Sarah and the Donald Advocate Deporting Millions of Immigrants, Costing “Gazillions” of Dollars

trump quote

Even Bill O’Reilly was amazed that Trump and Palin would suggest deportation of millions of immigrants at a cost of “gazillions” of dollars.

Palin was sporting a new hairdo, but she’s not changed anything about her knowledge of anything remotely related to current issues.


Palin references the “common sense” plan of building a fence.  We already spent Billions of dollars constructing 670 miles of single layer border fence.  That fence was built 6-9    years ago, and it cost tax payers 2.4 Billion Dollars.  The current plan for building another 700 more miles of fence is proposed to be a double layer fence.  That proposal will surely cost many more Billions of dollars because it is (1) double not single layer, (2) includes 30 more miles than the first, and (3) the cost of construction is much higher now than 6-9 years ago.

Moreover, there are 1954 miles of border between the United States and Mexico.  Even if the 700 mile fence was added, that would still leave 584 miles where people could simply drive or walk across the border.

Even a fence is no guarantee that illegal immigrants won’t come into America.

There’s a fundamental misunderstanding about what a physical barrier—even the triple-layer fencing in San Diego–actually does or doesn’t do for the agency charged with building fencing and securing the border. All it really does is buy you time where a crosser could otherwise quickly escape or assimilate. None of the fencing is impenetrable. People will eventually dig under it or cut through it or go over it, but it gives you enough time to respond and apprehend them. 

When Fox News recognizes that it is unrealistic to build a fence to keep illegal immigrants from coming into this country, it seems that Sarah Palin and the Donald should question their own common sense.


palin funny one


#sarahpalin, #thedonald, #donaldtrump, #borderfence, #illegalimmigrants

10 thoughts on “Sarah and the Donald Advocate Deporting Millions of Immigrants, Costing “Gazillions” of Dollars

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  1. “Heck, yes.” what style, what class. Palin’s squawks sound so trite, so redundant. What would she do without her 2008 sound bytes?

    She is, as the expression goes, “a mile wide and an inch deep.” She lends NOTHING to the GOTP discourse. Blaming immigrants for the loss of the Middle Class made me bar, as did her contention that the GOTP is a “pro family” party, especially since her vision has children of immigrants staying with their families *when being deported*. And resuscitating “Joe Six Pack” and “common-sense”-speak makes her even more annoying.

    Note to Palin: A fence is such a joke, given how many tunnels have been discovered.


  2. Trump and Palin do not seem to realize that it isn’t just people coming over the US-Mexico border. There are many people who come to the US legally on visas whether they are tourist/student/or whatever other types that over stay their visas once they arrive.


  3. Off-topic: Malia, have you been able to find out any more information from the NY Federal Court on the photo copyright case SarahPAC is involved in, since your update May 9th?

    It’s related to yet another copyright infringement by the Wasilla Wendigo, screwing a Utah photographer out of due credit for his photo she’s using on her Facebook page. He complained yesterday; by this time today the image was removed from her FB page.

    The original message:
    The original link:
    The message: “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now
    The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you’re not in.”


  4. Speaking of fences, Malia, isn’t there one between North Korea and South Korea? I believe it’s called the DMZ.

    Also, as I’m typing, Hungary is working as-fast-as-they-can, to build a fence on their border with Serbia. The migrants coming from Turkey to Kos, after they get their papers, rush to Macedonia. That is where they can catch a train that will take them through Serbia to the Hungarian border.

    Also, more fences are being built around the tunnel, between France and England, near Calsis in Northern France, where migrant camps are. The EU with their “open borders” are being invaded. Most migrants are trying to get to England because of their benefits. England puts them up in hotels, gives them three meals of day, free health care and 35 euros a week .

    Whatever, you probably are aware of this but when you mentioned “fences,” this all came to mind. The people smugglers are making out like bandits and that seems to be the latest criminal activity going on over there. I guess piracy on the high seas isn’t lucrative anymore.

    Sorry, do not have a link but anyone interested, can find this over at the Daily Mail.


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