Americans Must Take Responsibility for the Election of Donald Trump

We did it.  Americans allowed Donald Trump to be elected in November of 2016.  Voter turnout in 2016 dipped to nearly its lowest point in twenty years.  Roughly 55% of voting age citizens turned out to vote in the election of our President.  In 1996 only 53.5% of people voted to re-elect Bill Clinton.

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Donald Trump campaigned on a zero-tolerance platform for illegal immigrants.   Marcio Rubio reminded America of this policy.  Trump supporters stand with Trump on his separation of children from their parents.

While Trump reversed the “zero tolerance” policy, he is still campaigning about the evils of illegal immigration.  It seems he justifies separating babies from their mothers because some illegal immigrants who were criminals killed people.

The reality is that criminals illegally immigrate to the United States, and inflict harm.  However that is in NO WAY justification for America to inflict harm on families seeking asylum in the United States.

The realitly is that the majority of the 2,300 children who were separated from their parents are STILL separated.  There is NO indication of how or when or if they will be reunited.

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Trump’s Zero tolerance policy was predicted to result in utter disaster.   Wary of anyone else’s counsel, Trump repeatedly discarded advice from his chief of staff on how to proceed. He ignored legal warnings from his top lawyer. And he acted as his own White House communications director, a position that’s now been vacant for months.  The result was pandemonium.

In defense of his policy, Trump felt emboldened to repeat mistruths and outright lies, day after day, during extended and mostly improvised television appearances. For migrant parents still separated from their children, the President’s actions were largely ineffective. Even Trump’s political allies feel jolted and uncertain.

Trump’s decision Wednesday to order that migrant families be kept together – an abrupt reversal of his earlier stance – sowed more confusion into what was already a complicated system of law enforcement, courts, warehouse-like detention buildings and re-purposed daycare centers.  Children remain separated as the President has done nothing to facilitate the reunification of children and parents.  Children have been placed in as many as 15 separate states. Meanwhile, the court system maintains its grinding job of processing of dozens of migrants daily, fulfilling the president’s promise to punish anyone caught crossing the border illegally.

The 334 immigration judges working nationwide each juggle dockets of some 2,000 cases. The backlog has reached nearly 700,000, more than double what it was six years ago before Trump was elected.  An average case is in court for more than two years.

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Trump has claimed that “We have thousands of judges.”  However like so many other lies, Trump has lied about the number of immigration judges that are available to handle this backlog.  The truth is that there are fewer than 400 immigration judges nationwide. The number of Article III federal judges is about 1,300. Even a combination of those numbers falls far short of thousands.  Politifact rates Trump’s claim as “FALSE..”

Research has shown that removing a young child from her primary caregivers for even a short period can cause long-term psychological harm.

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The list of outrageous actions by Donald Trump grows every day.  The lies of Trump continue at such a fervent pace that we have lost track.  Americans elected Donald Trump.  Americans can send a message to  Congress that we will no longer tolerate this tyrant as the leader of our country.


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6 thoughts on “Americans Must Take Responsibility for the Election of Donald Trump

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  1. Responsibility = disentanglement from the foundational ideology of, “Born A Sinner, Needing A Savior, Waiting For Salvation”.

    Reject The Fall. Its a falacy. We already are the eternal in time. We save ourselves. And it happens in now.


  2. Americans voted. Americans elected the first Woman President in 2016. Americans cannot control the crime of rigging elections without the help of the FEC, Law Enforcement and Homeland Security doing their job. Americans were attacked and hacked. This was a crime, this was treason, this was espionage, this was criminal and those involved have NOT been arrested or convicted yet. The election should have been stopped and this crime exposed, instead it was allowed to go on and happen. Americans will never forgive those that did not act and those that enabled this crime. It is a disgrace.


  3. Excellent article.
    I loved your quotes with pictures toward the end. All are true and need to be shared.
    I truly do not understand people not voting. Two of my children no longer vote – no matter how I nudge them. They have given up on the hate and corruption. I have one daughter who is a political/news junkie like I am and we discuss politics constantly.
    I will never give up.


    1. Pat,
      I have the same problem with my kids! BecAUSE we live in Texas, they think their votes don’t matter. Imagine the possibility of Texas turning blue if everyone voted!


  4. To liberals abusing Trump admin, NEVER EVER give me the “when they go low, we go high” line EVER.

    There is no one lower than a hypocritical liberal and I am officially done with the party.


    1. Abusing the tRump administration? 2yrs of a lying con artist rigger? NO there will not be low nor high, there will be Articles of IMPEACHMENT and charges of TREASON and ESPIONAGE. There is only one thing that will make America Better today “Throw that lying SOB POS out the door” and charge him with TREASON and ESPIONAGE along with his enablers. Get It? and ANYONE not on board is a TRAITOR to America.


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