Palin Endorses Women Who Lie, and Women Who Pray While Castrating

palin amazing america flag

Sarah Palin, the Amazing American, has come out with two endorsements in Republican primaries for women running for Senate Seats; Karen Handel in Georgia, and Joni Ernst in Iowa. The logical question is “What is Sarah’s criterion for endorsements?” It’s not education, as Handel doesn’t have a college degree. It’s not a history of winning elections, as Handel lost a previous race for Governor in 2010. It seems that the critical focus in that election was her willingness to lie. During the primary race Handel denied that she had ever been a member of the Log Cabin Republicans, which was a gay rights group. In fact she had been a member in 2003 and 2004 and she signed a questionnaire affirming her support for domestic partnership benefits. Politifact rated her lie a “Pants on Fire.”

pants on fire

Sarah Palin has also endorsed Joni Ernst, who is running for the Republican nomination in Iowa. Ernst founded the Iowa Prayer Caucus. However it seems that when she isn’t praying she is castrating some animal. Joni Ernst has caught public attention because of her comments in a commercial when she advocates making Congress “Squeal,” proclaiming that she is the woman for the job because she knows how to castrate pigs.

joni earnst

Her focus on cutting pork-barrel spending is particularly ironic, since Palin was particularly fond of pork for Alaska.

Ernst has gone further with the castration image and suggested that Washington is a city of “broken down men” and “it will take a woman with a knife to fix things.”

Palin probably endorsed Handel due to her opposition to abortion. She probably endorsed Ernst for her advocacy of using a knife to castrate men. Thus, Palin supports candidates when they oppose killing an embryo, but advocates mutilating men. I wonder if Palin’s focus on castrating men is the result of being married to Todd?

todd palin sunglasses

boys will be boys

33 thoughts on “Palin Endorses Women Who Lie, and Women Who Pray While Castrating

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  1. Malia ~
    I’m surprised you didn’t remind your readers (explicitly) that Karen Handel was the political moron inside The Susan Komen Fund who was leading the Right Wing anti-abortion movement inside the company — and got fired when the organization dumped her as a way of trying to recoup on their brand.

    I hope the SK Fund has remained less than it was before the scandal because there are several other cancer-fighting organizations to give money to that merit it. And I hope your readers are not seduced by anti-PP propaganda. Planned Parenthood is the sole health resource for most poor women in America. If we leave their health to the GOP/TP, many will die.

    Good news: 6MM people have enrolled in national healthcare, which doesn’t count the many who have had state-level portals through which to acquire healthcare affordably.


    1. BW,
      I made a reference to that, but think it is worse that she told a flat out lie. I respect the right of anyone to disagree with me on abortion, but I don’t respect people on either side who lie.


  2. Well, if we were to use your criteria for electing people, many of the current office holders would be unemployed, especially the highest office, a man with zero qualifications and was elected solely due to mysterious support and grassroots (the latter being something Sarah is condemned for hypocritically)


    1. If I lived in Iowa, I would vote for the pig de-baller and hope she would castrate some of the porkers in Congress that do not support women’s healthcare, birth control and force women and girls to give birth against their will and wishes. You want pork cut then start there. Geld the Boars.

      Medicare paid 172 million for penis pumps over six years. Low T is covered, Erectile dysfunction pills are paid…..and NOW there is a new juicy pill for post menopausal women. And, the boomers and older seniors are coming down with an epidemic of STD’s. Looks like someone needs a new hobby….but Hobby Lobby isn’t squealing over paying for recreational sex….when people could be doing arts and crafts. sweet jeezus…….


      1. poached medium OMG”! Where did that statistic come from re penis pumps? I’m sure it is true, but would like to cite that in an article. Malia


      2. Medicare doesn’t cover ED pills unless you pay extra for the Medicare D Prescription Plan. The Bush Administration added Medicare D, despite a growing deficit and a lack of new funds to pay for it.


      3. Baritone Castrato,
        I appreciate that it is a serious subject, as is contraceptives for women.


      4. malialitman,
        Understood. My discomfort was mainly with the castration ad. Access to contraceptives for women is, as you say, a serious subject, so I don’t want to come across as a stick in the mud and detract from that subject. Anyway, being ball-less does not mean being humorless. Carry on.


      5. and might I add to Baritone Castrato’……..women feel the same way about their breast…….. cut the boobs off, and out…. but they do not remove “Our Sense of Humor” carry on.


    2. ROFLMAO! We certainly know who YOU voted for, don’t we, TROLL! “Zero qualifications” is laughable. Have you graduated from Harvard Law School? “mysterious support”…don’t you understand we “little people” donating $10 each, and there were a LOT of us? I don’t suppose you do. Sad little troll.


    3. Cara/carrie/nocomprends/Goofy haven’t you exceeded your 1 posting for the day? Sarah Palin in no way compares to the INTELLIGENT President Obama. Her 83 IQ(Posted on her High School Transcripts) proves that she has a learning problem. When will you be able to post a coherent comment?
      Have you been looking for a job? Aren’t your Parents tiring of your Freeloading?


    4. Carrie,
      The man that you say has zero qualifications has one HUGE qualification that your mom, I mean Sarah Palin, will NEVER have.

      He is the President of the United States of America, elected twice by the voters of the United States. He’s qualified.


    5. Heck carrie at what point did you figure that out? Bush was a dunce. Yes. But, President Obama…….so much brighter than McCain or the brainless scrawny nimwit palin. Poor thing is a complete pile of mess. And she has zero sense to get out of the spotlight. I would again vote for President Obama. Never been prouder of a USA President. Don’t always agree with him. But would vote YES again. over McCain/palin ANYDAY OR MITT/RYAN


    6. Carrie aka Troll stealing peoples names again I see? Do you think its funny that Stupid asshole insults potus? Or are you HER? Too many words to be her… hey troll FUCK off! Remember Sarah QUIT her job. She is UNELECTABLE.
      Just let her TRY to run against HILLARY a 5 planet Scorpio. She will be eaten and spit out so fast she won’t know what hit her and most likely arrested also, too 🙂


  3. Sarah LOVES the thought of castrating a man! Prolly her number 1 fantasy! I guess it would be a tossup as to whether she’d start with Tawd or POTUS. Frankly, I think she’s already gotten to Tawd. Have you SEEN Tawd??!!


    1. Hmmmmm? are you sure about that? seems sarah takes the brainless route and just gargles them for attention.


  4. “Joni Ernst has caught public attention because of her comments in a commercial when she advocates making Congress “Squeal,” proclaiming that she is the woman for the job because she knows how to castrate pigs.”

    There are a helluva’ lot of sites out there condemning her for those words. Her ad is proof she is not fit for office. It’s vile, and vulgar and shows that once again a nutjob has come out of the woodwork to run for office as a Republican.

    Youtube users questioned whether the ad is a spoof because it’s Onion material.

    Go get ’em Sarah – as usual, you sure can pick ’em.


    1. Dis Gusted,
      I can’t tell you how amazed I continue to be that each morning when I wake up, I never worry what I’ll write about as Palin can be relied upon to find people like this and either befriend them or endorse them.


  5. Am I the only one who sees Joni Ernst as a new angle for Tea Bagger jokes. Castration and tea baggers, think about it. Sounds like she’s coming to punish them.


  6. I crossed my legs by reflex when I saw Joni’s ad for the first time. Vapid smile and crazy eyes, sort of like Bachmann with a knife and a mission. The type of candidate who deserves the coveted Paylin endorsement. Mittwit’s a bit hard to figure, but that’s nothing new. The Richardson Klan can endorse Hog Lady out of biblical animal mutilation principles. Nugent’s endorsement would be priceless just because of his gravitas. Is she the next Tod Akin? Dear Lord baby Jesus, please make it so. . . .


    1. steve,
      What a combination…Palin who is known for her ignorance and lack of education, and this woman’s attack on men! Women need to find men who support women and not suggest that we should castrate men! they give the impression that women are either ball busters or stupid!


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