Trump Exacerbates Devastating Labor Shortage

Donald Trump has repeatedly remarked on his superior intelligence. While other Presidents struggled to find time to process all the written material they needed to review, Donald Trump seems to have abundant time to watch television and send out tweets.  If he took even a few minutes to educate himself on the economic conditions... Continue Reading →

Trump Loved Shutting Down the Government… Until Now

When House Republicans sought to shut down the government in the as a way to stop the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Trump was a cheerleader for the effort.  Trump tweeted that the Republican leadership should not be afraid of a government shutdown. They should be afraid of not defunding ObamaCare.   Trump argued in 2013... Continue Reading →

Donald Trump is “Fuming” Mad About the Truth

Trump campaigned on a platform that he would build a great wall and make Mexico pay for it. Just the samples of the choices for the wall cost $20 Million dollars.  Estimates for the actual wall were estimated to be $20 BILLION dollars. John Kelly, Trump's chief of staff, told Fox News that Trump has "changed... Continue Reading →

Trump is Like Palin: They Share “Political Incompetence”

Peggy Noonan of the Conservative Wall Street Journal has consistently written in the Journal as a conservative sharing her views.  Peggy has compared Sarah Palin and Donald Trump, noting they both have " antic statements, intellectual thinness and general strangeness." She notes that "there is no hard constituency in America for political incompetence," and that is... Continue Reading →

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