Sarah Palin, Pit Bull, Attacks Mitt Romney

Do you know the difference between Sarah Palin and a Pit Bull? By her own admission, lipstick! Palin seemed to think she was very clever at the Republican Convention when she told that joke. The truth is that Pit Bulls are a dangerous breed of animal!

Pit Bulls are the breed of dog responsible for the greatest number of human deaths. Thirty-two percent of human deaths from dogs are from pitbulls. Rotweillers are responsible for the second greatest number of human deaths, and they account for almost half as many at 18%.  Pit Bulls are so dangerous that a large number of jurisdictions have enacted breed-specific legislation due to the number of deaths.

Dangerous” is how some would describe Sarah Palin. In case there had been any confusion about the dangerous character of her rhetoric, Gabby Giffords herself commented on violence provoking rhetoric, and Sarah Palin in particular.  The families of the six people who were killed in Arizona would agree with Palin’s characterization of herself as a “pit bull.” Even her bus tour has been criticized as dangerous. Up to 15 cars transporting media and reporters are closely following her bus because she has refused to notify the press about her schedule. It has even been called the “Dangerous Mystery tour.

For over two years we have listened to Palin’s repeated and unrelenting attacks on Barack Obama. From his handling of the Gulf Oil Spill to producing pictures of Osama bin Laden’s body, Palin is credited with the most prolific attacks on, and disrespect of, Barack Obama. Now the pit bull has turned on her own kind. With the Republican primary ahead, Palin knows only how to operate in attack mode, so that is now her approach against her fiercest competitor in the Republican primary, Mitt Romney. In a recent poll, Palin andRomney each have 16% of the Republicans surveyed.

Romney was in New Hampshire when he made his announcement that he would run for the GOP nomination in 2012. While on her bus tour, Palin acknowledged that she plans to visit New Hampshire. Even though she doesn’t believe in coincidences as explained in Going Rogue, Palin now says that the timing of her trip to New Hampshire is purely coincidental. However the pit bull came out when Palin attacked Romney in New Hampshire the same day that Romney was in New Hampshire to make the announcement. Attacking Romney on health care, the pit bull said:

““In my opinion any mandate coming from government is not a good thing,”

“[E]ven on a state level and even a local level, mandates coming from a governing body, it’s tough for a lot of us independent Americans to accept, because we have great faith in the private sectors and our own families, and our own businessmen and women making decisions for ourselves.”

Twisting the political knife in a bit further Palin said that appealing to the tea party will be a “big challenge” for Romney.

By way of contrast Mitt Romney has gone to great lengths not to attack Sarah Palin.

Some Democrats have been hopeful that Palin would run against Obama, thinking Palin would be the easiest of the GOP candidates to beat.  Up until this point I had focused on the ease with which Obama could demonstrate that Sarah Palin was ignorant, unqualified, and incompetent. However those of us opposed to Palin may realize an additional benefit of having her run in the primary. With a pit bull loose in the GOP primary we may see attacks on every GOP candidate who runs against Sarah Palin. The fact that the pit bull only has one gear, that of attack, she may help Obama win the 2012 election with lethal attacks on every GOP candidate. Her most recent attack on Mitt Romney sends a clear message: she is running, and she is only concerned with her own election, rather than helping the GOP. As with the race in Alaska between Murkowski and Miller, Sarah Palin is only focused on her own agenda, rather than helping the GOP. Her bite may be fatal to the GOP. Even if Palin doesn’t ultimately win the GOP nomination, the fatality of her bite may prove to be lethal to the Republican Party.

63 thoughts on “Sarah Palin, Pit Bull, Attacks Mitt Romney

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  1. It is amazing to me how Sarah gets off talking about government mandates when she, Todd, all children (their spouses) and the children’s children are covered by native health insurance. Of course, the lack of logic of this person has always been amazing.


    1. Penelope – it doesn’t work that way. Only Todd and his descendants are eligible for Native Health Care, not Sarah or spouses. There is no way to know whether they currently use the services anyway since medical records are considered private. Also, Bristol would not be able to use the services since she now resides Outside, you have to be a resident of Alaska. Just clearing up the rumors – keeping facts straight is important which is why we detest the Queen of Lies.


  2. No mandate should come from government? Does that include no mandates regarding a woman’s uterus or a person’s right to marry the person of their choice? After all, DOMA is a government mandate.

    This woman needs to study up on her history and look back to when government mandates were at a minimum. We had robber barons and women getting locked in factories during fires. Does she really want to go back to days like that? We need look only to West Virginia, where a mining company ignored government mandates and miners died as a result. This is the type of country that Palin is proposing, but I bet she doesn’t even realize it.


    1. Trish,
      I think the problem is that she doesn’t know history at all, so she has no understanding of what women experienced in the past. Her idea of “history” is what she ate for dinner last night.


  3. I predicted @ IM Palin’s MO. She will tear down and campaign to destroy her opponents while giving lip service she is not running stringing doubt. After she sufficiently discredits, tears down contenders to her level she will swoop in like a vulture. We have seen the pit bull and shall see worse. Simultaneously she will spin she supports republican contenders while she is thinking, planning and orchestrating the opposite.

    “unconventional” is a spin for sociopathic patterns. Palin attacks peoples strengths spinning webs of lies. She clearly is not interested in improving her self, just controlling she appears exemplary by painting others black.
    Even Paul Revere was lied about he did the opposite of what he did lol.


    1. Rene,
      In all the articles I read about her criticism of Romney, nobody made the observation that she should be embarrassed to criticize any Governor who completed his term. jUST AMAZES ME!!!


  4. Sarah has *never* been a fan of the Republican Party. It was simply marginally less horrible than the Democratic Party (in her eyes). That said, the only way she was able to get anything done as Governor was to actually work *with* the Democrats in office as she’d alienated most of the Republicans already.

    When she headed back after the election, well, nobody was good enough then. “How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm after they’ve seen Paree”

    Heaven help us.


    1. Nan,
      It seems that no one wants to claim her, but people are so afraid of her that no one will say what they really think. Malia


  5. When her bus entourage is responsible for someone’s death because they ignored that dang government mandated stop light, will she stop? Or will it be Obama’s fault?


    1. Sally in MI,
      You can bet it will be Obama’s fault, or maybe Romney’s fault since he was in New Hampshire,and he is clearly on her list now. Malia


  6. I used to live next door to pit bulls. One that was chained to a tree used to jump up and grab the lowest tree limb. She would, as is typical of pitbulls, lock her jaw and hang there for a long time holding the tree limb and twisting in the wind. Great metaphor for the Tundra Turd, don’t you think? It was a completely useless activitiy but the only way the dog knew how to amuse herself.


    1. californiacruisin,
      I wish Sarah could find another way to amuse herself than attacking anyone who is earnest in trying to fix the many problems in our country. MALIA


  7. I am the proud owner of a Rotweiller, who is smarter than the entire Palin family combined. Had Palin been a democratic candidate, she would have been laughed off the stage long ago. What an ignorant woman she is. While displaying her lack of interest in the history of the sites she is breezing through she is displaying her lack of parenting skills. Piper is a brat, and will be more of a problem than all her older siblings, wait and see. What a sad, sad state the US is in, reporting on every nonsensical word out of the mouth of a deranged woman.


    1. Scarsdale,
      Rotweillers are very smart, and dogs are smart enough not to attack their own kind. I can’t say the same for S.P. Malia


  8. Excellent post Malia. The McCain operatives were on the money when they said she has allegiance to no one–not even her family, as we have seen this past week. Sarah rattles off about the tea baggers but she could care less about them. She just loves their angry rhetoric and it meshes with her own attack stance.

    She is just like the scorpion in the frog and scorpion fable. She just can’t help destroying everyone who has ever helped her in some way—even if it takes her under—and it will.


  9. uuuggghhh, I had a long post and managed to delete it. Trying again:

    I understand the point of your post, but please don’t perpetuate the myth about the Pit Bull. Pits are not the breed for the casual dog owner. However, they are not the demon dogs as they are usually described. The reputation they have earned is due to their association with a very negative element in our society (i.e. criminals and Sarah Palin), poor animal management, poor breeding criteria (or no criteria at all), and careless handling.

    Breed specific legislation is a completely ineffective way to deal with the problem of “dangerous dogs”. The laws are based on many of the myths and fears listed in the links above and punish responsible owners and/or breeders due to the actions of irresponsible owners.


    1. also good to read The Lost Dogs about Michael Vick’s dogs. I would not take in a pit bull but I have met some very sweet pit bulls.


    1. MO Inkslinger,
      We may be about to see just how far the GOP will go since she has attacked the front runner. MALIA


  10. Actually, pit bulls are very gentle, loving creatures. It’s humans who exploit them that makes them dangerous. A pit bull that hasn’t been abused will be the best pet you’ve ever had. But they are strong, and humans use that to “entertain” themselves, forcing these dogs into a life of violence. I know this is off topic, but it broke my heart to see these dogs so unfairly labeled in this blog post.


    1. JW,
      I know you are right, and the media seems to “use” Palin for entertainment,but I don’t find her entertaining. Malia


      1. Neither do I. I no longer turn to our corporate MSM. Thank goodness for the internet, and a handful of journalists who still demonstrate credibility and integrity. I don’t know who I find more disturbing, Palin or the MSM. If anyone is interested has a petition to the Media to return to covering the news and ignore the antics of Palin..encourage everyone to sign and pass it on.

        Thanks Malia, you are a force for good.


  11. Good article, as usual, Malia! BUT, I feel I need to comment about the misrepresentation of the pit bull breed. Any dog can be dangerous and will bite. It is the lack of socialization and training (or the wrong training) by the owners that can make a dog a menace to people. Yes, pit bulls are demonized because of dog fighting, but with proper training and socialization they are very good pets and love people. In fact, they used to be America’s favorite breed (remember Petey from Lil’ Rascals?).

    Irresponsible owners are the problem, not the breed itself.


    1. California Dreamin.
      I know you are right. We have three dogs and one is a new puppy…a German Shepard. They too can be trained to attack, but are great pets. Malia


  12. The tide is turning for $P. The grassroots of the Republican Party have been ignored, she has attacked the frontrunner.

    She IS NOT GOING TO RUN! She wants to be relevant and get money for her PAC, but she is not running.

    Soon, the other campaigns and the grassroots Repubs will disown her.

    If they don’t make her irrelevant, than will have to deal with her ‘snarkiness'(is that a word) everyday. The Repubs can’t afford anymore political problems/landmines.

    The day of reckoning is coming, stay tuned in because it is going to be a bumpy ride for $P.


    1. Tom Joad,
      I hope you are right, but I fear that this latest attack on Romney is an indication of her mindset. I could imagine her running as an independent. Malia


  13. Sarah Palin only cares about the woman she sees whenever she looks in a mirror. She has proven repeatedly that the image she tries to convey is only a facade, and only her most diehard fans are blind to these realities. It’s disgusting that not only does the media keep enabling her in all her foolishness, but also that she’s given a pass for all her serious shortcomings because some of the folks in the media think she’s “attractive.” The fact that she’s attacking Romney clearly illustrates how power-hungry she is, and I wonder how the GOP establishment feels about her for breaking the late Ronald Reagan’s credo to never speak ill of a fellow Republican.


  14. In the leaked emails from ram we learned that the palin peeps thought Romney was already playing dirty tricks on winky. Now that she has attacked let’s see if he goes after her in a whisper campaign, leak to the media way. I’m no fan of Mitt Romney but he has to be 10 x as smart as her, wealthy, politically savvy and backed by every mommon in the US. I’m hoping he goes after the divisive bitch with both barrels.


  15. Help – Breakdown Alert – Call 911 –

    With $P on her bus tour – spewing misinformation – plus reading blog –
    finished Blind Allegiance (excellent) and The Lies of $P (also very good)-

    I am suffering from MAJOR Palin overload !!!!


  16. I think that speeding up I-95 and rushing through stop lights to show up a few miles away from Romney’s speech in NH shows incredibly poor sportsmanship on the part of the Palin camp.


  17. First, ‘it’s the deed, not the breed.’ There are tens of thousands of pit bulls and rotties that are wonderful pets. It’s how they’re raised. And, comparing a dog to $arah is quite insulting…to the dogs!


  18. wow. consciously endangering the lives of reporters and other news crew members as payback for how she was treated during 2008? rumors we’ve heard about her being a vindictive b**ch have officially been confirmed. appalling, though, that she considers potential life loss as inconsequential. i say again > b**ch.


  19. “In my opinion any mandate coming from government is not a good thing.”

    This is another perfect ‘playback’ quote to use against this moron if she runs for office — or even if she doesn’t. Given the dependence of MANY of her following on unemployment insurance, the federal prescription plan, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, it’s time this kind of statement became a stick in the eye to the credulous who believe every piece of nonsense she spews.


    1. BW,
      That assumes people will behave logically,and I’m not sure we should make that assumption regarding her followers.


  20. To say that pits are all dangerous is as truthful as saying all women belong in the kitchen. Pits are like EVERY breed of dog out there. They are only as good as the person raising them. Try being around one before you add to their extinction. You realize that people like you are the reason why they are trying to kill off the species, right? If this happens, we will lose a valuable animal. Dont base an entire breed off of a few dogs. It is the same as racism. Think about it.


  21. Omg anyone agreeing with the statement in this article “pitbulls are the most aggressive breed” or otherwise, is a the most uneducated, provincial, moron.

    Pitbulls are the most dangerous breed, according to genetic tests and temperament tests, fMRI scans and other SCIENTIFIC HARD EVIDENCE, they are the least human aggression. DALMATIANS are one of the worst breed to have around children, other dogs and humans.
    Pitbulls do not have a locking mechanism in their jaws- how the hell would that happen? That doesn’t occur in natures unless its reptilian. They have strong mandibles due to the shape of their skull, the muscles which attach above the occipital bone- aka the top of the head for all you twits out there.


  22. Pitbulls are not human aggressive. In fact, they are SPECIFICALLY bred to NOT be human aggressive. Although I HIGHLY disapprove of dog fights, Pitbulls were bred so that their owners could safely grab the dog in the middle of the fight. Pitbuls are bred with one of the strongest human bite inhibitions of any breed of dog. The Pitbull reliably scored higher on the test that other preferred dog such as the miniature poodle and the collie.
    Old English Bull Dog 100.0%
    Mini Bull Terrier 100.0%
    Bull Terrier 92.1%
    Labrador Retriever 91.8%
    Staff Bull Terrier 88.8%
    Standard Poodle 85.3%
    Pit Bull Terrier 84.3%***
    Boxer 84.3%
    Golden Retriever 84.2%
    American Bull dog 84.1%
    German Shepherd 83.5%
    Amstaff 83.4%
    Rottweiler 82.6%
    Jack Russell Terrier 82.1%
    Dalmatian 81.8%
    Beagle 80.3%
    Collie 79.4%
    Doberman Pinscher 77.1%
    Mini Poodle 76.6%
    Akita 74.0%
    Chihuahua 70.3%
    Dachshund (Stnd. Smooth) 70.2%
    Chow Chow 70.0%
    Scottish Terrier 63.6%
    Tibetan Terrier 54.5%
    Skye Terrier 37.5%


  23. I really dislike your discription of the Pitbull as dangerous and would like to add that you are contributing to the media hysteria about pitbulls. STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  24. I didn’t have time to read all the comments, but the dog on the first picture isn’t pitbull. Actually, most of the ppl can’t tell if the dog is pitbull or not.

    Can you find pitbulls from the link? There is only 2 of them. And all the dogs are real breeds.

    So many people can say that they were attacked by a pitbull..


    1. Fay,
      I don’t suggest that I’m an expert on pit bulls, and these pictures came from google images where they indicated they were pit bulls.


  25. it’s not the dog its the human that trains the dog or lack of. it just happens to be a dog that ghetto people use to look tuff and guard.

    i’d rather have a pit bull then have the dummy run our Land. lol


  26. Pit bulls are actually some of the NICEST and most loyal dogs. In the 1800s and 1900s they were known to be the perfect family dog. And then people decided they wanted to make money off of training them to fight other dogs, which has RUINED their entire reputation and it’s blogs like these that make their reputation even worse. I volunteer at the pound here in Maricopa County and the pit bull is one of the most common, if not THE most common breed at our shelter. I interact with pit bulls on a daily basis and they are wonderful, loyal dogs.



    1. Elen,
      My point was not to disparage bull dogs, but to bring attention to why Palin compares herself to a bull dog.


  27. When I originally commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added
    I get three e-mails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove me from
    that service? Thanks a lot!


  28. Malia Litman you are the ignorance that perpetuates the myth of the Pit Bulls. You say your point was not to disparage them, but to bring attention to why Palin compares herself to one, but you sure wrote a lot about the poor dogs and even added pictures. As if you copy and pasted sentences off the first bullshit website you found. I could google ‘old white women committing crimes’, plagiarize and put your face to next to it and wah lah I have a blog. I’m not sure why anyone would care to read anything from you. Your opinions on politics are probably just as ill informed as the ones you have for dogs. I feel sorry for you.


    1. Nina,
      I’m so confused. You are reading and commenting, and to say that my opinions are “ill informed” is such a general statement that it’s hard to know what you are talking about? Are you the ghost writer of these songs, and you’re just angry that Palin deleted them from the final proof?


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