The Only Thing Wrong with Bristol Palin is that Sarah Palin is Her Mother

From the moment we were first introduced to Sarah Palin at the Republican National Convention in 2008, her children were on a first name basis with America.  Within three days of the convention, we learned that Bristol was pregnant.  In a press release announcing Bristol’s pregnancy, Palin also stated that Bristol would keep the baby... Continue Reading →

What’s Wrong with Sarah Palin?

A lot.  For over one year I have been researching, reading, and writing about the multitude of things that have led me to believe that Sarah Palin is unfit to serve in any capacity, at any level of government.  The list of her failings is long and impressive.  When someone asks me why I dislike... Continue Reading →

The First Dude’s Email to Sarah

In the spirit of Rush Limbaugh, who can make reference to liberals as “f’ing retards”, with little or no apology, I submit this e-mail. In effort to appeal to the “common sense” of everyone who might read this e-mail, please understand that I wrote this e-mail, it is completely fabricated and untrue.  Even though some... Continue Reading →

Career Counseling for Sarah Palin in 2013

Sarah Palin will be looking for another job by January of 2013.  Normally I would expect that she has already made enough money to provide for herself for an entire lifetime.  However since Sarah may be responsible for the lifetime support of Trig, Bristol and Bristol’s child, money could get tight, especially given Palin’s legal troubles. ... Continue Reading →

What Scares Me About Palin

Two days ago, I posted a blog expressing my outrage at a recent poll reported by Newsmax, identifying Palin as “now leading the GOP field as the party’s preferred candidate for president”.  (See,, Money Corrupts Newsmax and Palin.)  Today we have proof that Newsmax mislead us.  Politics Daily reported on March 29th that “…the overall... Continue Reading →

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