Wedding Wishes for Track Palin

What a surprise! Track Palin, married at 22 years old?! There are so many unanswered questions.Why were the couple not married in Britta’s father’s church?

Did her father perform the ceremony. Did God tell Sarah about this?  If the couple has known each other for “two decades” why now are they getting married when Britta is still in school, and Track plans to be fishing in Bristol Bay?  Did Sarah send them a private Tweet, or just the one the rest of the world saw?   Why did conservatives4palin feature a picture of the happy couple, when People Magazine was supposed to have an “exclusive”?  Did Track pick out this baseball cap specially for the wedding, or was it just one of his favorites?  Did Todd drive them to the wedding on his snowmobile?  Did they have water bottles and bendable straws for Sarah?  Where was Willow?  Was she at a party?  Where was Trig?  Was he with the sitter?  Where was Bristol?  Was she too busy writing her book?  Where was Piper?  Was she making up school work?  “Who took this picture?

I can’t send a wedding card since the Palin family didn’t include me on the list of people getting announcements, so I can only send my best wishes…

1. I wish for Track that he gets a job before they have a child.

2. I wish for Track that he goes to college not just to join Britta Hanson his wife, but to actually get a college degree.

3. I wish that Track and Britta don’t name their first child “Hatch” in honor of Hatcher Pass where the couple married.

4. I wish for Track that he doesn’t need to combine the wedding announcement with a birth announcement.

5. I wish for Track that his wedding album isn’t available on

6. I wish for Track that Sarah doesn’t announce that in lieu of gifts friends and family are asked to make a donation to the SaraPAC.

7. I wish for Track that Sarah continues to communicate with the happy couple only by Tweeting.

8. I wish for Track that there is not a squirmish and he has to go on active duty.

9. I wish for Track that HE and BRITTA get all the money from People Magazine that People paid for the pictures.

10. I wish for Track that the witnesses for his wedding were not people from the nursing home, like his mother’s wedding.

11. I wish for Track that his children and Uncle Trig get to be good friends.

12. I wish for Track that his Aunt Diana never offer to take Track’s kids on a caper.

13. I wish for Track that he is never so desperate for money that he has to agree to Britta dancing with the stars.

14. I wish for Track that his children stay far away from politics.

15. I wish for Track that his children are never featured on a reality show called “Grandma’s Alaska.”

16. I wish for Track that his children learn the difference between a family member who uses them for political gain and a family member who loves them.

17. I wish for Track that his children will never know the truth about who is their real grandfather.

18. I wish for Track that Britta sleep with him for all the days they are married.

19. I wish for Track that Britta never drives him to find comfort in the company of prostitutes.

20. I wish for Track that he never feel the need to build a 14 foot fence.

21. I wish for Track that if his sons play hockey that they never know the real story behind the Hockey Center that Grandma builtt on property she knew the city didn’t own.

22. I wish for Track that his children never take the Road to Nowhere, anywhere.

23. I wish for Track that his children never ride in a car driven by Grandma and Grandpa without seat belts or car seats.

24. I wish for Track that his kids are never given food by Grandma Palin which might result in childhood obesity.

25. I wish for Track that he always remember the city where his children are born.

26. I wish for Track that he refuse to go with his mom to visit her friends in North Korea.

27. I wish for Track that if Britta becomes a labor and delivery nurse, she never runs into the people who know the real story behind Trig’s birth.

28. I wish for Track that mom never describes his wedding as a “Blood Libel” committed on her.

29. I wish for Track that the Godparents of his first born are not Greta Van Sustern and Glenn Beck.

30. I wish for Track that if Christine O’Donnell agrees to give his children a ride on her broom, that they stay low to the ground.

31. I wish for Track that if he has girls that they never have to make lemonade.

32. I wish for Track that he be the “model spouse” but not the “model political spouse.”

33. I wish for Track that his mom never get Britta in her crosshairs.

14 thoughts on “Wedding Wishes for Track Palin

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  1. Congratulations to members of the Menard family, also, too, on the acquisition of a new half-daughter-in-law.


    1. Sarah Palin has a serpent’s heart,
      You are awesome! I hadn’t noticed that. I’ll do a new post! Malia


  2. Ah Malia, you worry too much.
    Track, probably looked at all the grifting and wanted to get in on it. Hmmm, that might be a good name for the next Palin, Grift. Track is probably taking ballroom dancing lessons and studying DWTS game tapes.


  3. Oh Malia, you are so much better than People Magazine. I know that if I need the latest on a Palin scoop, I come straight here, no stops in between. Well done!!!!! There is nothing finer than to have your honed investigative skills put to such delightful use 🙂


  4. I read some place that they plan on having a big wedding in the winter so family and friends can be their. Funny that I am sure by then the quitter will already be running for president. You know she has to get that fake family values theme out there.


  5. Looks like the bride is wearing Sarah’s “Turkey Slaughter Scarf”, also, too, in the picture of the happy couple, groom in the baseball cap.


  6. I love your sense of humor, Malia. I was wondering myself, who took the family photo. They “aimed high” and cut everyone off just below the knees, not an easy feat.

    I wonder if we can play ” match the footwear”? Conservaive man’s penny loafers, Closed toe, sensible women’s shoes, Bozo the Clown Slippers, leopard print high heels two sizes too large, Timberland Camouflage boots, Thom McCann shoes with Totes Rubbers.

    Thanks for all you do!


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