Trump Exacerbates Devastating Labor Shortage

Donald Trump has repeatedly remarked on his superior intelligence. While other Presidents struggled to find time to process all the written material they needed to review, Donald Trump seems to have abundant time to watch television and send out tweets.  If he took even a few minutes to educate himself on the economic conditions... Continue Reading →

Americans Must Take Responsibility for the Election of Donald Trump

We did it.  Americans allowed Donald Trump to be elected in November of 2016.  Voter turnout in 2016 dipped to nearly its lowest point in twenty years.  Roughly 55% of voting age citizens turned out to vote in the election of our President.  In 1996 only 53.5% of people voted to re-elect Bill Clinton. Donald Trump... Continue Reading →

Sarah Palin Fails to Comment on Donald Trump’s Toxic Delusions of Grandeur

  29 is the number of "cringe-worthy" remarks made by Donald Trump in his speech to the Boy Scouts.  That speech was made on Monday night July 24th. We know from the transcript of the July 25 interview published by Politico on Tuesday, Trump challenged a Wall Street Journal reporter who said the speech had received “mixed” feedback.... Continue Reading →

With Trump, What You See is Not What You Get

  It's true.  I'm stuck in the 70's. Who could forget the Dramatics singing on Soul Train, wearing suits that were as colorful as a Unicorn. But it's hard not to remember this song when thinking of Donald Trump. "Some people are made of plastic....Some people have hearts of stone.  Some people are up to... Continue Reading →

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