Beware, Sarah Barracuda Might Call You a “Puppy-kicker”

 In a recent e-mail Sarah Palin called Politico reporters  “puppy-kicking,” “chain-smoking,” and “porn producers.”  The actual quote is:  “I suppose I could play their immature, unprofessional, waste-of-time game, too, by claiming these reporters and politicos are homophobe, child molesting, tax evading, anti-dentite, puppy-kicking, chain smoking porn producers…really, they are… I’ve seen it myself…but I’ll only give you the information off-the-record, on deep, deep background; attribute these ‘facts’ to an ‘anonymous source’ and I’ll give you more.”;  In a live interview with Fox News, Palin called Republicans “elites,” suggested that people shouldn’t trash people “unfairly” and that journalists should report the “facts.”

The first thing you might be thinking about is Palin’s reaction to Michael Gross’s Vanity Fair article,  when she called him “impotent,” “limp,” and “gutless.”  Her complaint about Mr. Gross’s article, the Sound and the Fury,, was that he relied upon anonymous sources.  In that case, as in her response to the Politico article, Palin does not deny the substance of the facts reported.  Instead she disparages the journalists, with a verbal assault.

Just yesterday I reported on the various names used by Palin to describe those she perceived to be her adversaries.  She suggested CBS was a group of “corrupt bastards” and that Joe McGinnis and David Letterman were child molesters.  Funny thing is that Palin, with her vast array of “mean-spirited” names doesn’t choose to use the name “liar” when she attacks her enemies. 

Forget the facts of the report by Politico.  Forget the fact that Palin could sue for libel if the information reported was actually untrue.  Palin’s claim that she could be a contender in the 2012 Presidential Race, or that she is competent to be the President of the United States, has just been proved to be laughable.  By this type of repetitive name calling we realize that her response to adversity is to retort in a child-like way by calling her adversary a foul name.  Imagine a Presidential Debate.  She might call Barack Obama “scum.”  If we became the victim of another terrorist attack, her idea of an appropriate response might be to call Ahmadinejad an even worse name…like the ones she calls Todd.  

In the book Game Change we read about McCain aides making reference to Palin’s mental instability during the 2008 campaign.  Steve Schmidt personally appeared with Anderson Cooper and revealed the level of deceit and emotional imbalance that personifies Sarah Palin.;photovideo.  His report was totally consistent with Mr. Gross’ report in Vanity Fair when he explained that Palin’s temper “veered wildly.”  He said: it’s as if “something had snapped.” People visiting the house of Palin “witnessed her core meltdown.”  Thank God the American people are able to see for themselves that the facts reported by Politico, Vanity Fair in their article “Me and Mrs. Palin”,  Michael Gross in “The Sound and the Fury”, Anderson Cooper, Steve Schmidt, Palingates, The Immoral Minority, Lorenzo Bennett in Trailblazer, John Heilemann and Mark Halperin in Game Change were all true.  Maybe now we have a little more insight into why the Half-Term Ex-Governor was given the name “Sarah Barracuda.”  I don’t think it had anything to do with her prowess on the basketball court.  A Barracuda has sharp-edged fang-like teeth, much like piranhas. They are voracious, opportunistic predators. Barracudas are scavengers.  When we tell our grandchildren about the political climate in the United States in 2008-2010 we will tell them about “Sarah Barracuda.”



12 thoughts on “Beware, Sarah Barracuda Might Call You a “Puppy-kicker”

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  1. The more Palin screeches about anonymous sources, the more she shows her ignorance. Apparently she has no idea that anonymous means the reporter knows the name(s) of the source, but promised not to reveal them.

    Watching the attack videos, I notice the lower jaw sliding out. When she’s angry, she develops an underbite. Is that another side effect of the bipolar medication? Or is it a technique to deal with the snake twitch tongue?


  2. “I suppose I could play their immature, unprofessional, waste-of-time game…” Why suppose when you’ve already done so? Heh, what a chimp.


  3. i read michael gross’s article. i thought it was good. funny how she doesn’t give interviews offering up her ideas about how she would fix the economy, deal with the global issues facing the US, terrorism or basically say anything cunstructive other than “we need to lower taxes” or some other shit rebuplicans spew out on a daily basis.

    malia, did you watch 60 minutes sunday night? the architect of the regan tax cuts was interviewed. even he said that cutting taxes aren’t the answer.


  4. What’s strange about her reaction is that Politico’s anonymous sources actually didn’t say anything about her (such as she’s a certifiable sociopath or hates cats or has had group sex); they were simply giving their OPINION about her chances in the election (without Bloomsberg in the race, which is a seriously scary wild card) and reporting that their associates were both worried that she’d lose the general election and too afraid to come out and say anything against her in public.

    So what is she claiming isn’t factual? The article was about what Republicans think of her candidacy, not actually about HER, per se. She may not like their opinion of her, but when it comes to accuracy, how does she presume to know what these people think?


  5. Sarah’s got her next cover coming up. They’ve had months to prepare. The Palin’s accepted the DWTS gig knowing full well Bristol had another bun in the oven, concocting their next Balloon Boy antic that the (let’s face it) International public will eat up with a spoon.

    When it is revealed the paid teen Abstinence advocate Bristol, as an unmarried single mom is pregnant again (even though she told Oprah she wasn’t going to have sex again until she was married and she calculatingly called on the wedding again only to quit a second time with Levi to excuse her sexytime lapse) submitting to the highly conditioning demands of a prime-time show, the Palin’s are going to enjoy the uproar this revelation will cause.


  6. Obviously Malia Litman is either a lesbian or had an abortion. I am so sick of the one sided view taken by the liberals. Your Obama has lied on a consistant basis and you look the other way. He may even be president illegally because of his place of birth. The only difference between he and Mrs. Palin is that he uses prettier words to tear you apart! Let’s try to be realistic if you can! By the way..I see no one has actually clicked the “Like” button yet. Wonder why that is!


  7. Malia, Malia, Malia, how COULD you give barracudas such a bad name? As a scuba diver, I can tell you the most noticeable trait they have is curiosity. Where does this fit with Mrs. Palin? Nowhere.

    And I’m glad to hear you had such nice holidays. Hope you come this way when you make your next trip to Alaska.


    1. AKLynne,
      Lisa Murkowski put it best when she said Palin lacks the “intellectual curiosity” to be our President.

      I’ll be at the Borders in Anchorage on Sat. Jan 22nd? Where are you in Alaska? Malia


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