Jews Beware, Palin is a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

For over a year, I have immersed myself into all things Palin. I have listened to a multitude of interviews given by Sarah Palin, read many blogs, reviewed articles and listened to news programs to learn all I could about the celebrity, Sarah Palin. Painful as it was, I even read “Going Rogue”. I thought I had seen her do all that a person could do to offend, but I was wrong.  Palin’s unbridled audacity has amazed me once again. On her Facebook page Palin posted a note wishing all Jewish people a Happy Passover.  Superficially, it is a nice note.  However I was amazed that Palin would pretend to embrace or respect Judaism, when she doesn’t. If you only read her note, you might think I am being too harsh, so let me explain.

My husband is Jewish and we have celebrated Passover together for at least 27 years.  I was raised Catholic, and while I haven’t converted, my kids are all being raised Jewish.  In my home we celebrate both Christian and Jewish holidays, and respect the right of everyone to celebrate their chosen faith.  Even though I don’t agree with Palin’s view of religion, I respect her right to worship as she deems appropriate.  She fails to respect beliefs different than her own.  Palin’s feigned respect for Judaism is misleading and insulting.

Reform Jews, which constitute the majority of Jews in this country, allow women to become leaders of their communities, including being Rabbis.  Evangelicals teach that a woman should be subservient to her husband. Jews embrace, and include in their congregations people who are gay and lesbian.  Palin’s church teaches that homosexuality is something they should seek to “overcome”.,8599,1837918,00.html.  If homosexuals would just pray harder, they would miraculously turn into heterosexuals.  Jews do not believe that Jesus was the son of God, and Evangelicals, like Palin, believe that a person can’t go to heaven unless they believe Jesus to be the son of God.  I guess Sarah believes that my husband and kids are going to hell.  It is these differences in religious belief that caused me to question the sincerity of Palin in wishing all Jews a “Happy Passover”.

The following are things you should know about Palin’s religious beliefs:

1.  One of the preachers in Palin’s church, is proud of the fact that he went to Africa, hunted witches, found some, and banned them from the town.  Halleluiah!

2.  The executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council, Ira Forman, cited the “cultural distance” between Palin and almost all American Jews.

“She’s totally out of step with the American Jewish community,” he said. “She is against reproductive freedom – even against abortion in the case of rape and incest. She has said that climate change is not man-made. She has said that she would favor teaching creationism in the schools. These are all way, way, way outside the mainstream.”

3. Palin has a connection to Jews for Jesus and she has supported anti-Israel Congressman Ron Paul as reported by the National Jewish Democratic Council.

4. During the limited time Palin was Governor she signed a proclamation during Christian Heritage Week in October, which stated in part:

“WHEREAS, the celebration of Christian Heritage Week, October 21-27, 2007, reminds Alaskans of the role Christianity has played in our rich heritage. Many truly great men and women of America, giants in the structuring of American history, were Christians of caliber and integrity who did not hesitate to express their faith. Some of their legacies are evidenced as follows…WHEREAS, George Washington enunciated, “animated alone by the pure spirit of Christianity, and conducting ourselves as the faithful subjects of our free government, we may enjoy every temporal and spiritual felicity.”

(If you would like to read the full text of the proclamation, See,

5. Sarah Palin’s churches are actively involved in a resurgent movement that was declared heretical by the Assemblies of God in 1949 and illustrated in the documentary, “Jesus Camp”.

6.  Palin seems to believe that everything happens because it is God’s plan.  Thus, she didn’t have to worry that she wasn’t prepared or qualified to be the Vice President because it was God’s plan that she be selected. (“Game Change”)

7. Sermons given at Palin’s church, Wasilla Bible Church, clearly depict anti-Jewish mindset.  For example, consider the sermon of David Brickner, “The Jerusalem Dilemma”, Wasilla Bible Church, 8/17/08

Brinker stated the following in his sermon:

“In fact, Israelis don’t even know how to say Jesus’ name in Hebrew, which is Yeshua, but they call Him ‘Yeshu.’ And Yeshu…it’s a name that…it’s not really a name. It’s a name that was given to Jesus by medieval rabbis who wanted to actually pronounce a malediction, a curse, on Him. And so ‘Yeshu’ is actually an acrostic for “Yimach

Sh’mo V’zichro,” from the Psalms, a malediction that says “May his name and memory be blotted out.”

God never forces His way on human beings. And so because Jerusalem was unwilling to receive His grace, judgment was coming. He says, “Look, your house has left you desolate!” What did He mean by that? Remember where He is. He’s standing in the temple there in Jerusalem, the place where God had promised, through Moses, “There I will meet with you, there I will hear your prayers, and there I will forgive your sin.” And now Jesus in that temple, just before going to the cross, says, ‘From now on this place is desolate.’ And Jesus’ words have echoed down through the centuries. Not a generation after He uttered this promise, Titus and his Roman legions marched into that city and destroyed both the city and the temple. And from that day until this very present there has been no temple, and there is therefore no sacrifice in Judaism. Only we could sacrifice in…the only place was in the temple. And therefore there has been, and there is today, no confidence of atonement, no confidence of forgiveness. If you were to stand outside of a synagogue on the day of atonement and ask those leaving the service, “Did God hear your prayers? Were your sins forgiven on this most holy of all days?” the answer would be, “I hope. I hope, but who can know?” Who indeed but those of us who have come under the wings of the Almighty, who’ve entered into that place of grace where forgiveness is assured for the dilemma of human life.

‘You will not see Me until you can acknowledge Me as the One who’s come, as the stone once rejected by the builders, but now the chief, until you say “Jesus, You’re the Messiah!”’

When my family conducts our Passover Seder, the last page of our prayer book includes a concluding prayer:

“…And let us pray that all humankind, freed from violence and from wrong, and united in an eternal covenant of mutual esteem and love, will celebrate a universal Passover in the name of the God of Freedom.”

Sarah Palin does not seem to adhere to the notion that all of humankind should be freed from violence and wrong when she herself inspired violence by posting targets on her Facebook page identifying those Congressmen who voted for health care reform, and making a reference to “re-loading”.  I don’t think Palin knows what a “covenant of mutual esteem and love” would include.  Even if she “loves her neighbor”, there are no Jewish Temples in Wasilla, so Jews wouldn’t fall under the strict definition of “her neighbor”.

8 thoughts on “Jews Beware, Palin is a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

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  1. I’ve been following your blog for awhile. Like you, I have been following everything Palin. Thanks for your perspective this morning in regard to Jewish practices and beliefs.

    We know that Sarah doesn’t write her own Facebook notes. I imagine that she is given a chance to read what is being posted, but we both know that she is intellectually aloof and will sign her name to whatever someone puts in front of her…no questions asked. It’s all about keeping her name in the news and generating interest in all things Sarah Palin.


  2. Malia, I am distressed at how these people are using the Jewish faith for their own purposes. This preacher in Houston, John Hagee, is a nut who draws 20,000 membership, and claims to support the state of Israel. What they believe is the story of Armegeddon, where Jesus returns and saves 300,00 jews who have accepted him and then destroys the rest (At least, I think that is how the story goes) I was shocked that a famous Jewish author and activist, spoke at his church. The hypocracy of these people is amazing. They want to be sure that every seed becomes a child, never mind what the circumstances are, they won’t support social services to adequately support the single mothers who choose to have their babies, they send young men and women off to wars ,that are unnecessary, to kill the children of other mothers, they support the death penalty,where many on death row are being proven innocent. If they are pro-life, then they should be consistent. They like to emphasize God’s wrath, but not his love and compassion, and his concern for all humankind. They think that they share, but only if you accept their way as the only way, so they share with their own believers. They believe that they live in abundance because God’s blessing rests om them for their faithfulness. They believe the poor, hungry,and homeless are in that condition because they have turned their back on God. I know this, because I used to be one of them (only not quite as radical) and still have relatives who are stuck in a time warp, which they are absolutely free to do. I want the same freedom. My spouse, who is deceased, was jewish. We shared many values, compassion, activists for equal rights, especially women and girls who still do not have equality everywhere . We also shared our love of family, and were accepted in both of our families. We had both been married and each had 4 children. Her children and grandchildren stay in touch with me and are dear to me, as well as her brother and his family. We are both liberal and altruistic. In fact that was one of the first things I noticed and admired. I have lived long enough to judge what works for me, and I try to pattern my life that way. I’m sure that I fail at times, but I think we are only called to do our best, with the knowledge that we have at that time., and we continue to gain more knowledge. I found that surrounding myself with positive, like-minded people and working to make all lives better, gives me inspiration and guidance. We are all in this together, whether we accept it or not. So I am happy to leave my after-life as a mystery, and trust the one who sent me here, to take me home.


  3. Every seed becomes a child? Sorry, it seems you guys are arguing against a caricature of the right wing – or at best the worst informed amongst them – sort of like how Rush Limbaugh takes some nut bar progressives and argues against them as if they represent all progressives. I agree, the right is irrational in not wanting to use unused embryos for therapeutic cloning or research (they wouldn’t be used anyway). But they’re just arguing it is immoral to use these embryos for our benefit – not that they should all be implanted in artificial wombs and made into people.

    Also, I wish you were right about Palin not being a friend of the Jews, I’m afraid by all indications she is even more of a tool to the Zionists than Bush was. She’s never indicated she would help in the Gaza rebuilding as Obama did, or take Israel to task for their illegal construction in Jerusalem and the occupied territories. If anything, she would make the US even more a slave to Israel’s interests then we already are!!


  4. I find the following quote interesting and though I am not Christian or Jew but a Vedic Spiritualist I think it is surely telling of how far our collective mistaken intellect has drifted from our Natural Law moorings, our own essential Nature, the Self of all, the Unity of Love. It seems that the spiritual revelation to which all religion originally lead us is dead. Or it may be said that only the dead bodys remain, only lifeless dead religions. If this were not so we would all be so full with ever expanding, ever fullest inner light that the road to our joyous personal experiences would care little of the particular religion or road on which we arrived at the blessed goal. And think about it now isn’t true that the road to a destination becomes worthless when one arrives at the goal of the journey. Please all learn to Meditate and see if I’m not correct TM is the reason I embrace all cultures all religion, because they are only a “road” to the universal goal. We have mistaken the road for the goal and are so firmly glued to the road we can never arrive at the goal.
    Your quote follows:

    “She’s totally out of step with the American Jewish community,” he said. “She is against reproductive freedom – even against abortion in the case of rape and incest. She has said that climate change is not man-made. She has said that she would favor teaching creationism in the schools. These are all way, way, way outside the mainstream.”
    All expressions of mistaken intellect–pure ignorance dear ones…


  5. Given that you’re Catholic, you do realize that you are obligated to raise your children Catholic, right ?

    Extra Ecclesia Nulla Salus

    Check out New Advent for more information on the teaching. Likewise this site for information on The Faith:

    Likewise, a Catholic under pain of Mortal Sin CANNOT partake in Jewish religious life as those things were abrogated by The Church.

    I think it only fair to mention it.


  6. I was looking for your blog critical of Hussein Obamas church…. But mysteriosly couldnt find such a blog. At least everyone understands where you are coming from. Amazing the extreme double standards applied to sarah palin when we have a president who repeatedly stumbles off the teleprompter and a VP who cant put two sentences together without a gaff or simply rediculous statement.. I wish you some day to be a woman running for President against Obama… I can think of 2 who were essentiAlly raped by Obamas machine… First Hillary, then Sarah.


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