If the Truth Hurts, Palin is in Severe Pain

Sarah and Todd Palin have established themselves as chronic liars. Although the list of lies is long, colorful, and distinguished, Sarah Palin’s “Death Panel” lie won the award from Politifact as the “LIE OF THE YEAR.” My personal favorite was her claim that the findings of the Alaska legislative panel in the Trooper Gate matter “cleared her of any legal wrongdoing.” The exact quote was:

“I’m very, very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrongdoing … any hint of any kind of unethical activity. Very pleased to be cleared of any of that.”

However, the actual report found just the opposite. Both Sarah and Todd, and Sarah’s subordinates used pressure and intimidation to try to force the firing of Michael Wooten, beginning before her swearing-in ceremony took place, and therefore the panel determined that she broke the law.

The report of the investigation said she violated Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act, which states, “… each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust.” .

In one of her more outrageous and memorable Facebook posts Sarah Palin said:

“Too often the first instinct is to ignore blatant media bias, crudeness, and outright lies,…

… Friends, too often conservatives or Republicans in general come across as having the fighting instinct of sheep. I don’t. I was raised to believe that you don’t retreat when you’re on solid ground; so even though it often seems like I’m armed with just a few stones and a sling against a media giant, …

In just a few paragraphs Palin (1) asserts that the negative press related to her must be lies, (2) Republicans who disagree with her or who don’t support her are “sheep,” and (3) compares herself to David in the Biblical story of David and Goliath.

In response, Palin fails to cite any evidence of a single “lie” told by the press, (2)David was smarter and a better shot than Sarah Palin, and (3) Palin’s comments about “sheep” reminds me of this Sarah Palin Joke:

Sarah Palin was really tired of being made fun of for her stupidity, so she decided to change her name to “Sara” Palin, spelled without an “h” so no one would know who she was.

Later that day she was driving though the Alaskan countryside.

After she had been driving for a while, she saw a farmer and a flock of sheep and thought,

“Hi I’m Sara with no “h” in my name! I bet those sheep are delicious to eat!”

She got out and walked over to the farmer and said,

“If I can guess how many sheep you have, can I take one home?”

The farmer, being a bit of a gambler himself, said she could have a try.

Sara looked at the flock and guessed, “157.”

The farmer was amazed – she was right! So Sara picked one out the fattest one and got back into her car with the really fat sheep.

Before she left, farmer walked up to her and said.

“If I can guess your real name, can I have my dog back?”

Sarah Palin has an innate skill at dishonesty. Being able to manipulate the expectations of those around us is a key survival trait for social animals like ourselves. Indeed, a 1999 study by psychologist Robert Feldman at the University of Massachusetts showed that the most popular kids were also the most effective liars. http://jeffwise.wordpress.com/2010/05/03/top-10-secrets-of-effective-liars/. Palin must have been a very popular kid.

Even conservative commentators recognize the importance of truth in any political candidate. “ Do we really want people who lie as our Presidents or members of Congress? If so then we ourselves must not care about lying, and in fact, practice it in our own lives.”

Given the vast number and variety of lies told by Sarah Palin, it seems likely voters would begin to question anything, and everything she says.

Fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice shame on us.

A sociopath is typically defined as someone “who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others. A sociopath is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused – it is done to get one’s way). Sociopaths have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others. Sociopaths are often charming and charismatic, but they use their talented social skills in manipulative and self-centered ways.

Sarah Palin is charming and charismatic. She is self-centered and manipulative. It seems her goal is to get elected President, and she has little regard for the feeling of others, including fellow conservative Republicans who disagree with her. Sarah Palin fits the definition of a “sociopath.”

46 thoughts on “If the Truth Hurts, Palin is in Severe Pain

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  1. I hate to say this but I think a lot of people in the Palin family and group of like minded friends believe lying is okay and normal. You betcha. I bet Chuck believes if you can get away with it, it’s all good, and if you get caught, lie and bullshit your way out of it. He never got Sarah a hunting license as a child in his family, weren’t hunting and fishing licenses required???

    Malia, the article you linked to a few posts back about the fishing license was really interesting! and spot on giving examples of how this crooked family attempts to stretch the truth for personal gain.

    “Todd himself has lent credence to the “every year” myth, telling Fox News’ Greta Von Susteren in September, 2008, “We’ve commercial fished all the years that Sarah and I were married and then for many years before our marriage. And that’s about a four-week season, and so we adjust our schedules to do commercial fishing.”

    In that same interview, Todd tells Van Susteren that, yes, that year, 2008, “we” had again commercially fished their spot, the one that Todd’s family had long fished. Palin had no license in 2008.

    here is the link in case anyone missed it……Mr. Sauer put together some very good information and family history!


    Thank goodness people like Malia and Mr. Sauer are still pointing out lies from the Palin’s.


    1. Todd was speaking as a family. His family fished. We know Willow was with him in 2008. It’s not weird for one signif other to say “we”. Also, Sarah probably did go to dillingham, as that is custom for them. There are pictures of the family there every year. (no I will not give the facebook addresses. they’re private citizens)

      But without distorting and reading too much into things, you’d have no argument would ya


      1. No Lee, Todd implied and meant to imply to Greta and all watching Fox news that just like EVERY year they do this as a family, including 2008……when clearly Sarah did not have a license, and should not have been fishing, not that that would stop her from breaking the law.

        I get the feeling the only reason Sarah “had” to attempt to go by the book was because of more and more public scrutiny from her political career, she couldn’t afford getting caught.

        And I bet you $100.00 that someone in Alaska could bust her butt and expose her if they wanted for prior offenses but they choose not to, they choose to mind their own business, most likely because they themselves have not always done things by the book. Kinda sorta like the Wooten moose deal, and the whole Palin family were in on that hunt and butcher. Then they chose to turn it and use it on Wooten.


  2. Also too, I can see where the “I’ll do whatever I want until the court tells me otherwise” comes from, after reading the court records from Todd Palin’s family attempting for decades to dig up “points” to earn a fishing permit.

    It’s also interesting that Todd’s mother attempted to sue for emotional damages after she gave what she thought was juice but actually a lye cleaner to a young girl. What person would grab any old pitcher of fluid without knowing what was in it? Does not lye smell?

    Todd came from a family that was not afraid to push legal boundaries for their own gain, even when they knew they were breaking the law.

    “In the denial letter, the state of Alaska repeatedly points out that Sarah’s in-laws had little respect for licensing, noting, “Except for [Todd’s maternal grandfather], none of the applicant’s family held a gear license in the drift net fishery for 1967” and that “Participation in a fishery without a required license is unlawful and generally not entitled to credit toward an entry permit.” Kallstrom’s defense: “I didn’t know I needed one.”


    1. I have a feeling interacting with Todd’s family is what made her do a 180 of personality. Before politics, she was completely different. Not that she’s a bad person. She means well and truly wants to see the country prosper and corruption gone.

      Again, have you met her? Don’t judge. Malia, you should know better.


      1. Lee,
        I have not met, and truely do not want that experience in my life. I am not convinced she is a BAD person, but instead think that she has such serious mental issues,that we should all be terrified at the possibility of President Palin. We have to judge her if she wants to represent our country. If she just stays at home to watch soaps, I will not judge her. Malia


      2. “She means well and truly wants to see the country prosper and corruption gone”, if that is true then please tell Ms. Palin to quit politics and our country WILL prosper and HER corruption will be gone.


      3. LOL, okay, now it is all Todd Palin family’s fault. What happened to personal accountability Lee? How long has her moral compass been lost? She did a 180? How long have you known her? a 180 from what?

        This reminds me of Jeremy Morlocks murder excuse, he lost his moral compass. Gah, no more excuses!

        And BTW, the media has been VERY generous to Palin when not mentioning the Morlock/Palin long time and to this day family connection in this awful tragic incident that shames our country!


      4. Sarah wants corruption gone? That is simply not true. She just wants to be the only corrupt one and get away with it. She has done so many unethical, corrupt things while Mayor and Governor there are too many to list.

        I wish someone would do a list of what Sarah says and what the truth is and put her words side by side with the truth so it is easier for all to see.


  3. What’s the different between Obama and Palin? Palin exudes feeling and compassion in her voice. I’ve never met Obama so I cannot speak to what he is like as a man, but as a President, he certainly comes across as a deceitful pile of shit which is the main reason people have risen against him (not because of racism but nice try ya race baiting libs)

    Sarah grew up as a wellliked, well adjusted kid from a nice family, the family home her peers flocked to after school. This is documented. I have met them on a personal level and can see truth in this statement. Sarah is natural. What you see is what you get. I have no doubt she shows anger from time to time, as she is human but she’s genuinely one of the most compassionate, sunny people you will encounter in any situation. You can’t fake that.

    I only hope that if you meet her you will have an open mind and get to know her as if that is the first time you’ve met (because you know nothing about her other than her distorted record)


    1. Hi, RAM. Sorry, but “deceitful pile of shit” is a much better descriptor for Sarah Palin than for Barack Obama.


      1. Jim – I agree with you 100%! Her lies are well documented. She lies about everything for no reason whatsoever.


    2. Oh, for pete’s sake, REBecca, you might at least TRY to convince us you’re not on the payroll. Here’s how we know it’s a lie: you used the words “well liked,” “well adjusted,” “nice family,” “natural,” and “compassionate” (better duck–that lightning is hot when it strikes!).

      Also, too–it’s a dead giveaway that we’re not dealing with someone from Mensa when you refer to our president as–what was it? Oh, yeah–“a deceitful pile of shit.” See, literate people can actually think of multisyllabic words to insult people if it’s necessary. And excepting the bots–most people who aren’t Obama fans are still capable of keeping the venom from dripping from their fangs.

      But, please, by all means, continue to play. It’s much more fun when you try to “refudiate” the truth. Plus, I think all the reading of this blog has you all finally catching on to some punctuation rules! Bonus!


    3. Hi Becca,
      Are you Rebecca from Palingates, or do you just share a single mind? The problem is that the internet preserves what people write and say, so lies are preserved for all time. Sarah’s would fill an encyclopedia. As for PRESIDENT Obama (he does have a title), he is a well educated, intelligent, careful speaker. Yes he’s not 100% white European, but most of us reasonable people don’t care.


    4. you’re the same piece of chit troll that’s over on palingates. listen ram, just because you’re sexually attracted to sarah doesn’t mean you need to go around disparaging the president. you fool, don’t you know sarah’s using you?


    5. aww, there you are Becca–repeating “deceitful pile of shit” yet again. And bringing up race even though nobody did. Actually, enough facts are known about Palin to prove that she’s a sociopathic fraud. But nice try: and have you seen the latest polls? Palin is dropping like a stone, precisely because the more people see of her, they less they can stomach her.


    6. Is that why one of her basketball team mates gave Sarah the basketball because they couldn’t stand to see her pout and almost cry.


  4. I think tawd comes from a long line of substance abusers and that tendency has been passed on to his own children. sarah is a liar and an opportunist and obviously suffers from a severe personality disorder. I believe she is under a doctor’s care for her disorder and constantly on medication. We, the public, get brief glimpses of the extent of her illness when she either refuses to take her medication or when it needs to be adjusted.


    1. jcinco,
      I think you are right, and if she announces she is running, we need to start NOW demanding her psychiatric records.


      1. I agree with both of you. She is on or needs meds. Abilify is a good one to start with for her.


  5. Some of us are instinctively good at detecting lies. My first recollection is when I was eight, I caught my younger brother telling a lie, simply by the expression on his face. I think the instinct is based on ability to detect a subtle difference in tone of voice and facial expression. We all have different levels of ability in this skill, and surely they work better when we know the person well. For some reason, some of us get radar signals whenever Sarah speaks. Unfortunately, ourinstinct is not enough to convince the Palinites that Sarah lies on a daily basis. Perhaps we can hook up a mobile lie detector to her that transmits results via twitter?


  6. Hey, Becca gets around the blogs. Becca, you should avoid using the same phrase over and over if you don’t want people to realize you are cruising in your flying monkey suit. Silly monkey.


  7. I am suspicious about Todds fishing permit. As I recall, on SPAlaska they stated that he has the best spot in the bay. I am wondering how he gets that spot…The most I could figure out from the Alaska Fish and Game website is that you stake your claim a nd permit each year on a first Come basis…also trying to figure out if he is fishing on an aboriginal based permit. Has anyone looked into the salmon permit he has?


  8. an onslaught of trollies I see. malia, you should check and see if they’re the same person and just changing monikers. it really wouldn’t surprise me if one or all are that handsome dude ram.


    1. I don’t doubt Todd gets the necessary license he needs to be compliant, he’d be fined big time and risk losing his permit if he didn’t. The things I believe he’d risk are all the other licenses he’s supposed to have in place just so he doesn’t have to shell out money to the state and feds.

      This is why Sarah got busted for using the “wrong” license which netted her a felony fine that she pled “no contest” to. I’m sure to do it “right” would have cost more bucks.

      They don’t like all these license fees, rules and regs…….and unless or until get they get caught and the court forces them to comply, well, that’s how they roll only they can’t get away with it so easily anymore.

      And what about those damn cabin taxes? did they ever get paid? There is a whole other example of how they bend rules to their advantage. People who think this way really bother me, they’re always looking for loopholes to avoid fees and taxes.


  9. In what way does Obama come across as a deceitful POS? to me he comes across as a well educated, well spoken, thoughtful man who runs into the same pitfalls as pretty much every president we ever had, the same issues that any leader making extremely difficult decisions has to make. I would not call Palin or any other far right conservative or anyone else for that matter, a POS. But Palin does come across as a fake.


  10. I love when Sarah touts “Trust, but Verify” a quote from her personal hero Ronald Reagan. If QuitterQueen stood in front of me and swore on a bible the sky was blue – I’d still look up to verify.

    There are so many lies, and not just little white ones –
    but huge Flashing RED ones signaling *DANGER*DANGER*
    (Yes – the Lost in Space Robot waving his arms in warning)

    A large part of HER problem with the LSM/MSM is they have attempted to verify and now need clarification on what was said – because many of us are not fluent in Palin-ese! They are calling her out on her statements, if it isn’t a huge amount of BullCrap mis-statements – then they are flat out lies! Or possible she is being “spoon fed” policy statement lines with no documentation to back it up.

    Either way; mis-speaks, lies or fraudulent talking points indicate she cannot be trusted; not as a politician, not as a pundit, not as a president and not even as a person.


  11. I always thought that that wink was the dumbest, most contrived, and ill-fashioned attempt to curry favour. No sane politician with a mind for the chronic cynism of the voting public would have even dared to entertain the notion of such a manouver, much less execute it.


  12. Malia, you’re very tolerant to allow Sarah bots to post and bash on your blog……hey bots, try allowing that on YOUR Sarah cult blogs. yeah, that’ll be the day.

    I totally believe it when people say “she’s the real deal” lol, the real deal is mentally ill, and her family and friends either accept it as “okay and under control” or they dismiss it as not a problem.

    So now when it’s proven she lies her bots are saying “what’s to bitch about, ALL politicians lie”. Hey bots, a lie is a lie, a caught lie deserves pointing out. Unethical behavior from a hypocrite deserves pointing out too! Same goes for the family values and Christian cred.

    So bots, is it okay for Christians to lie, steal and deceive? Because Sarah Palin has done all these things. She’s just getting caught in her web of lies.


    1. M,
      I try to post the negative comments to make sure everyone who reads understands those who disagree with us. It is also instructive that the people who criticize do so by name calling, or disparaging my heritage, or appearance, because they can’t think of anything else to say. Every time I get a comment like this one today, I am actually glad because what it teaches us is that there really is no response to what has been written. Malia


      1. Malia, you are so knowledgeable and write so well, I wish you would write a blog “Setting the record straight for Sarah”. Put her words (lies) and the truth right next to it with proof, video, etc.


      2. Ginger50,
        I may have to do that if she declares that she is running. I have a start at http://www.justsaynotobs.com,but i have tried not to interject too much of anything I have written. I may have to change that if she thinks she should be the POTUS.


  13. In my experience with people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (which Palin so clearly has), they can charm their way through life for awhile, but when their lies catch up with them and reality doesn’t bolster their false view of themselves, they tend to crumble or explode into a mental breakdown. With her dropping poll numbers and increasing irrelevance to the vast majority of Americans, is that what we’re seeing here, do you think? Her behavior is getting increasingly bizarre — like locking herself in a hotel room while in India instead of seeing the country’s famous sights, for instance. Her language, when not filtered by ghost writers, is sounding increasingly uhinged. And her family is a train wreck.

    I actually feel sorry for those kids, despite how mean, foul-mouthed and screwed up they clearly are. Kids don’t become that way naturally; they were raised in such a way as to turn them into under-educated, bad-tempered prima donnas. They would no doubt be very different people if they’d been raised in a family with real love and boundaries, rather than by a mom with NPD who can only fake the appearance of these things. Life with a NPD mother is truly hard, and it’s no wonder these kids are screwed up and acting out. Therapy, therapy, therapy, people. The whole family needs it. And to get off the damn national stage.


    1. t,
      I felt sorry for the kids too, but I am beginning to have little sympathy for Bristol. She is obviously taking advantage of having Sarah as her mother, and having had Tripp as a teenage mother, so at some point she has to start taking responsibility for herself, and has to stop blaming her mom. Malia


  14. Sarah Palin is a pathological liar, pure and simple. And she always was and always will be.

    Like a scorpian who can’t help stinging. Remember the story of the scorpian who hitches a ride across a river and stings its benefactor, because that is its nature.

    Her bots might be here defending her, but the blogs know the real Sarah, and will continue to talk about her deceptions and lies.

    No one who knows of her past wants to know her socially.


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