”


Bristol Palin has given an interview to ABC regarding her new book

and her “stolen” virginity. While she acknowledges that Levi did NOT “date rape” her, she affirms her description of the experience by saying that her virginity was “stolen.” Maybe it’s just me, but when I think of something “stolen” I think of something being taken against a person’s will. I think of something against the law. I think of force. By using the term “stolen” Bristol Palin obviously blames Levi and is unable to accept responsibility for the fact that she had sex with Levi….many times. If Bristol was unhappy about having a sexual relationship with Levi the first time, why did she engage in that same conduct ….repeatedly?

There is a concept in criminal law of involuntary manslaughter, or negligent homicide.While murder or manslaughter requires a showing of intent, virtually every state in the United States recognizes the crime of negligent homicide. It requires only proof that there was some sort of negligence, and that the Defendant could reasonably predict the result of their negligent behavior. It is usually enough to show that a person voluntarily became intoxicated and then drove a vehicle. The justification for imposing criminal sanctions is that the person reasonably knows that driving while intoxicated is dangerous. It is no crime for a woman to lose her virginity. It is however disingenuous for a woman to blame the man when she not only consented to having sex, but could predict that it would happen.


I haven’t purchased or read Bristol’s book. Based on the review that I did read, Bristol was not coerced to go on the camping trip. She planned to go with Levi. She knew she would be spending the night with him in their own private tent. She knew there would be alcohol on the trip. She knew she was drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities. Bristol doesn’t say that Levi forced her to have sex or that she was raped.


Bristol’s conduct the night that her virginity was “stolen” establishes that she was complicitous in the theft. Just as a drunk driver must accept responsibility for taking a life in an automobile accident, Bristol must accept responsibility for “misplacing” her virginity. She didn’t say “No” to the alcohol. She didn’t say “No” Levi. Her virginity was not stolen. If she had made a claim on her insurance for “stolen” property, she would be guilty of insurance fraud. When Bristol devised a scheme to spend the night with Levi, in a private location, after consuming massive quantities of alcohol, it was predictable that a “theft” might occur. To suggest that her virginity was “stolen” is like Sarah Palin saying that she was completely exonerated in the Troopergate matter.



51 thoughts on “Bristol Claims Her Virginity was “Stolen”

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    1. It wasn’t stolen, she made a bad decision to drink too many “wine coolers”…she is not yet an adult in terms of her decision-making skills.


      1. Malia…if you read the first chapter, she states that she had a tent for her girlfriend and her, but ended up in the other tent after the wine cooler overload.


      2. Listen to Levi, they were trying to get pregnant, Bristol is a rubber stamp of her mother, she would not know the truth if it hit her in the ASS!


    2. It’s not even a sure thing that the episode in March 2006 was Bristol’s first time…that she was indeed, a virgin.

      As someone on Politicalgates pointed out, a young girl’s virginal state is protected by a “gate”. When that gate is necessarily forced open, it HURTS, even when the gentlest, most patient, most knowledgable partner who’s not in a hurry forces it open (digitally is ideal).

      You’d probably be right if you think that if Bristol was an intoxicated teenage girl being penetrated by an equally intoxicated teenage boy, he’d 1) not be knowledgable, 2) not be patient, 3) not be gentle, and 4) not notice if she was or wasn’t a virgin.

      And you’d think the pain would bring her out of that alcoholic stupor FAST.


    3. So true. Momma grifter is teaching babyhuey grifter very well. If all falses lie. The gall of her mother to throw the McCains under the bus is really something. The McCains put her on the map. She better shut up because I’m sure when the McCains are over this childish behavoir you are going to hear from them. The Palins may think their power in Wallisabilly is going to carry them further they better watch out. AZ isn’t AK. She’ll be playing with the big boys. They will cut her down to size.


  1. Bristol Palin™ says, “Levi got me drunk and date raped me, but I’m not saying he date raped me – I’m using a different word – stolen.”


  2. Bingo, Malia. She’s either too stupid to realize she’s contradicted herself or she’s trying to get away with saying it was rape without saying it was rape. Bristol is pretty stupid, but she’s also conniving, so I could go either way with it.

    Either way, the Kardashians and Real housewives have nothing on this particular reality tee ver “star.”


  3. I would refer to Bristol as an ‘accessory’ to the ‘premeditated’ theft — that she clearly lied as to her whereabouts and with whom.

    The re-virginization ferris wheel goes ’round & ’round!!!

    Just think, she might have some surgeon hired to ‘re-virginate’ her!!!She’ll have to set up a revolving line of credit with the surgeon’s office of course — for multiple procedures! That line she once again refers to in the book that she won’t have sex again until she’s married — she said that on Oprah too & blew that one out of the water – i.e. Levi & Gino come quickly to mind. Who knows who else!!!


  4. Bristol’s virginity was not “stolen” but negligently misplaced. That’s the best description I’ve seen since this whole sordid story hit the media.


  5. I now have a question with regard to her statement in her GMA interview this a.m.

    “I’m not an abstinence preacher” – Bristol’s words

    What did she earn at least $262,000 for from Candie’s Foundation together with the thousands in speaking appearances, magazine interview/cover payments and TV interview appearances — if not an ‘abstinence preacher’?

    The only thing the Palin’s excel in are lies and muddying waters for those that don’t realize who the ‘Real Palins’ are.


    1. de,
      She has made her money from Candie’s Foundation, so now maybe she’ll become a spokesperson for one of the Drug Companies that sells the pill.


      1. Wouldn’t be a good spokesperson for them in that ‘if she was on birth control’ — it didn’t work!!!

        Not what you would call ‘good marketing’ of their product!!!


  6. Don’t know what Bristol was really attempting to do by writing this sleazy book. Blearly, she gave “way too much information” and instead of inspiring others, it looks like she has actually disgusted them. If this is supposed to help her mother in her quest for POTUS, then I think she has truly failed. Once again, Bristol’s book has only added to all the “baggage” of this dysfunctional family, and shown, once again, that sarah has no dignity or class. Apparently Bachmann as now stolen palin’s thunder by announcing her candidacy for POTUS. Certainly Bachmann is no prize, and would be an absolute disaster in the White House. Yet, at least even Bachmann seems to have a decent marriage, and I wonder about her children. Have any lived wild, out-of-control lives like palin’s kids have? Bristol has this appallingly sleazy background, Track was accused of vandalism, and now people even are saying that Willow is going astray. I certainly hope not, but if she is getting out of control, then we’ll sure be hearing about it. Piper is 10, but seems to have been thrust into a very adult situation with her parents and siblings. Are they going to eventually mess her life up? Sure hope not! Then we have little Trig – how is he doing? Have the palins been getting therapy for him so he can thrive? He wasn’t along on the joke of a “family vacation” bustour – why not?

    How long can the palins continue to cash in on their fame? Why did Bristol REALLY write this book and what does she think she can accomplish with it?


    1. concerned granny,
      This is an example of something I think Palin is going to have a hard time with. Surely people are catching on that by calling Bristol’s book “perfect” she is endorsing Bristol trashing Levi, which could never be thought to be ok!


      1. Well we know that she won’t call it rape, if she did, Levi can get arrested and that will stop the 1700/month child support payments.


  7. It would be interested in knowing how the girls who that told her she had had sex with Levi after she “woke up” knew this to be the case.

    I would also be interested to know what price Bristol placed on her virginity before it was stolen – not much I’d say. I don’t condemn Bristol for her behavior – it happens. I do condemn her for weaving an untruthful story around the events in her attempt to insulate herself from criticism and responsibility.


    1. wavelength,
      If she is adult enough to have sex she should be adult enough to do it responsibly. From using birth control to preventing the spread of STD’s she should have taken more responsibility. I don’t condemn her for the act of pre-marital sex, but I think she owes it to her son not to write about it in a book nationally available. Malia


  8. Keep it up, Mrs. Palin and Miss Palin. You embarrass yourselves each and every time you open your mouths and each and every time your ghost writer writes something you tell them to write. You have told the whole world how ignorant and unimportant and foolish you both are. I don’t believe one’s virginity can be “stolen.” I agree with Malia. It is a strange use of the word and it is a way of accusing someone of rape without overtly saying “he raped me.” Miss Palin is a manipulator, a liar, and I pity those who are brought into her life (and her mothers) because that person is entering a nest of snakes.


  9. Malia, with all due respect, Bristol tells her story and then says, in domino fashion , these were the mistakes I made in this order that ended up placing me here in this present state. She takes responsiblilty for lying to her mom, for actively putting herself in a bad position, for proceeding to give Levi a chance because of immature teen girly reasons. She’s very direct about her story. She never claims perfection, she even denies being a role model. She just wants people to read others’ stories and think before they act and get THEMSELVES into a bad position. I mean cmon, that relationship went downhill steadily beginning in May 2008. Levi blew off steam hunting all summer. Bristol not only hid her belly until she couldn’t but I’m sure she was feeling intense regret even then.

    Her story is one to be heard, for it happens everywhere and to anyone. The good thing for these kids is, they were given the spotlight to teach others NOT to act hastily and stupidly, which is refreshing today considering MTV and Hollywood considers to feed the notion of easy sex and one night stands.


    1. Stop Look Listen,
      I am afraid the real message is that by being an unwed teenager you don’t have to go to college, you can be on the front cover of magazines, you can still have lots of boyfriends, dance with the stars, write your own book, and make your own “reality” show. If you think of nobody but her son, as a mother, I would never write such things for my son to read.


      1. Thank you Malia, and you told it like it really is. These “adults” don’t seem to have any real regard for the little ones, or how their sleazy attempts to justify their very bad decisions will affect the little ones. I really don’t see how anyone can possibly defend this trashy Bristol Palin tell-all book. It is all so extremely sad, and certainly not what a “Christian” should be putting out there. Bristol is really not the innocent victim she tries to portray herself as being. Bristol should really be very ashamed of herself.


      2. concerned granny,
        Whatever your position regarding pre-marital sex, it doesn’t seem that the scenario that Bristol describes would be ideal in anyone’s mind. Surely everyone could agree that Bristol should never describe this detailed information in a book available across the country. Whenever a person has sex, it should be an intimate moment, and only a person who has little or no respect for themselves and/or their partner would memorialize the most private of encounters in a book available in any book store, and that your child might read.


    2. Her story is not new and not one that “has to be told.” the tragedy of teen pregnancy is not girls who become pregnant by accident, it’s girls who become pregnant on purpose. And there’s Bristol with her plastic surgery and her book and her reality tee vee life and her adorable son.

      Getting pregnant was the BEST thing that happened to Bristol. She has exploited her pregnancy and her son to an inch of their lives.

      Where would Bristol be if she hadn’t gotten pregnant? Not on DWTS, not owning a house, not appearing on the cover of In Touch or in the pages of Vanity Fair, not making easy money left and right.

      How has it been hard for her? How has it negatively affect her life? She has Nannies and sitters and no worries about health insurance, or working on any normal kind of job. She has opportunities that would never had come her way if she hadn’t given birth. Her life is 100% easier because she’s a “teen mom.”

      kind of a message does that send?


      1. jk,
        I agree and its offensive to me that she does things like writing this book. Malia


    3. Bristol ‘clarified’ her first pages of her book in a ‘made for TV viewing’ interview. This said interview is not on a DVD inside the cover for all to view along with reading the book. The book still paints the picture that she was ‘date raped’.

      I think of Tripp coming across said book in the next 13 or 14 or 15 years or that of one or more of his ‘school buddies’. What a wonderful picture Bristol has painted of his father for him to read or for said school buddies to bully the hell out of him.

      The book is on the shelve ONE WEEK and she’s already having to walk back statements.

      The fact she has a bank account with a substantial balance; speaking tour payments, magazine interview/covers, a paid for property, no college education speaks to had she not been pregnant – she’d be a burger flipper.

      Bristol has not once spoken in AK, a high teen pregnancy state, about teen pregnancy. If in fact she ‘cared’ as you are implying, she’d be speaking for $0 — not the thousands she charges. Guess the AK teen pregnancy groups can’t come up with the funds and therefore Bristol turns her nose up at them.

      It is also FACT that her speaking tour engagements are ‘fee ticket’ admissions for which the majority of pregnant teems cannot afford. Her speeches are being given to an audience composed of majority of adults — which therefore does not get the message to the teens who are the ones either pregnant or thinking of it as they see Bristol make thousands of $$$ and those pregnant teens on the reality shows make thousands of $$$. She speaks the wrong demographics and it’s because of her ‘greed’ the message is not getting to those who are in need of it. She’d rather her bank account fills and her face reconstruction paid for that truly putting out a message. Sorry Stop Look Listen – comment failure so far.

      Further, your words “She just wants people to read others’ stories and think before they act and get THEMSELVES into a bad position” — Would that be just the camping trip?? My problem with your words is that Bristol continued on numerous occasions to return to the ‘engagement and reengagement of sex’ with Levi. Even admitted that she went on birth control as to not have to use condoms – this coming out of course after she has said she used birth control for cramps. Still the DVD of ‘walking back comments’ not included.

      You also don’t get appointed as a speaker of a Foundation to earn hundreds of thousand $$ if you don’t want to be a role model. etc. You’re whole post is completely debunked and in my words — BS.


    4. “She denies being a role model”? Come on, then, is she going to return the 262,000 to the Candies foundation?the mistakes she made got her on a big Hollywood show and a lucrative book deal, a 5 bedroom house, and plastic surgery. How exactly is a young teen going to learn from that?

      She is lying the she’s had a job since she was little (what job?)

      She says she had a contract so couldn’t reveal that her wedding was off of she’d be sued. What’s with these people? Does it ever occur to them to RETURN THE MONEY, or pay damages for their lies WITHOUT being sued?


  10. I want to know if anyone thinks there is a possibility that she didn’t actually have sex with Levi that first time…camping, but her friends told her she did, set it up, as a “joke”. I mean otherwise, wouldn’t she have been in pain if she was not aware…I guess it depends on Levi’s level of skill? Also, after I read that chapter (sample) I wasn’t convinced it was not a fake. All she says is that clothes are off and she is in Levi’s tent, or something like that. Given that kids were already teasing her…i don’t put it past them to pull a trick (pretending she had sex) like this, if she was really that naive.


  11. So if you and I get shit-faced with wine coolers, and you bring out your $200 bottle of Cognac and we drink it up, can you say I “stole” it from you?
    No you stupid twit Bristle, you squandered it in the haze of self inflicted drunkenness.
    What could have been one of the more loving cherished important transitions in life, you missed by your own lack of character. Own it!


  12. If she lost her virginity because it was “stolen” then that’s rape but yet she’s not accusing him of rape…and then goes off and gets engaged to her rapist.
    What a crock of BS. The family was happy to parade him around the RNC convention all spruced up with a brand new suit bought and paid for by the RNC and now they HATE him?


  13. if she is saying her virginity was “stolen”, she is saying he raped her. i’m sure there may be paid reasons why levi wouldn’t, but he needs to step up and nail her to the legal wall on that statement if it is false.

    she’s certainly playing the victim card well. her mommy must be so proud.


  14. There are so very many unanswered questions she doesn’t address. Does she not need parental consent for a doctor to prescribe birth control pills? The daughter of the then Governor of the state can buy seven pregnancy tests with no one questioning or knowing why? If I recall correctly, Sarah was shocked to find out she was sexually active.
    Gee, if her virginity was stolen, wouldn’t she check the police evidence room or lost and found to get it back?
    Bristol, in her “wine cooler” (read beer or hard liquor) stupor has to be told by a friend what happened? It’s all too stupid to be believable.

    The part of the interview that bothered me most was when she admitted Levi doesn’t get to see Tripp as often as he’s entitled to. She’s a user.

    None of my children know anything about my sexual history, and they never will. Tripp doesn’t have a choice.

    Malia, your post is the best I’ve read on this topic, and that second graphic is priceless!


    1. Mac,Thanks for your kind words. My children don’t know about the sexual history of their mother and father of 26 years! They don’t WANT to know! They are embarrassed at even an insinuation that we have had sex other than three times. Malia


    2. not sure about the parental consent, but B. would gladly have lied to her mother or the doctor to say she needed them cuz of cramps. Or of course, for Sarah to have lied. She does that, doesn’t she?


  15. perhaps in Hollywood, Bristol will learn how to pronounce hunt_TING and fish_ING. She also has that unfortunate habit of pronouncing her “ee” sounds like in the word ill, as opposed to FEEL. And how to lose the whine in her voice….


  16. It’s bad enough that she’s written a book her son will most likely read years later. It’s full of too much information and reflects her inability or unwillingness to acknowledge responsibility for any of her actions, particularly that she placed herself in the situation in which she claims her virginity was “stolen.” What weakens her case even more is that she voluntarily continued to have sex with Levi. No one coerced her, and the fact that she was at one time even considering marriage to him really puts her arguments to bed.


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