Ted Cruz is an Immigrant!

"Dragonfly" sent us a link to this clip of Heidi Cruz saying that "Ted IS an immigrant."  Thanks dragonfly for bringing this to our attention.   Here is Ted himself speaking about immigrants.   Here is Trump highlighting this admission: Heidi is a smart woman.  She attended Claremont McKenna College, graduating Phi Beta Kappa with a... Continue Reading →

Jon Stewart’s Eviscerated The Donald– Trump 2016 Slogan: “Somebody’s Doin’ the Raping”

As only Jon Stewart can do, he commented on the insanity of the Donald suggesting that Mexicans coming into this country are rapists. The truth is that 60% of illegal immigrant women and teen girls will be raped as they enter the U.S. Many of the culprits are border patrol agents.

Best “Knock-out” Punch of 2014 to Palin by the Post

Reflecting on 2014, there are many things that Sarah Palin did, and said, that were outrageous, stupid, and a lie. However the best may be that highlighted by the Washington Post. It is the best because at one time Palin praised the Post for its coverage on Obama in a Facebook post. Later she lambasted... Continue Reading →

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