A Fox News Story on Sarah Palin You Probably Missed

On November 5, 2008 I was so relieved that Sarah Palin would not be a “heartbeat away from the Presidency” that I was celebrating.  During the campaign I watched the news every night, but it was usually CNN or MSNBC.  Every time Lou Dobbs appeared on the screen I changed the channel, and if I... Continue Reading →

What’s Wrong with Sarah Palin?

A lot.  For over one year I have been researching, reading, and writing about the multitude of things that have led me to believe that Sarah Palin is unfit to serve in any capacity, at any level of government.  The list of her failings is long and impressive.  When someone asks me why I dislike... Continue Reading →

Sarah Palin’s Resignation was Predicted

Yesterday, one of the readers of this blog mentioned an article written by Andrew Halcro. The article was written on April 27, 2009, months before Palin announced her resignation as the Governor of Alaska.  What is amazing is that his article, written a year ago, is that it portended what the rest of the country... Continue Reading →

Even the Wall Street Journal Can’t Defend Sarah Palin

The Wall Street Journal is an international newspaper, published in New York, with Asian and European editions.    It has the largest circulation of any newspaper in America, with a readership of 2.1 million.  http://nytimes.com/2009/10/27/vuainwaa/mwsi/27/AUDIT.HTML.   Studies have shown that while the Journal seems to have a liberal bias in its reporting of news, the editorial portion... Continue Reading →

What Scares Me About Palin

Two days ago, I posted a blog expressing my outrage at a recent poll reported by Newsmax, identifying Palin as “now leading the GOP field as the party’s preferred candidate for president”.  (See, malialitman.wordpress.com, Money Corrupts Newsmax and Palin.)  Today we have proof that Newsmax mislead us.  Politics Daily reported on March 29th that “…the overall... Continue Reading →

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