If Bristol Palin is the Fifth Most Influential Conservative Under 30, The Conservative Movement is Dead!

Bristol Palin has been identified by Newsmax as the #5 person, under 30,  who best reflects the values of the conservative movement.  Bristol is so proud of the honor, she posted this on her blog. Sarah's heart hasn't soared this high since met that excited fan at one of her speeches.  She posted the announcement... Continue Reading →

Palin Admits She Didn’t Do the Job She Was Elected to Do!

Ironic is the only word to describe Sarah Palin’s interview on Newsmax.    Consider the irony  of Sarah Palin providing her perspective on the Republican Debate last night. It was ironic that Sarah Palin was using the media to bash the media. It was ironic that Newsmax was using Sarah Palin as the authority on... Continue Reading →

If Sarah Palin Represents “Newer Feminism”, I Want a Sex Change!

Newsmax magazine, the beacon of modern thought, and progressive intellect, in its wisdom has labeled Sarah Palin as a Leader of the “Newer Feminism”.  As a woman, a wife of 25 years and mother to three children, I never wanted a sex change operation until now.  Newsmax identified Palin as an “icon of the new... Continue Reading →

What Scares Me About Palin

Two days ago, I posted a blog expressing my outrage at a recent poll reported by Newsmax, identifying Palin as “now leading the GOP field as the party’s preferred candidate for president”.  (See, malialitman.wordpress.com, Money Corrupts Newsmax and Palin.)  Today we have proof that Newsmax mislead us.  Politics Daily reported on March 29th that “…the overall... Continue Reading →

Money Corrupts Newsmax and Sarah Palin

During the 2008 campaign, not being familiar with politics, but wanting to learn, I made the mistake of taking a Newsmax Poll regarding my opinion of the candidates for President.  With a name like “Newsmax”, I mistakenly assumed that this was an unbiased organization dedicated to reporting the news.  I was wrong.  Over the last... Continue Reading →

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