Trump is Like Palin: They Share “Political Incompetence”

Peggy Noonan of the Conservative Wall Street Journal has consistently written in the Journal as a conservative sharing her views.  Peggy has compared Sarah Palin and Donald Trump, noting they both have ” antic statements, intellectual thinness and general strangeness.”

She notes that “there is no hard constituency in America for political incompetence,” and that is what Trump continues to demonstrate.

I don’t often agree with Noonan, but this time it’s hard to argue.

However, I would add one other similarity. Both seem to use the office for personal financial gain, and seem to lack any interest in serving the people of their state or country.

Image result for trump money

10 thoughts on “Trump is Like Palin: They Share “Political Incompetence”

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  1. When I think of both Palin and DJT as a twosome, I am reminded of a remark Jeb Bush made about Palin’s inappropriateness as a VP candidate. Jeb said she lacked the necessary “intellectual curiosity” to become president, should that be required.

    At the time we all laughed at the idea of The Grifter anywhere near the WH. Little could we know a Grifter on Steroids would be in the Oval Office 8 years later!


  2. Malia – I forgot to add that if the situation in D.C. has reached the point where The WSJ is publishing a highly critical column by an ordinarily reliable conservative, maybe there’s still hope the GOTP establishment will finally grow some spines and balls.


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