Palin Remains in the Final Four

Even though we have all been following the many polls regarding the Republican “potential” candidates, two new polls indicate that Sarah Palin remains among the top four contenders.

The Gallup Poll reports these results:

Huckabee ….…19%

Romney ……..15%

Palin ………….12%

Gingrich ………10%

The results of the PEW Poll are:

Romney …….. 21%

Huckabee ……19%

Palin ………….12%

Gingrich ………11%

Those of us focused on the danger of Sarah Palin as President make the following observations:

1. Palin is still in the Final Four.

2. Huckabee has not declared his intention to run, so if he should decide to throw his support behind another particular candidate, he might effectively cause a dramatic shift in the favorability ratings of any of the other three.

3. The LA Times reports that Palin’s numbers are on the decline, so perhaps we can make sure that trend continues.

4. Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Rep. Michele Bachmann have taken steps this week to indicate an intention to enter the race. While the immediate result of the involvement of each might cause Palin to declare her intentions sooner than later, the risk of Sarah Palin in the White House still seems a potential threat.

Two potential concerns seem obvious. First if there are in fact so many Republicans involved in the Primary, there may be dilution of support for all candidates, and because Palin has already established herself as proficient at attracting large sums of money from retired and unemployed people there is a risk that money will be the deciding factor. The second concern is that Palin would team up with one of the other candidates as the Vice Presidential candidate, and in essence combine the number of Republican voters for the “team.”

It seems that this is the best time to do all we can to reveal the truth behind Sarah Palin. Before the GOP or any particular candidate has irreversibly aligned themselves with her, we should do all we can to encourage each candidate to stay far away from Sarah Palin. Let’s work together to make sure that the truth comes out! Tell everyone you know to visit If you have information that should be added to the web site, please pass it on and I will add it. Thanks for your help!

17 thoughts on “Palin Remains in the Final Four

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      1. It’s telling that the only two women the GOP/tea baggers can produce as presidential hopefuls are crazy-dangerous nimrods. Oh, but they’re “attractive.” And they call US sexist for criticizing the two lunatics.


    1. “I was struck by how Palin backed away from any discussion of a presidential run when she was interviewed in India.”

      Yah, apparently Palin is still “dithering.”

      In another context she said she is “tempted” to run. “Tempted”? As in
      * the Garden of Eden
      * toying with the idea of buying a new jacket in New Delhi or running for president?
      * thinking there’s a tiara that goes with the presidential pageant?


  1. I have two worries: Bachman & Pawlenty have entered, will see they can’t win or pull many voters to their “side” and bow out for Sarah Palin, the “more popular” candidate. This would accomplish a stealth move for Sarah and she wouldn’t have to attend those pesky debates and lowly public appearances that she won’t get paid for.

    Or: She’s not running and becoming scared of what is coming in the e-mails in May or other things not revealed to the general public. In the end, she will continue to be a mouthpiece, like Limpballs, Beckster, etc., and as Bristol said “representing America”. Although that would be the government taking, denying set, ala Teabaggers who ride around on their Jazzies….


    1. There’s also the HBO movie “Game Change” and Joe McGinniss’ book coming out this fall for her to worry about.

      Frankly it’s hard for me to imagine Bachmann or Pawlenty throwing votes her way. Three narcissists helping each other? Not unless there’s something considerable in it for each of them.


  2. Huckabee has a Willie Horton around his neck:

    If Gingrich win any office in the next six years, it will be because everyone in the world will have drank from the water of forgetfulness. He’s over.

    Romney seems the best choice as he doesn’t scare the crap out of the independents. Trouble is, he scares the crap out of the Republican base.

    Mormon you know.

    This is a train wreck for the Republicans.


  3. The reality show could go in numerous ways, depending on who jumps in the ring at what time! Trump and Bachmann could rattle Sarah’s bid the most on different levels.

    Maybe Andrew Breitbart was reading into the future and Sarah Palin is going to take Oprah’s show over when she leaves this year?

    Sarah is still being used by many people in this “play.” But most definitely she needs to be exposed for what she has done to ruin other peoples lives and the outright lies she has told and is still telling.

    Malia I have a blog and have been plugging your articles through it. You are an awesome writer! It would be nice to brainstorm all the topics and titles of articles we should write that would persuade people to think a little deeper into who and what Sarah Palin stands for and how she does NOT create but destroy’s!


    1. Lynn,
      I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help in advertising this blog. It takes so much time to do the research and write the articles, that I don’t do a very good job advertising it. It’s people like you who make the difference! Thank you! Malia


      1. My Pleasure! You do a great job with humor and articles. I was thinking of writing articles, but I thought a blog that kept a tally of all news and info about Sarah would be benefical. Even articles from her lovers. You are right about getting prepared NOW for whatever she is doing? I have some idea’s. Check out my blog when you have a chance and give me some feedback.


  4. Malia, there are a LOT of Democrats hoping that Palin IS the GOP nominee for president to guarantee a second term for Obama.

    As for me, I’m still betting she won’t run. SP is simply running up her PAC monies and word-salad fees, but she doesn’t want to do the work of the presidency. (Remember “I hate this job”?) She has found a speaking/writing/tweeting niche with which to ride out another 15 minutes of fame. Even if she gets booted from Fox, there’s always Beck’s new channekl. [wink, wink; you betcha.]


  5. If the Repubs can convince Chris Christie or some other governor to run,
    Mrs Todd Paylin likely to back out, because her record won’t look good as a quitter. If it’s Mitt or Huck, she’ll likely have a chance at getting some support in early states, like Iowa or NH.

    I live in NH, and I can tell you I’ll be at most of her events protesting with posters and handouts, if she runs. Paylin has to be stopped as she is the most religious fanatic who might run for Prez in a long time.
    She is secretly a christian supremacist.

    Think about idiots like Hasse in Alaska who wants to make adultery a crime,
    or Demint, who thinks that teachers who are unwed mothers should NOT teach school!!!

    This is the cloth that the Empress is cut from, and all her religious minions like Muthee, Dobson, C Peter Wagner, and the like will have convocations in the white house planning how to rewrite our laws in their image.

    The USA cannot afford to have people trying to force religion based laws on the rest of us unrepentant agnostics and atheists


  6. I understand how some Dems hope she’s the repub candidate, they thinks this will send droves of Dems to vote because we all know she’s whacko.

    But, the other side of that is that all Repubs who hate Obama and believe what their talking head Repub politicians have been brainwashing them with since Obama won will also come out in droves to vote for her, regardless of what they think of her. I don’t think they’ll be staying home. And as much as they may want Huck or Romney or whomever over Sarah, I do think they’ll vote for her if she is their party candidate in the end. That’s what is scarey, that they’d vote for someone just because they’re on the repub ticket.

    So, we shall see……I think the repubs in the “know” has bess speed up “outting” of Palin if they don’t want a big fat mess on their hands, they created her, they should take her out of the running.


    1. M,
      I think you are right, and in the end I think the Republicans would do anything to gain power, but they may know that they can’t withstand Palin as the nominee, as she should have to produce her mental health records, and that might be ugly. If the Gop isn’t embarrassed by her yet, they would be if she has psychiatric records that would be damaging and by the time thed’d be produced she would be their only hope. Malia


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