$1.00 Special on Palin’s and Cain’s Books

What a deal! Newsmax greeted me this morning with a deal that is hard to pass up! Here is the full text.

Dear Reader,

Each year we conduct an incredible online store sale: Everything on the special page is just $1 each.

You get incredible items, many worth $20, even $25, for just $1 … saving you almost the full cost!

So start ordering before this offer expires in 24 hours!

Here are the great deals:

• Herman Cain’s New Book $1 … Save $24

• U.S. Border Patrol Cap $1 … Save $29

• Our Best-Selling Desert Camo Hat $1 … Save $22

• Ronald Reagan’s Greatest Laughs CD $1 … Save $14

• John Wayne’s Why I Love America CD $1 … Save $14

• Sarah Palin’s America By Heart $1 … Save $25

Click here to see all the great items. Now just $1!

Just 24 hours for this sale. Hurry, stock is limited.

There are some warnings:

First, you have only 24 hours to complete the sale … which ends this Thursday, Oct. 27th!

Second, you can only buy a maximum of 3 items.

Third, you can only purchase one of each item.

This offer will end at 12PM EST on Thursday.

Don’t miss this sale. Go Here Now!

Thank you,


WOW!   Herman Cain’s book, Sarah Palin’s book and Ronald Reagan’s Greatest Laughs each for $1.00. How could anyone resist? I’m just sorry they limit me to three items. I’d love to take advantage of the Desert Camo Hat,

or the border patrol hat,

but I guess we all have to make choices in these difficult economic times.

21 thoughts on “$1.00 Special on Palin’s and Cain’s Books

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  1. Can we trust that Cain and Palin have written the books.I doubt.If they have, I don’t want to read them,I care to much for my health.


  2. Wow! What could be better than a desert camo hat with a confederate flag on it? Hate to tell you baggers – you lost! Get over it!!!


  3. I wonder what happened to (was it?) 50,000 copies sarahpac bought of her book? Perhaps the Palin’s put them up for sale in some way? Let’s guess, if so, what are they going to do with the money?


    1. mmboucher8,
      I know that they promoted Palin’s book in the past by giving it away with a subscription to Newsmax. Now they are evidently doing the same for Cain’s book.


  4. By the way, you’re right in the thick of things to give us more on Rick Perry (and less on Sarah hopefully?) After all, he’s at least as hilarious, and Sarah is so yesterday.


      1. All you have to do is look at the perpetual smirk on his face. He just looks evil. And that SL_O_W Cain smile in his commercial is just creepy. too. I keep expecting him to say, “I am not the Devil. I am just you.”


  5. Good grief Malia! You took one for the team clicking on a Newsmax ad! During the 2008 election I clicked on a Palin ad to vote against her candidacy and it took me two years to get them out of my email inbox. What a rabid organization.


  6. Malia,

    Thanks for this mess….truly pathetic is the Snowbilly Grifter.

    Btw, I just clicked on your link and the C4P has a new link if you need to change yours – the new version has more sychophants than before~


  7. I wouldn’t pay a dollar for anything touched by Cain or Palin. I read somewhere that Cain bought up a bunch of books himself so he could make the bestseller list. Moron. His leading of the GOP polls shows just how stupid these people are. Cain and Gingrich got into this to sell books. Palin got in to make money. Perry is an attention hog who thinks he can run a country while he is running Texas into the ground. Skanks, all of them. And I feel sorry for Santorum’s wife. She will be having children until she dies,


  8. And you can’t even trust the amount “saved.” Is there any store anywhere selling Palin’s book for full price? I know Walmart is carrying it for about $7, and they couldn’t give copies away when Border’s was closing.


  9. I wouldn’t spend one red penny on anything either one of these nutjobs wrote or had written for them. Just seeing and hearing them while they spout their non-stop stupidity and ignorance is more than enough for me. It just makes me sick to my stomach that people like Palin, Cain, Santorum, Perry, Bachmann, and most of the other GOP candidates are touted as potential leaders in this country.


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