Palin Lost Her “Umbrella of Optimism and Hope”

In January of 2009 Palin did an interview with Glenn Beck during which she stated:

1. Brack Obama is my President too.

2. “Absolutely,” …”United we stand”

3. “He is trying to bring everyone in to a united effort to progress our nation”

4. “It is an American Responsibility to support him in every way you can.”

“Barack Obama has a sincere desire to look forward and bring us together under an umbrella of optimism of hope.”

Palin’s new book is out today. Even though the book is new, the sentiments are old. Geoffrey Dunn had access to the book early, and wrote an article highlighting the criticism of Michelle Obama, regarding her comment during the 2008 campaign, that for the first time she was proud of America. Unfortunately the book isn’t the first time Palin has taken a cheap shot at the First Lady. In October Palin attacked Michelle Obama during a speech for the same reason, her comment made during the campaign of ‘08. Regardless of your positive or negative view of that single comment Palin has chosen to criticize, over two years later. I guess she forgot what she told Beck in January about trying to “progress our nation.” After all that interview was almost two years ago. Oh, wait, I am confused. Michelle Obama’s comment was over two years old, and Palin is still talking about it. Since it is questionable what if anything she reads, maybe Palin didn’t realize that Michelle Obama is wildly popular. In October of 2010 Michelle Obama’s approval ratings have soared to 65 percent, twenty points higher than the president, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll. According to the Daily Mail, Michelle Obama is seen as a savior for the Democratic Party. Even 39% of Republicans approve of her. She is well-liked among independents. Pride in the job done by the First Lady for the last two years is about the only thing Americans agree upon. “She’s a rock star.” Palin’s remarks and criticism of Michelle Obama has triggered a negative response from even those gathered to support Palin. “Palin’s attempt to breathe life into a dead issue – flog a dead horse – didn’t bode well for her. Boos from the audience underscored that Palin’s attacks were not appreciated by many at the rally.” Ibid.

Consider the type of things Michelle Obama has done for the country:


On September 12, I reported the story of Michelle Obama and Laura Bush honoring the families of the 9-11 attacks. Michelle Obama greeted each family member with a hug and her condolences. “To have VIPs of their stature come to share the memorial service to our loved ones means a considerable amount to the families,” said Gordon Felt, the president of the Families of Flight 93, whose brother died aboard the flight.

Laura Bush told the families in attendance:

“Americans have no division” on this day

As Michelle Obama and Laura Bush demonstrated by their appearance together, 9-11 is not about politics and divisiveness. It is about patriotism, honor, and sacrifice. These are characteristics Palin and Beck talk a lot about, but seem to lack any understanding of the meaning of these words. Never will there be a better example of the evil and corruption that defines Palin and Beck than their use of 9-11 for their personal and political gain.

Palin’s personal attacks on Michelle Obama are an unmistakable example of her willingness to criticize anyone who she perceives to be an “enemy.” Even though Michele Obama has refused to criticize Palin, Palin attacks her for the only thing she can, a comment made over two years ago, which was taken out of context. Palin has no agenda or platform. “Her sole focus is just reacting and criticizing.”

“Michelle Obama and Laura Bush demonstrated by their appearance together, 9-11 is not about politics and divisiveness. It is about patriotism, honor, and sacrifice. These are characteristics Palin and Beck talk a lot about, but seem to lack any understanding of the meaning of these words. Never will there be a better example of the evil and corruption that defines Palin and Beck than their use of 9-11 for their personal and political gain.”

Sarah Palin’s criticism of Michelle Obama is not a criticism of any policy or position on any issue affecting the country. It is a personal attack and the best evidence of Palin’s ruthless character and willingness to criticize anyone, for any reason. Palin lost her “umbrella of hope and optimism” long ago. For two years she has been stealing the umbrellas of people throughout the country. I am tired of weathering the storm without my umbrella. It’s a crime to steal. Even if Palin doesn’t know the law, she professes to be religious. I expect her to know that the Eighth Commandment is “Thou Shall Not Steal.” Every day that Sarah Palin promotes hate and fear she commits a sin against the entire country. I agree with Barbara Bush, and wish that Palin would go home, and that she would sin NO MORE. What we need is more hope and optimism, and less of Sarah Palin.

16 thoughts on “Palin Lost Her “Umbrella of Optimism and Hope”

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  1. Palin is a sick puppy. I can’t get over it. Two years have passes since the election and she still is beating a dead horse. She comes off mean and bitchy and the jealousy she has for the Obama’s is unbearable at times. I am proud our President and his family haven’t gotten on the Palin level of mean. We did elect the right person for the job and the Palins and their followers hate Obama because he is black.


    1. AFM – I agree, I also believe that palin will only make a run for the WH in 2012 because her only concern is to beat President Obama. Once that’s over, she won’t try again.


      1. Cheryl,
        I agree that she is motivated by revenge and by the time 2016 comes around, I bet she will just be someone our children learn about in their history books. Let’s hope they have to ask…”Now who was Sarah Palin?”


  2. The attacks seem to be driven by Palin’s self esteem issues. Michelle Obama has accomplished a lot more, is in a position of power, is a beautiful woman, in a happy marriage, and is much taller than Palin even in flat shoes. Michelle is also a classy lady who will not lower herself to the juvenile name calling Palin uses a pat of her persona. All of which make Palin even more angry. Michelle Obama, like Laura Bush and others carry a sense in dignity and class that is part of the position of First Lady. Palin has no clue and will not let anyone help her learn. Condoleeza Rice and Hilary Clinton are two more examples of the professionalism and dignity found in the White House and Cabinet. Palin can’t compete, so she just slings mud.


    1. aj,
      “Dignity” is something foreign to Palin has always lacked, and we can’t afford to have a President who is so fundamentally lacking.


  3. Palin lost her umbrella and her mind, long ago. She is a pathetic mean-girl grifter and fraud. Andrea Mitchell just reported that Palin also attacks Hillary clinton about a statement Secretary Clinton made in 1992 (1992???) in which Hillary Clinton stated she didn’t want to be a person staying home and baking cookies but rather wanted to get into important policy issues and help her husband, the president. Andrea Mitchell explained that Clinton’s remark was jumped upon by conservatives and taken out of context at the time it was made (Mitchell stated Hillary Clinton came out about one half hour later and clarified her remark as having not been intended to insult stay-at-home moms. Mitchell was there). Yet, Palin reaches back through time and again attempts to insult Hillary Clinton. Andrea Mitchell said that there is an implication or outright statement in Palin’s book that Clinton was a “60’s hippie,” and is now an unabashed Liberal deserving derision.

    Palin is a total and complete idiot.


    1. Thomas,
      The sad thing is that she can’t think of anything either Michelle or Hillary has done or said in the last two years that she can criticize. That speaks volumes! Thanks for reading. Malia


  4. Michelle Obama is a First Lady in every sense of the word. She’s intelligent and beautiful and elegant and poised, and I love that she is tackling the problem of childhood obesity.

    Paylin’s ugly attacks on her are catty and she’s continuing to show us how childish she is.


    1. Christine,

      I admire Michelle Obama, and feel this latest rant is almost as bad as Beck’s show where he made fun of the President’s daughter. Unforgiveable! It makes it much easier for us to see just how evil she is to attack Michelle Obama. Malia


  5. In Palin’s world, dignity is the same as elitism. Since she has no dignity, she isn’t elite. Money does not equate to elitism, nor does fame or fortune. Having a dignity of person is what drives her over the edge when it comes to stabbing people in the back with her poison pen. The more they ignore her (act with dignity) the more she screams they are elitist and not “like us”.


  6. It’s been a foregone conclusion that palin can’t hide her hypocrisy.

    She is a cheap, petulant, vindictive poser. That there are people who hate her and her “message” who take jabs at her for it is one thing. We do not have a national platform in which we make millions doing it.

    Politics is the most polarized than at any other time in our history. Palin can be credited for that. Maybe not entirely, but she definitely OWNS her share, given her by the ignorant, duped masses who just can’t get to the point of realization that they are even better than she is.

    They must have something to believe in. It’s a sorry state to see it is $arah Palin.


  7. AFM – you are exactly correct in your assessment of the idiot, Sarah Palin. She literally cannot let go of her hatred toward and resentment of President Obama. She hates the fact that he is a brilliant man and that he has a loving. beautiful and dignified family (Malia and Sasha are wonderful) with a wife who is smart, accomplished and competent in everything she takes on. Palin’s family members exhibit such dysfunctional behaviors. Even Todd, her help-mate, behaves like a “mean-girl,” and he is anything but dignified. He is a thug, in my view. Her children’s behaviors are red flags that something is terribly wrong in that family, including extended family. What a mess.


  8. It is always a personal attack with her; she mocks others, she is a bully.
    All part of the arrested development syndrome, shes stuck on the bball court. That is her character; she will always be this way. She still hears the ‘applause’ from the bball seats. Its like a hypervigilant state shes never left. If she has left it, it returns and jacks her up again. Often.

    I can only figure track/the rest of them dont even want her at home.
    If they talk to her the way we’ve seen, I can hear them telling her,
    um…where to get off. The difference must be stark by now; what its like when she is at home, vs her not being there.


  9. Let’s add the context. Let’s add the complete sentences.

    According to Jake Tapper:

    Speaking in Milwaukee, Wisconsin today, would-be First Lady Michelle Obama said, “for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.”

    Then in Madison, she said, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change.”


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