Three Professors Question Trump’s Possible Mental Instability

Trump has been known to exhibit signs of mental instability, including grandiosity, impulsivity, hypersensitivity to slights or criticism, and an apparent inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality.  Three professors  of psychiatry, including one from Harvard Medical School, have written a letter to President Obama.  These professors express "grave concern" about the mental stability of... Continue Reading →

Bristol and Sarah Failed 3rd Grade Math, 1st Grade Logic, Kindergarten Morality

Third grade is the time when most students learn about Fractions.  In First Grade students learn the logical reason that apples can't be compared to oranges.  They are different colors, different types of fruit, they grow in different parts of the country, and some people eat the skin of an apple, but nobody eats the... Continue Reading →

Bristol Palin Advertises Her Tenacious Work Ethic

Thank God Bristol Palin got some much needed rest after the arduous days spent at Dr. Jack Me-Off's office where she works.  The Daily Mail reports that Bristol "treated herself" to a "long weekend after taking Friday off to to enjoy some halibut fishing with her ex-fiance Dakota Meyer."  Except for playing hooky, Bristol has demonstrated... Continue Reading →

Bristol’s Lies Are Coming Back to Bite Her!

When Bristol pretended to be working at a dermatology clinic, we knew she rarely ...if ever...worked there.  The truth was revealed when I tried to verify her employment and was told she didn't work there.  The receptionist said she worked for Dr. Jack Me-off.  When she moved to Arizona, there was a suggestion that she... Continue Reading →

Happy Stupid Sarah Day!

Yesterday was President's Day.  Sarah Palin wished all her readers : "Happy President's Day"  from Sarah Palin on her Facebook! Sarah featured a quote she attributed to John Quincy Adams: "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." The only problem is, (as Paintchip... Continue Reading →

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