Sarah Palin: Feminist or Prostitute?

As early at the campaign of 2008 Sarah Palin declared herself to be a “feminist”.   She was specifically asked, “Do you consider yourself a Feminist?”  Litman, Rebuttal to the Rogue at 43.

Her answer was:

“ I do.  I’m a feminist who believes in equal rights. Someone who would not stand for oppression against women…I know that in a McCain-Palin administration we will not stand for any measure that would result in a woman being paid less than a man for equal work.”

The follow up question was “Why shouldn’t the Ledbetter Act (ensuring equal pay for women) be in place?”

Palin’s answer:  “It would have turned into a boon for trial lawyers.”   Id at 44.

The Ledbetter Fair Pay Act could only have been a “a boon for trial lawyers”  if employers were not paying women equally to their male counter-parts.  It is almost funny to think that we need a law to demand equal pay for women.  It is not funny that Sarah Palin portrays herself as a “feminist” and repeatedly damages the image and standing of American women.

What is a “feminist?”  It has been defined as a person who believes in “the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.”  It has been viewed as “the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.”

So, is Palin a feminist?  Consider her conduct and positions on issues:

  1. Palin calls herself a “frontier feminist,” but she sounds more like a “Pat Robertson feminist.” The two of them are guided solely by their unshakeable certainty about what God wants.

Pat Robertson said:

“  Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.”

2.  Palin’s history of admittedly considering her “choice” when pregnant with Trig, and opposing abortion in all cases, is evidence that she is not a feminist.  Palin refuses to

“…recognize the countless deaths of women who knew their lives would be in danger unless they had an abortion, or the women who wanted to prevent their hopelessly deformed fetuses from being brought to term only to suffer and die soon afterward. Palin may sincerely believe that those dead pregnant women and deformed babies pleased God and today are frolicking in heaven, but that does not give her the right to feel morally superior to other women with very different theological views.”

3.  During Palin’s term as mayor rape victims in Wasilla were required to pay for their rape exam kits.

4.  The premise of Sarah Palin’s Alaska is that Alaska is beautiful, rugged, unpredictable, and only the tough can survive… like Sarah Palin.  From fishing, killing animals, clubbing halibut, mountain climbing, white water rafting, driving a dog sled, and working as a lumberjack, Palin engaged in multiple activities that are traditionally associated with men.  Certainly there are women who engage in each of these activities, but the majority of people who do so, have traditionally been men. Alaska is rich in history of women who have achieved success in challenges traditionally reserved to men.  Susan Butcher and Libby Riddles are specific examples of such women. Each won the Iditarod. Dee Dee Jonrowe and Mary Shields both competed and finished the Iditarod competition.  They were each remarkable women. Sarah Palin is not.  Palin drove a dog sled in her TLC show, but did so as a novice. Nothing was mentioned on the TLC show about the accomplishments of women who actually won the Iditarod.

Picture susan butcher

Palin was seen “mountain climbing” with her beautiful nails, and complaining about the difficulty up the entire side of the hill.  Nothing was mentioned in Sarah Palin’s Alaska about women like Crista Brelsford who made the ultimate sacrifices for the people of Haiti, and still mountain climbs.

Picture Crista Brelsford

Nothing was mentioned in the “reality” show about the 12 women described in the book More than Petticoats. These women included Mellie Lawing, a trapper, hunter, and musher, and Benzie Dow, who was the first woman to drive the Alcan Highway from Fairbanks to Dawson, delivering a load of cement in just seven days.  These 12 women actually expanded women’s roles by defying social norms and prejudices.  They didn’t do it by playing the flute in a beauty contest in Alaska, and they didn’t do it by having a man teach them to do something on a reality television show.

In each of these new and rugged activities, it was a man who taught Sarah Palin how to complete the assigned task.  The guide on the white water rafting trip, the captain of the halibut boat, the person who taught her about dog sledding, and her hunting companions were all men.  There were men at every point, showing Palin how to complete the desired task.   Having been given instruction in the various skills, Palin may have undertaken to attempt them, but her success in each was minimal at best.  It was a man waiting at the top of the mountain as Palin pathetically attempted to climb a fairly insignificant hill.  It was a man who spotted her caribou, carried her gun, loaded her gun, and even cocked the gun for her.  Even then it took over five shots for Palin to hit the caribou which was standing still.  The clear message of the TLC show was that Palin was willing to undertake each of these challenges, but didn’t do any of them as well as her male teachers.  Her incentive in each endeavor was clearly money, instead of the true love of the activity.  The irony was blatant as Sarah boarded the RV.  She sat in the passenger seat and Todd sat behind the wheel.  She was depicted in the raft for the white water adventure, while Todd was watching Trig.  Sarah admitted she had never been white water rafting even though the river was only an hour from her home.  She wasn’t the guide, an experienced rafter was.  The “reality” was not apparent until the family returned to the RV and Todd took the wheel.

I don’t mind when my husband drives the car, but he knows that I can drive as well or better than he does.  When we went to Alaska on a vacation and had the opportunity to go dog sledding, I rode, and my husband drove. He is physically bigger,and stronger than I.  It was only logical that he should drive the sled.  My husband is an attorney, but I have more experience than he does at solving legal problems.  When he needs an attorney he relies on my judgment rather than his own.  “Feminism” is the recognition of the skills and strength that each person possesses regardless of the sex.  Both my husband and I are “feminists.”

Contrast the definition of a “feminist” with that of a prostitute.  A prostitute is defined as:

“a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in an unworthy manner, usually for money.  ;

Palin’s “talent” or “ability” seems to be attractiveness and charisma.  She uses them not for the public good, but for personal profit.  Making money is not something to be critical of, unless of course it comes at too high a price for someone else.  America pays the price for Palin’s financial success.  The damage she has done to the country is profound.  It comes at a particularly vulnerable moment in our history.  The damage done by Sarah Palin to the image of the American woman is equally profound.  “Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good.”  “Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but backwards and in high heels.”  ~Faith Whittlesey.  “There are very few jobs that actually require a penis or vagina.  All other jobs should be open to everybody.”  ~Florynce Kennedy.

By resigning as Governor, Palin let women down.  By writing on her hand while criticizing the President for using a teleprompter she embarrassed women.  By suggesting we should build dikes in the Gulf to stop the oil leak, she humiliated women.  By having five children, and then abandoning them, she inspires outrage in mothers.  By appearing on national television, promoting herself as skilled and capable to do tasks normally associated with men, and failing to do them as well as men,  Palin has proved that she pales in camparison.  She has established herself as willing to embarrass herself, and women, for the sake of money.  It seems that is the definition of a “prostitute”.

John McCain empowered the prostitute by nominating her as Vice President.  He made it possible for her to find lots of clients who would pay her significant amounts of money to take advantage of her. Now TLC continues the promotion of Sarah Palin to reap the financial reward of the prostitution of Sarah Palin.

26 thoughts on “Sarah Palin: Feminist or Prostitute?

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  1. Emotional wreck. Dysfunctional parent. May any one of the many scandals, manipulations and lies and deceptions come to light in 2011. May that be the end of her fifteen minutes of griftership (I can coin words that aren’t real words also.

    Continue your good work, dear Malia.


    1. Thomas,
      Thank you for your support! This is great treatment for my “severe” case of PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) and it helps me to know that others who suffer from the same ailment get some benefit from my therapy! Malia


  2. This woman is just such a fake.Like with that stupid show of hers that I refuse to watch.The freezer is empty so I must hunt.The dizzy bich lives less than 5 minutes from a Wal mart.While checking the freezer with a Starbucks coffee container in her hand.Amazingly enough people aren’t calling her on this.What a hypocrite.


  3. Both.

    Her idea of feminism applies only to herself. She could care less about others. Her stance on the Ledbetter act is proof enough of that.

    Prostitution is her trade. Has been since she LOST in 2008. She has also been the best example of unfocused attack as defined by Dennis Hopper’s last words in “Easy Rider.”


  4. Oh my word! This needs to go viral Malia! Incredible, detailed post that points directly to the BULLSHIT of Sarah Palin. Thank you ever so much!


    1. aview999,
      Thank you for your encouragement, but I have to rely upon you, the readers to publicize the post. I find that if I promote the article my words are not nearly as persuasive as yours. If you like something, I need YOU to tell people about it. I have tried and in spite of my best efforts, what I say about something I have written isn’t nearly as credible as something you and others might have to say about it. Anything you can do to let people know would be greatly appreciated. Malia


  5. I dont know most of these ladies, but I can tell you Susan Butcher is one strong woman inside and out. That smile on her face shows how she has lived her life, that being to its fullest with an honest heart.

    Not something Sarah can say, only claim.


  6. Malia – My mother died in 1969, in her early fifties. She was a strong woman, a feminist, though she was a stay-at-home mother of five. She was a basketball player in High School. I saw the picture of her actually playing on an all female High School team – and this was way back in the 1930’s. She drove her own car. She participated in many activites related to our small country school and church (Roman Catholic). She was active in a women’s social and political group (fan of FDR and of course JFK), a Liberal Democrat (my father was a Republican Protestant, with a kind heart and a love of the earth) and a devoted daughter and sister to a disabled sibling. She did everything. Had two daughters and then three sons more than ten years later. She had her faults but she was a vibrant and strong woman. A feminist. I won’t even mention that other woman in the same post.


    1. Thomas,
      Thanks for sharing this most personal information! In my life…I worked quite hard to become a Senior Trial Partner at what was the largest firm in Dallas. After 12 years of devoting myself to my career, and achieving success in my profession, I opted to give it up for the sake of my marriage and kids. Now, 16 years later, my children are happy, the two who are college age are in college at one of the “elitist” schools. One wants to be a research scientist and the other is in Vietnam right now working in an orphanage. I am on my way to watch my 16 year old play basketball with her high school team. I am proud of all three. I am proud of my marriage of 26 years. I was proud of my career, and am proud to be a stay at home mom. It took courage to give up success in my profession, and perhaps that is why I am so offended by the appearance Palin tries to create that she is a dedicated mother, when she is not. She advertises herself as a competent professional woman, but she is not. You mother sounds like she would have been offended by Palin too, as most real feminists are, regardless of political party. Malia


      1. You have my admiration and my support. Your work honors strong women, past, present and future. Your children are fortunate to have you in their lives, as is your husband. You are so much like some of the competent women I knew in my field of Child Protective Services (my civilian career) – and – like the strong female supervisors I had as a young Airman in the USAF. Those women (USAF – they were then called WAF’s or Women of the Air Force) were role models for me and helped me to excel in my military career (of course I had male military role models also). Those first two female SSGT’s who supervised me at my first duty station had a lasting impact on me. I will never forget how good they were, how professional and how smart.


      2. Thomas,
        You are so kind, and I do appreciate your input. My name means “the calm sea” but my parents didn’t know that when they named me. I always thought it didn’t fit me until one of my best friends gave me her thoughts about my name. She said I was like the sea because on the surface, people might think I am just a nice woman. What lies underneath is the strong tide that can push a friend to safety or to send an enemy out to be lost at sea. When I was a trial attorney, the jury often thought of me as a nice lady, but there were times that I had to be pretty tough. I think I was prepared for that by having three brothers who didn’t cut me any slack. I had a dirty old man who was a judge that kissed me in court in front of other lawyers, and he called me at work every week and asked me for some “tender loving nursing care.” He was outrageous! I was also hit by an attorney during a deposition. Just when I had earned the respect of fellow attorneys, my kids and my marriage were paying the price. My husband was in one of those dot com businesses, so his feeling was that he wouldn’t be able to help me more with the kids. Thus I gave up the success of being a Senior Trial Partner to be “just a mom”. I gained new respect for stay at home moms, and I never lost my appreciation for the women who have careers and children at the same time. Now my children are all happy and successful, and I am happily married to my FIRST husband of 26 years. I never had a desire to be involved in politics, write a book, or spend my time writing a blog. However when McCain nominated Sarah Palin, everything changed. I know there are others who have several staff people helping with their blogs, and they have more connections to the Palin world. However, I am satisfied to share my perspective from Dallas Texas. I also think it is important for a strong woman, who has been a professional, and a mom, to stand up to Palin, and be willing to say that she doesn’t represent me. As more and more people speak out, I am hopeful that more and more people will be brave enough to speak out. Thanks Thomas for your words of encouragement. It is rewarding to hear from someone like you who has nothing to gain, and to know that everyone following on this blog are people who like to read what I write,and that is the reason you come back day after day. Thank You! Malia


  7. Great article Malia. We should all make a conscious effort to tell people to read your book and your blog. Keep on keeping on.

    Palin is being awfully quiet, missing several news cycles. Something is up. We need to all stay tuned and wary of current silence.


    1. suz1941,
      I bet she’s in the process of moving to Arizona, but doesn’t want to make a big deal about it. Or maybe she’s getting ready for Bristol to announce a pregnancy. Who knows, but you know whatever the reason, it will be something else she has or is doing that is outrageous! Malia


    1. meena,
      Since Rush got a free pass, we can assume Ann will too. The common link between the two is something I can’t write about on this blog, but you know what I mean. Malia


  8. Malia, You are on the right track. Stand her up against other women. If you notice, she endorses women whom she deems below her.


    1. aj,
      There are so many women we can be proud of, and the problem is that not only are we not proud of Palin, we are embarrassed by her! Thanks for reading as always! Malia


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